Deutsch-Französische Hochschule/Université franco-allemande: Language and Dynamic Representations: Articulatory Phonology and Prosody (2 Workshops, 2017-2018)
UoC Excellence Initiative: DSLC - Dynamic Structuring in Language and Communication (Emerging Group, 2014-2016)
UoC Excellence Initiative: ProConIn - Prosody and Conversational Interaction: A Study of Vietnamese and German Dialogues (Postdoc Grant, 2014-2016)
DFG: TIV - Tone and Intonation in Vietnamese (2013-2016)
DFG: DASS (Phase II) – Degrees of Activation and Focus-Background Structure in Spontaneous Speech – The Relation between Prosodic Marking and Syntactic and Semantic Structure Building (2013-2016)
Volkswagenstiftung: ToPIQQ – Tonal Placement – the Interaction of Qualitative and Quantitative Factors (2013-2015) ToPIQQ: Tonal Placement – the Interaction of Qualitative an d Quantitative Factors
Volkswagenstiftung: PAGE – Prosodic and gestural entrainment in conversational interaction across diverse languages (2013-2015)
SSHRC Insight Grant: (Marc Brunelle, Ottawa; Martine Grice, Köln; Kieu-Phuong Ha, Köln): Prosodic Typology: Insights from Vietnamese and Eastern Cham (2012-2015)
DFG: DASS – Degrees of Activation and Focus-Background Structure in Spontaneous Speech – The Relation between Prosodic Marking and Syntactic and Semantic Structure Building (2009-2013)
European Commission, Marie Curie Grant: COMMES – A Corpus of Maltese and Maltese English Speech (2009-2012)
DFG: TAMIS – Tonal and Articulatory Marking of Information Structure: Kinematic and Acoustic Correlates of Accentuation (1. Phase 2006-2009, 2. Phase 2009-2012)
DFG: STRETTS – Structure of Tonal Representations - Evidence from Tune-Text Synchronisation (2005-2009)
Volkswagenstiftung: Persuasive Communication in WOLOF (2004-2007)
DFG: Grenzmarkierungen in deutschen Komposita (in Kooperation mit Freiburg) - Kölner Teil: Artikulatorische Analyse mit Elektropalatographie