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Prof. Dr. Martine Grice

Professor of Phonetics

Director Phonetics Laboratory

Board member Collaborative Research Center Prominence in Language (until 2022 co-speaker)

Principal Investigator in Key Profile Area Skills and Structures in Language and Cognition (SSLAC)

Institut für Linguistik - Phonetik
Herbert-Lewin-Str. 6
D-50931 Köln

E-Mail: martine.grice@uni-koeln.de
Telefon: (+49) 0221 - 470 5610
Fax: (+49) 0221 - 470 5938

Sprechstunde: nach vorheriger Absprache über phonetik@uni-koeln.de

Martine Grice on Google Scholar and ResearchGate

I have a strong commitment to fair open access publishing. I am on the advisory board of Language Science Press and editor in chief of a book series with this publisher Studies in Laboratory Phonology. As president of the Association for Laboratory Phonology I participated in founding Linguistics in Open Access and was responsible for negotiating the move to fair open access of the journal Laboratory Phonology and securing long-term support from the Open Library of the Humanities. See here for an editorial by Mirjam Ernestus and myself. Along with Mary Beckman, I am Labphon representative in the Free Journal Network.

Editor in Chief Studies in Laboratory Phonology (Language Science Press)

Board member Journal of Phonetics, Laboratory Phonology and Italian Journal of Linguistics

Past President of the Association for Laboratory Phonology

Founder and standing committee member of Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE conferences 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2023)

Permanent advisory council member Speech Prosody Special Interest Group

Past council member of the International Phonetic Association

Board member of the Free Journal Network


Listen to a podcast with Martine Grice and Bodo Winter on the replicability crisis in linguistics.

Martine Grice was awarded the Leo Spitzer Prize 2020 for outstanding academic achievements

Key Publications

  • Wehrle, Simon, Martine Grice & Kai Vogeley (2023) Filled Pauses Produced by Autistic Adults Differ in Prosodic Realisation, but not Rate or Lexical Type. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-023-06000-y
  • Sbranna, Simona, Caterina Ventura, Aviad Albert and Martine Grice (2023). Prosodic marking of information status in Italian, Journal of Phonetics 97, 101212,  Preprint https://psyarxiv.com/qx4zg
  • Grice, Martine, Alexandra Vella & Anna Bruggeman (2019) Stress, pitch accent, and beyond: Intonation in Maltese questions, Journal of Phonetics, 76. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wocn.2019.100913
  • Grice, Martine, Michelina Savino, & Timo B. Roettger (2018). Word final schwa is driven by intonation – the case of Bari Italian. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA) 143:4, 2474-2486. [www] [free preprint]
  • Grice, Martine, Simon Ritter, Henrik Niemann & Timo B. Roettger (2017). Integrating the discreteness and continuity of intonational categories. Journal of Phonetics 64: 90-107. [Author's preprint]

Research Focus

  • Intonation and Prosody

  • Laboratory Phonology

  • Phonetic Theory

My main research interest is intonational phonology, focussing on the structure of tonal representations and their phonetic correlates, with a view to incorporating discrete and continuous aspects of intonation into a unified descriptive framework. I am working on this topic with Aviad Albert and Francesco Cangemi. The work not only involves quantification of the multiple parameters involved in characterizing intonational categories, but also on visualizing intonation contours in a way that corresponds to our perception. For this we won the Prosody Visualization Challenge in Melbourne in 2019.
As part of my effort to establish the descriptive primitives of intonation theory I have carried out a number of instrumental and experimental studies on varieties of Italian, German and English, and more recently on Vietnamese (with Ha Kieu Phuong and Marc Brunelle) and Tashlhiyt Berber (with Rachid Ridouane, Timo Röttger and Anna Bruggeman). The latter two languages are particularly challenging, Vietnamese allowing for lexical tones to be obscured by intonational tones in certain contexts, and Tashlhiyt Berber because of its words which often lack sonorant material to bear intonational tones.
The work on Tashlhiyt became part of a larger project (ToPIQQ) involving another variety of Berber (Carlos Gussenhoven). The project aims to model quantitative and qualititative aspects of tonal placement (with Anne Hermes and Louis Goldstein) across a typologically diverse groups of languages, involving Western Nilotic (Bert Remijsen) and Athabascan (Joyce McDonough).
One particular aspect of my work is the intonation of questions, in particular yes-no questions, which are notoriously difficult to elicit in a laboratory context. Most recently I have looked at this type of question in varieties of Italian (with Elina Savino) as well as German learners of Italian (with Simona Sbranna, Caterina Ventura and Silvia Dahmen) and in Vietnamese (with Ha Kieu Phuong), Tashlhiyt (with Rachid Ridouane, Timo Roettger and Anna Bruggeman) and Maltese (with Alexandra Vella and Anna Bruggeman). This work also relates to my methodological interests as to the acquisition of natural data in a controlled setting. In the Phonetics lab we are extending our work on ecologically valid data acquisition to include board games and video games (with Francesco Cangemi).

