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Janne Lorenzen M.A.

Institut für Linguistik - Phonetik
Herbert-Lewin-Str. 6
D-50931 Köln


Telefon: (+49) 0221 - 470 7047
Fax: (+49) 0221 - 470 5938

PhD Project

Individual variability in the encoding and decoding of prosodic prominence relations (working title)

in association with SFB 1252 - A07 - Metrical prominence - Scales and Structures

Publications and Talks


  • Lorenzen, Janne & Stefan Baumann (2024). Weighting the effects of prosodic, semantic-pragmatic and syntactic cues on the perception of prominence in German. Poster presentation at CROSSIN: Intonation at the crossroads,
    Speech Prosody 2024 satellite workshop.
  • Lorenzen, Janne & Stefan Baumann (2024). Does communicative skill predict individual variability in the prosodic encoding of lexical and referential givenness? Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2024, Leiden, The Netherlands.
  • Baumann, Stefan & Janne Lorenzen (2024). Boosting or inhibiting - How semantic-pragmatic and syntactic cues affect prosodic prominence relations in German. PLoS ONE 19(4), e0299746.
  • Lorenzen, Janne, Simon Roessig & Stefan Baumann (2024). Paradigmatic and syntagmatic effects of information status on prosodic prominence – Evidence from an interactive web-based production experiment in German. Frontiers in Psychology 15, 1296933. [Special Issue "Experimental Approaches to the Acquisition of Information Structure", edited by Tania Leal, Bradley Hoot, Stavros Skopeteas, Joseph Casillas and Oksana Laleko]


  • Lorenzen, Janne (2023). Individual differences in the encoding of discourse-related contrasts via prosodic prominence in German. Voices in Contexts - A workshop on the prosody-pragmatics interface for early career researchers, Cologne, Germany. 12.-13.10.2023
  • Baumann, Stefan & Janne Lorenzen (2023). Testing the influence of multiple discourse-related cues on prosodic strength relations. 19. Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P19), University of Bern, Switzerland. 06.-07.10.2023
  • Lorenzen, Janne, Simon Roessig & Stefan Baumann (2023). Redundancy and Individual Variability in the Prosodic Marking of Information Status in German. 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS). Prague, Czech Republic. 07.-11.08.2023
  • Lorenzen, Janne, Simon Roessig & Stefan Baumann (2023). Exploring individual strategies in prosodic marking of information status in German. Poster presentation at 5th Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE). Nijmegen, the Netherlands. 02.-04.06.2023
  • Kabak, Baris & Janne Lorenzen (2023). A corpus study of forestressing in African American English. 5th Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE). Nijmegen, the Netherlands. 02.-04.06.2023
  • Lorenzen, Janne (2023). Acoustic correlates of word-level prominence in Turkish. Speech Units Workshop. University of Zurich, Switzerland. 17.-19.04.2023
  • Kabak, Baris & Janne Lorenzen (2023). The final word on word-final prominence: Multifarious evidence for stress in Turkish. 8th Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic (TU+8). Harvard University, USA. 04.-05.03.2023


  • Lorenzen, Janne, Simon Roessig & Stefan Baumann. (2022). Individual variability in the prosodic encoding of information status in German. Poster presented at 18. Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P18), University of Bielefeld, Germany. 06.-07.10.2022
  • Kabak, Baris & Janne Lorenzen. (2022). Is forestressing in African American English still alive? An empirical investigation using CORAAL. 9th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (BICLCE 2022), University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. 15.-17.09.2022
  • Lorenzen, Janne, Simon Roessig & Stefan Baumann. (2022). Syntagmatic and paradigmatic effects of information status on prosodic prominence relations in German – an online production task. Poster presented at LabPhon18 (virtual conference), 23.-25.06.2022
  • Roessig, Simon, Janne Lorenzen & Stefan Baumann. (2022). Evidence for a prosodic prominence budget in German utterances. Poster presented at 3rd International Conference "Prominence in Language" (ICPL III), University of Cologne, Germany, 02.-03.06.2022
  • Kabak, Baris & Janne Lorenzen. (2022). Grammar-external and structural factors predict the rate of forestressing in African American English: A corpus study. Poster presented at 3rd International Conference "Prominence in Language" (ICPL III), University of Cologne, Germany, 02.-03.06.2022
  • Lorenzen, Janne, Simon Roessig & Stefan Baumann (2022). Information status and tonal context jointly modulate prosodic prominence relations in German. Speech Prosody 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.


  • Lorenzen, Janne & Kabak, Barış. (2021). Forestressing in African American English: Social and Structural Factors. 15. International PAC Conference - Spoken English Varieties: Redefining and Representing Realities, Communities and Norms. University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès, France. 01-03.09.2021
  • Lorenzen, Janne. (2021). Full and partial vowel devoicing in Turkish and the role of prosodic prominence. 4th Phonetics and Phonology in Europe. Barcelona. 21.-23.06.2021


  • Kabak, Barış & Lorenzen, Janne. (2020). Paradigm leveling and regularization derive variation in stress: A corpus study on Turkish non-final stress at the morphology-phonology interface. In: A. Gürer, D. Uygun Gökmen & B. Öztürk (Eds.), Morphological complexity within and across boundaries. In honour of Aslı Göksel, 194-210. Studies in Language Companion Series (SLCS). John Benjamins.


  • Lorenzen, Janne & Kabak, Barış. (2019). Structural factors in the emergence, persistence and regularization of exceptional stress patterns in Turkish. 4. Edinburgh Symposium on Historical Phonology. University of Edinburgh. 09.-10.12.2019
  • Lorenzen, Janne. (2019). The acquisition of weight-insensitive final stress in disyllabic Turkish words by naïve German listeners. Forum für junge Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum. Universität Düsseldorf. 25.09.2019
  • Lorenzen, Janne. (2019). Social stratification of forestressing in African American English: A corpus phonological approach. 9. Forum Junge Englische Linguistik. Universität Bayreuth. 12.-13.09.2019
  • Lorenzen, Janne, Kabak, Barış & Himmel, Marie-Christin. (2019). Structural concomitants of final vs. non-final stress reveal how two separate stress systems evolved in Turkish: Evidence from a database study. 16. Old World Conference on Phonology. University of Verona, Italy. 16.-18.01.2019


  • SoSe 2024
    Seminar: Laboratory Phonology – Akustik, IfL-Phonetik, Universität zu Köln
  • SoSe 2023
    Seminar: Laboratory Phonology – Akustik, IfL-Phonetik, Universität zu Köln (with Maria Lialiou & Alicia Janz)
  • SoSe 2020
    Tutorium: Introduction to English Linguistics, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
  • WiSe 2019/20
    Tutorium: Introduction to English Linguistics, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
  • SoSe 2019
    Tutorium: Introduction to English Linguistics, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
  • WiSe 2018/19
    Tutorium: Introduction to English Linguistics, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
  • SoSe 2018
    Tutorium: Introduction to English Linguistics, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

Event Organization

  • Voices in Contexts: A Workshop on the Prosody-Pragmatics Interface for Early Career Researchers, 12.-13.10.2023, Cologne, Germany (with Maria Lialiou, Malin Spaniol & Timo Buchholz)
  • LingCologne 2023: Prediction in Language, 16.-17.06.2023, Cologne, Germany (Co-Organization)
  • PhD Forum “Open Science and Me” at DGfS 2023, 07.03.2023, (with Katharina Gayler, Malin Spaniol, Mandy Lorenzen & Barbara Zeyer)

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