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Katinka Wüllner (Bibliothek)

Institut für Linguistik - Phonetik
Herbert-Lewin-Str. 6
D-50931 Köln

Telefon: (+49) 0221 - 470 7047
Fax: (+49) 0221 - 470 5938


Student assitant for the library.

Teaching Assistance

  • Summer term 2022: Seminar Laboratory Phonology – Akustik, with apl. Prof. Dr. Stefan Baumann.
  • Summer term 2021: Seminar Laboratory Phonology – Akustik, with apl. Prof. Dr. Stefan Baumann.
  • Winter term 2020/2021: Projektseminar Laboratory Phonology, with Dr. Christine T. Röhr.
  • Summer term 2020: Seminar Laboratory Phonology – Akustik, with apl. Prof. Dr. Stefan Baumann.


  • Summer term 2024: Übung Phonetik und Phonologie I
  • Summer term 2023: Übung Phonetik und Phonologie I
  • Summer term 2022: Übung Phonetik und Phonologie I
  • Summer term 2021: Übung Phonetik & Phonologie I, with Alicia Janz
  • Summer term 2020: Übung Phonetik & Phonologie I, with Alicia Janz