Both experimental and corpus studies have shown that there are considerable individual differences across speakers and listeners in the encoding and decoding of pragmatic meaning. A study carried out with Francesco Cangemi and Martina Krüger has shown that there are also interactions: not all listeners understand the same speaker best, and no listener is best across all speakers, i.e. there is no universally good speaker or hearer. Work on individual differences is being continued in project A02 “Individual behaviour in encoding and decoding prosodic prominence” in the CRC Prominence in Language.

In a further project in the CRC Prominence in Language, A01 Intonation and attention orienting: Neurophysiological and behavioural correlates, I am working with Petra Schumacher, Christine Röhr, Stefan Baumann and Caterina Ventura on neurophysiological correlates of prosodic highlighting as an attentional mechanism by means of ERP studies. We have also been working on methods for capturing naïve listeners’ perception of prominence in the acoustic signal and as a function of expectations built up by context. Our results feed into a revised model of intonation in which functional and formal properties are treated separately.

I have been looking to complement my work on intonation by examining the alignment of supralaryngeal gestures with events in the fundamental frequency contour corresponding to intonational tones (with Doris Mücke, Anne Hermes and Henrik Niemann). Under the umbrella of articulatory prosody I have been investigating the effects of information structure (focus-background structure, contrast) and information status (givenness, cognitive activation) on laryngeal and supralaryngeal articulation (with Stefan Baumann, Doris Mücke, Anne Hermes, Johannes Becker, Simon Ritter and Henrik Niemann).

I have also collaborated with Ralf Rummer (Kassel) and Judith Schweppe (Erfurt) on embodied cognition and the effect of vowel related lip shapes on emotional states. I have also worked with them on working memory, in particular the effect of acoustic and articulatory similarity across words in list recall. I have continued this work on working memory, investigating the effect of intonation on list recall (with Elina Savino and Andrea Bosco, University of Bari; and Bodo Winter, University of Birmingham).

I have a strong interest in making theoretical insights feed into speech technology, speech pathology and second language acquisition. With Kai Vogeley, Martina Krueger, Simon Wehre and Francesco Cangemi I am working on intonational marking of pragmatic functions in adults with Autism Spectrum Condition (Project A02 Individual behaviour in encoding and decoding prosodic prominence of the CRC Prominence in Language). Doris Muecke and I are working with Lars Timmermann, Michael Barbe and Johannes Becker on the effect of deep brain stimulation on speech production.

Before coming to Cologne, I was a senior lecturer at the Department of Computational Linguistics and Phonetics at Saarland University, where I developed the GToBI system for transcription and labelling of German intonation (with Ralf Benzmüller and Stefan Baumann) and collaborated with other phoneticians, computational linguists and psycholinguists on prosody modelling for speech synthesis (with Marc Schröder at DFKI), and on the effect of prosody on speech processing (with Andrea Weber).

Before that, I worked at University College London in the ESPRIT SAM project where I was responsible for the assessment of speech synthesis systems. I was also involved in supervising the segmental and suprasegmental transcription and labelling of the EUROM speech corpora, and in the development of SAMPA, the computer readable version of the IPA.

I was associate editor of Language and Speech for 11 years (2000-2011) and of Journal of Phonetics for 6 years (2010 - 2016). I am editor in chief of Studies in Laboratory Phonology.

