Tabea Thies and Aviad Albert receive Offermann-Hergarten Prize 2024
The Offermann-Hergarten Foundation has awarded the Offermann-Hergarten Prize 2024 to Tabea Thies, for her work "Tongue Body Kinematics in Parkinson's Disease: Effects of Levodopa and Deep Brain Stimulation", and Aviad Albert, for his work "A Model of Sonority Based on Pitch Intelligiblity". The foundation promotes young academics at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Cologne by awarding them funding for their outstanding achievements.
Justine Merz receives Early Career Researcher Award from the Sign Language Linguistics Society
Justine Mertz presented her work on sign language kinematics and prosodic modulations at the TISLR15 conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Kinematics were carried out using the EMA machines to track the movements in a 3D space. Justine won the Early Career Researcher (ECR) Award from the Sign Language Linguistics Society (SLLS)! TISLR (Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research) is one of the most important conferences in the field of Sign Language.
Simona Sbranna receives IPA Award for best PhD thesis
Simona Sbranna has been awarded with the IPA Thesis Award 2024 for the best PhD thesis in the field of phonetics for her thesis on "Developing linguistic competence in second language learning: Fluency and prosody in Italian learners of German". As part of the award, the International Phonetic Association (IPA) will grant her a free IPA membership for 3 years, one conference travel funding of up to 300 EUR, and the offer to publish one paper free of charge in the Journal of the International Phonetic Association (JIPA). Congratulations!
Simon Wehrle gives keynote talk at Multimodality in Social Interactions workshop
Simon Wehrle gave a keynote talk at the "Multimodality in Social Interactions (2.0)" workshop in Marseille. His talk was entitled "Gaze, intonation, and turn-taking across neurotypes and conversational contexts". The workshop focussed on various theoretical and methodological aspects in the field of multimodal communication and social interactions in humans and nonhumans (
Hauke Lindstädt receives faculty award for outstanding M.A. theses
Congratulations! Hauke Lindstädt received the faculty award for outstanding M.A. theses by the University of Cologne's Faculty of Arts and Humanities (2024 summer semester). His thesis, which was supervised by Prof. Martine Grice, is entitled "Can you believe that? The prosody of non genuine polar questions in English".
Doris Mücke gives keynote speech at the ISSP 2024
Doris Mücke has given a keynote address on "Multidimensionality of prosodic prominence: From neurotypical to atypical speech patterns" at the 13th International Seminar on Speech Production, which took place from 13-17 May in Autrans, France. The ISSP was focused on different aspects of speech production including articulation, acoustics, neural substrates, motor control, disorders, and their links to perception, communication, development and language.
Innovation Award of the German Parkinson Foundation for Tabea Thies
Tabea Thies was awarded the Innovation Award of the Parkinson Foundation in the category of Clinical Research at the German Congress for Parkinson's and Movement Disorders. She receives the prize of €100,000 for the project "Speech Motor Biomarkers in Parkinson's Disease". The project aims to expand current knowledge about speech motor deficits in individuals with Parkinson's disease in order to develop speech-based biomarkers for diagnostic and therapeutic speech interventions. To achieve this, the earliest onset of speech motor changes in isolated REM sleep behavior disorder and Parkinson's disease will be determined, enabling early detection of both conditions through automated speech recognition and facilitating early intervention therapies.
Stefan Baumann gives keynote presentation at DGfS Workshop
Stefan Baumann gave a keynote talk at a workshop on Prosody in Focus: Prominence Marking from Multiple Perspectives, as part of the 2024 annual meeting of the DGfS in Bochum. His talk was entitled "Multimodal Prosodic Prominence and its Role in Marking Information Structure".
A successful ending for the Virtual Transnational Linguistic Project (ViTraLiP)
The co-operative teaching project between the University of Cologne (Universität zu Köln) and the Paris Cité University (Université Paris Cité), which has developed from the Paris-Cologne Joint Seminar on "Variability in Speech Production and Perception" has officially come to an end. At the End-of-Semester Meeting held in person in Cologne, students were invited to share their collaborative semester projects amongst each other and attend a guest lecture from Mark Tiede, the invited expert, on different acoustic and articulatory techniques of measuring speech production and multimodality.
Learn more here.
Martine Grice gives keynote speech at Interspeech 2023
Martine Grice gave a keynote talk in Dublin at Interspeech 2023 the world’s largest and most comprehensive conference on the science and technology of spoken language processing. Her talk was entitled "What’s in a Rise? The Relevance of Intonation for Attention Orienting".
Presenting the Virtual Transnational Linguistic Project (ViTraLiP)
ViTraLiP is an international, co-operative teaching project between the University of Cologne (Universität zu Köln) and the Paris Cité University (Université Paris Cité). It has developed from the Paris-Cologne Joint Seminar on "Variability in Speech Production and Perception" (part of EduVEnture Cologne - IVAC 2021/2022), and is made possible thanks to funding provided by the DAAD. Its main focus is on the collaborative development of interdisciplinary linguistic projects and the presentation of virtual student projects in the field of experimental phonetics.
