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Forschungskolloquium (SS 15)

Soweit nicht anders angegeben, montags 16:00 - 17:30

  • 20.4.    IfL Phonetik, Köln, Seminarraum

    Diana Dimitrova (MPI for Psycholinguistics Nijmegen and Radboud University Nijmegen): Prosody, focus and attention in language processing (Abstract)

  • 27.4.    IfL Phonetik, Köln, Seminarraum

    Martin Kohlberger (Leiden University - Centre for Linguistics): How nasal does a nasal have to be? Insights from the Upper Amazon (Abstract)

  • 7.5. (Donnerstag)    Radboud University Nijmegen

    Nijmegen-Cologne Prosody Workshop: Programm (inkl. Symposium ‘Prosody in written and spoken modality’ am 6.5.)

  • 22.6. (15:30-17:45)    IfL Phonetik, Köln, Seminarraum

    15:30-16:30 Adam Ussishkin (University of Arizona, Tucson): Morphological and phonological aspects of Maltese spoken word recognition (Abstract)

    16:45-17:45 Andrew Wedel (University of Arizona, Tucson): Lexical competion-driven hyperarticulation is phonetically specific relative to particular competitors (Abstract)

  • 25.6. (Donnerstag, 17:00-18:00)    IfL Phonetik, Köln, Seminarraum

    Lawrence M. Solan (Brooklyn Law School, NY) & Silvia Dahmen (IDSL 2, Universität Köln): Legal Indeterminacy in the Spoken Word (Abstract)