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Funded Projects

Projects Cologne

  • TWAS-DFG (The World Academy of Sciences), GR 1610/10-1: Intonation of Kenyan English and Swahili (with Billian Otundo, 2021-2022)
  • DFG (SFB Prominence in Language, Project C09): (with Nikolaus P. Himmelmann and Petra Schumacher) Prominence and predictive modelling (2021-2024)
  • DFG (SFB Prominence in Language, Project A02 Phase II): (with Kai Vogeley) Individual behaviour in encoding and decoding prosodic prominence (2021-2024)
  • DFG (SFB Prominence in Language, Project A01 Phase II): (with Petra Schumacher) Intonation and attention orienting: Neurophysiological and behavioural correlates (2021-2024)
  • Deutsch-Französische Hochschule (with Ioana Chitoran (Paris)): Quantifying and interpreting variability in speech (Workshop 2020-2021) For home page for the workshop series see Paris Cologne Collaborative Meeting
  • Deutsch-Französische Hochschule (with Ioana Chitoran (Paris) and Anne Hermes): Language and Dynamic Representations: Articulatory Phonology and Prosody (2 Workshops; 2017-2019) For home page for the workshop series see Paris Cologne Collaborative Meeting
  • DFG (SFB Prominence in Language, Project A02): (with Kai Vogeley) Individual behaviour in encoding and decoding prosodic prominence (2017-2021)
  • DFG (SFB Prominence in Language, Project A01): (with Petra Schumacher) Intonation and attention orienting: Neurophysiological and behavioural correlates (2017-2021)
  • DFG: Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (2017)
  • UoC Excellence Initiative: DSLC - Dynamic Structuring in Language and Communication (Emerging Group, 2014-2016)
  • DFGDASS (Phase II) - Degrees of Activation and Focus-Background Structure in Spontaneous Speech –The Relation between Prosodic Marking and Syntactic and Semantic Structure Building (2013-2017)
  • Volkswagenstiftung: ToPIQQ - Tonal Placement - The Interaction of Qualitative and Quantitative Factors (2013-2016)
  • DFGTIV - Tone and Intonation in Vietnamese (2012-2017)
  • SSHRCC Insight Grant: (Marc Brunelle, Ottawa; Martine Grice, Cologne; Kieu-Phuong Ha, Cologne): Prosodic Typology: Insights from Vietnamese and Eastern Cham (2012-2015)
  • DFGPROP – Prosodische Prominenz – Klassifikation, Gradienz, Relativität (Stefan Baumann) (2012-2015)
  • DFG: DASS – Degrees of Activation and Focus-Background Structure in Spontaneous Speech –The Relation between Prosodic Marking and Syntactic and Semantic Structure Building (2009-2013)
  • European Commission: COMMES – A Corpus of Maltese and Maltese English Speech (2009-2012)
  • DFGTAMIS – Tonal and Articulatory Marking of Information Structure: Kinematic and Acoustic Correlates of Accentuation (1. Phase 2006-2009, 2. Phase 2009-2012)
  • DFGSTRETTS – Structure of Tonal Representations - Evidence from Tune-Text Synchronisation (2005-2009)
  • Volkswagenstiftung: Persuasive Communication in WOLOF (2004-2007)
  • DFG: Grenzmarkierungen in deutschen Komposita (in Kooperation mit Freiburg; Kölner Teil: Artikulatorische Analyse mit Elektropalatographie)
  • German ToBI (GToBI)

Projects Saarbrücken

  • Fundholder: NECA (Network Environment for Emotional Embodied Conversational Agents) funded by the European Commission under the Information Society Technologies Programme IST-2000-28580 (October 2001-July 2004). The speech group, consisting of the Institute of Phonetics in Saarbrücken, the DFKI and ÖFAI, are working primarily on emotive speech synthesis.
  • Fundholder: GToBI (Evaluation and extension of a model for German intonation - Überprüfung und Erweiterung eines Modells für die Intonation des Deutschen) funded by Saarland University, TG84 (June 2002-May 2003).
  • Fundholder (with William Barry) Phonetik des Lachens - funded by Saarland University, TG84 (June 2003-May 2004).
  • Project organiser: Phon2, an online phonetics course, under the Module for Europe scheme aimed at students who already have an understanding of basic phonetics and who wish to study phonetics at a more advanced level. The project involves four sites and is supported by ERASMUS 30250-IC-1-98-3-UK-ERASMUS-EPS1.

