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Forschungskolloquium Köln-Bonn (SS 11)

(Soweit nicht anders angegeben, jeweils montags - Uhrzeit siehe unter jeweiligem Termin)

  • 9.5.     14-15:30     IfL Phonetik, Köln, Seminarraum

    Yiya Chen (Leiden University Center for Linguistics & Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition): Representation and Processing of Pitch Variation

  • 23.5.     14-17     IfL Phonetik, Köln, Seminarraum

    Forschungskolloquium zum Thema "Backchannels"
    Präsentationen von 30 Minuten (20 Min. Vortrag + 10 Min. Diskussion)
    Elina Savino (Bari): Intonational strategies for backchanneling in Italian Map Task dialogues

    Sandra Vella (Malta): Backchanneling strategies and intonation in Maltese Map Task dialogues

    Sebastian Kaiser (Germanistik, Wuppertal): Intonation and sentence mood

    Magdalena Müller (Phonetik, Köln): Prosodie von Hörersignalen in deutschen Telefongesprächen

    Phuong Ha (Phonetik, Köln): Linguistic and affective meanings of one-word utterances in Northern Vietnamese

  • 30.5.     14-15:30     IfL Phonetik, Köln, Seminarraum

    Bodo Winter (University of California, Merced, Dept. of Cognitive and Information Sciences; MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Dept. of Linguistics): Incomplete Neutralization and the Nature of Final Devoicing in German

  • 8.6.     18-19:30     IfL Phonetik, Köln, Seminarraum

    Petra Wagner & Zofia Malisz (Universität Bielefeld): Dynamical Modeling of Dialogue Feedback - Preliminary Results

  • 20.6.     10-11:30     (im Rahmen des Hauptseminars "Advanced Intonation Studies")     IfL Phonetik, Köln, Seminarraum

    Caterina Petrone (ZAS, Berlin): The contribution of the prenuclear contour on the representation and meaning of intonation

  • 27.6.     14-15:30     IfL Phonetik, Köln, Seminarraum

    Yuki Asano (Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Konstanz): The change of prosodic features in the reinforcement of utterances: A study of native and non-native speakers of Japanese and German