Learn more here.
Doris Mücke receives Labex EFL International Chair 2023
We are pleased to announce that Doris Mücke received the Labex EFL International Chair at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris, France. As part of this, she is giving a series of lectures on Speech Dynamics. The lectures are affiliated to the Laboratories of Excellence (Empirical Foundations of Linguistics). More information can be found here.
Obituary for Georg Heike (1933 - 2023)
We have received the sad news that our former institute director, Georg Heike, passed away in January 2023.
He was a phonetician, composer and much more for us.
Simona Sbranna awarded the Franco Ferrero Award for best paper

Congratulations to Simona Sbranna, who has been awarded the Franco Ferrero Award as author of the best article to appear in the forthcoming AISV series (Associazione Italiana di Scienze della Voce) 2023. The awarded article "S. Sbranna, S. Wehrle & M. Grice, The use of Backchannels and other Very Short Utterances by Italian learners of German", presented at the 18th AISV 2022 Conference held in Naples, can be downloaded here (preprint version).
NeuroSpeech workshop in Cologne – 20 June, 2022!
This hybrid and interdisciplinary workshop aims to strengthen the international cooperation between neurologist and speech scientists working on neurospeech data. We look forward to discussing topics of speech motor control in the scientific and clinical context. For further details take a look at our schedule on the left.
Everyone who is interested in the workshop is welcome.
You can participate on site or online and the registration is free of charge.
Learn more about the event HERE.
Transnational teaching - We are part of the EduVEnture Cologne (IVAC)
We participate in the transnational teaching projects organized by the EduVEnture Cologne (IVAC). This is a virtual exchange program between the Université de Paris (Ioana Chitoran, Department of Linguistics) and the University of Cologne (Doris Mücke and Simon Rössig, IfL-Phonetik). Together we teach the MA course “Joint seminar on variability in speech production and perception” this semester. Invited speakers are Doug Whalen from Haskins Laboratories (New Haven) and Georgia Zellou (University of California). The course has been a success and is a look into the future of transitional teaching. The students from Paris and Cologne benefit from the connection of the experimental linguistic laboratories. A real-life exchange is also planned.
Simon Roessig receives Offermann-Hergarten Prize 2021
Dr. Simon Roessig has been awarded the Offermann-Hergarten Prize of the University of Cologne's Faculty of Arts and Humanities for his book Categoriality and continuity in prosodic prominence. The Offermann-Hergarten Foundation promotes young academics in the Humanities by awarding them with a monetary prize for their published work.
Congratulations Simon!
Lena Pagel receives special mention for Best Oral Presentation at PaPe 2021
Congratulations! – Lena Pagel has been awarded a special mention for Best Oral Presentation for her talk on "Prominence relations and articulatory modifications in habitual and loud speech” at the 4th Phonetics and Phonology in Europe. The conference was held virtually from 21–23 June 2021. See the Student Award winners here.
Special Issue: Prosodic Prominence – A Cross-Linguistic Perspective
The special issue in Language and Speech on "Prosodic Prominence – A Cross-Linguistic Perspective", edited by Martine Grice and Frank Kügler, is out now. Read here.
Tabea Thies on the opportunities and challenges of a practice-based doctorate in times of the pandemic
As a scholarship holder in the Integrated Track and Mercator Fellow at a.r.t.e.s., Tabea Thies is completing her doctorate with a thesis on the influence of levodopa and deep brain stimulation on the speech dynamics of patients with Parkinson's disease. In this interview, she talks about her promising work and the practical phase of her doctorate during the coronavirus pandemic.
Martine Grice gives keynote address
Martine Grice gave a keynote address on Autosegmental Phonology at the annual conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS). The conference took place at the University of Freiburg (via zoom) from 23 to 26 February 2021.
Tobias Schröer awarded Faculty Prize of the University of Cologne
Congratulations! Tobias Schröer receives the Faculty Award (WS 2020/21) of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Cologne for his bachelor thesis on the topic: ‘Investigating potential acoustic correlates of sonority: Intensity vs. periodic energy’.
Special Issue: Journal of Phonetics
Leo Spitzer Prize 2020 for Martine Grice
Martine Grice was awarded the Leo Spitzer Prize 2020 for outstanding academic achievements.
Information about the winners of the Future Prizes 2020 can be found here.
Call for Papers: Special issue of Languages
We are pleased to announce the call for papers for our special issue on "Aging- and Disease-related Changes in Speech Production”. The guest editors are: Anne Hermes, Antje Mefferd and Tabea Thies. More info can be found here.
Prosody Visualisation Challenge at ICPhS
Congratulations to Aviad Albert, Francesco Cangemi and Martine Grice for winning the Prosody Visualisation Challenge at the International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences in Melbourne this month. Their poster was entitled “Can you draw me a question?”. The Phonetics lab was well represented International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences with five talks plus an invited talk in the satellite workshop "Intonational Phonology of Typologically Rare or Understudied Languages".