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To appear/ In print

  • Grice, Martine, Alexandra Vella, Maria Lialiou, Florence Baills, Aviad Albert, Petra B. Schumacher, Nadia Pelageina & Solveigh Janzen (accepted as talk). Gesture apex coordination with prosodic structure and tonal events in Maltese English, MMSYM Multimodal Communication Symposium, Frankfurt, 25-27 September 2024.
  • Grice, Martine, Michelina Savino, Petra B. Schumacher, Christine T. Röhr, T. Mark Ellison (in press) Rises on Pitch Accents and Edge Tones Affect Serial Recall Performance at Item and Domain levels, Laboratory Phonology. OSF preprint. https://osf.io/j5p8s
  • Albert, Aviad & Martine Grice. in press. Rhythm is a timescale. In Lars Meyer & Antje Strauss (eds.), Rhythms of Speech and Language: Culture, Cognition, and the Brain. Cambridge University Press. OSF preprint: https://osf.io/preprints/psyarxiv/h3g7t
  • Lialiou, Maria, Jesse Harris, Martine Grice & Petra B. Schumacher (accepted). Attention allocation to deviants with intonational rises and falls: Evidence from pupillometry. In Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Rotterdam: Cognitive Science Society.
  • Vella, Alexandra & Martine Grice. (accepted). Association of tones in Maltese. In Sun-Ah Jun (ed.), Prosodic Typology III. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Albert, Aviad, Constantijn Kaland, T. Mark Ellison, Francesco Cangemi, Bodo Winter & Martine Grice (accepted for oral presentation). Harvesting spontaneous speech data from digital reservoirs to study prosody, CorpusPhon 2024 workshop at Labphon, Seoul ( June 2024).
  • Sbranna, Simona, Simon Wehrle & Martine Grice (in print). A multi-dimensional analysis of backchannels in L1 German, L1 Italian and L2 German. Language, Interaction, and Acquisition. Preprint: https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/am248
  • Savino, Michelina, Simon Wehrle & Martine Grice (to appear). The prosody of Italian newsreading: a diachronic analysis, Proc. Speech Prosody 2024, Leiden.
  • Spaniol, Malin, Simon Wehrle, Alicia Janz, Kai Vogeley and Martine Grice (to appear). "The influence of conversational context on lexical and prosodic aspects of backchannels and gaze behaviour", Proc. Speech Prosody 2024, Leiden.
  • Jeon Hae-Sung, Constantijn Kaland and Martine Grice (to appear). Cluster analysis of Korean IP-final intonation, Proc. Speech Prosody 2024, Leiden.
  • Lindstädt, Hauke, Francesco Cangemi, Aviad Albert and Martine Grice (accepted). Can you believe that? Both strength and melody distinguish between non-genuine questions, Labphon19, Seoul, South Korea.



  • Coretta, Stefano, Joseph V. Casillas, Simon Roessig, Michael Franke, [...], Timo B. Roettger [with Martine Grice]. (2023). Multidimensional Signals and Analytic Flexibility: Estimating Degrees of Freedom in Human-Speech AnalysesAdvances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 6(3). 1–29. pdf
  • Cangemi, F., A. Albert, M. Grice, H.-S. Jeon & J. Setter (2023). Second language prosody in interactive dialogues: Japanese learners of English, Prosody and Beyond; SPaB2023, South Korea, https://osf.io/w8mq7
  • Grice, M., Keynote (2023). "What's in a rise? The relevance of intonation for attention orienting", Interspeech, Dublin, August 2023.
  • S. Wehrle, K. Vogeley & M. Grice (2023). Backchannels in conversations between autistic adults are less frequent and less diverse prosodically and lexically. Language and Cognition, doi:10.1017/langcog.2023.21.
  • Kretzschmar, F., P. M. Alday, M. Grice, I. Brilmayer (2023). Editorial: Variability in language predictions: assessing the influence of speaker, text and experimental method. In: Frontiers in Communication 8. Lausanne: Frontiers Media, 2023. DOI=10.3389/fcomm.2023.1216399
  • Grice, M., Wehrle, S., Krüger, M., Spaniol, M., Cangemi, F., & Vogeley, K. (2023). Linguistic prosody in autism spectrum disorder—An overview. Language & Linguistics Compass, e12498. https://doi.org/10.1111/lnc3.12498
  • Cangemi, F., Grice M., Janz, A., Lucarini, V., Spaniol, M. & Vogeley, K. (2023). Content-free speech activity records: interviews with people with schizophrenia, Language Resources and Evaluation. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10579-023-09666-z
  • Wehrle, S., Grice, M & Vogeley, K. (2023). Filled Pauses Produced by Autistic Adults Differ in Prosodic Realisation, but not Rate or Lexical Type. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-023-06000-y
  • Dahmen, S., Grice, M. & Roessig, S. (2023). Prosodic and Segmental Aspects of Pronunciation Training and Their Effects on L2. Languages, 8(1), 74. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages8010074
  • Wehrle Simon, Francesco Cangemi, Alicia Janz, Kai Vogeley, Martine Grice (2023). Turn-timing in conversations between autistic adults: Typical short-gap transitions are preferred, but not achieved instantly. PLoS ONE 18(4): e0284029. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0284029
  • Sbranna, Simona, Ventura, Caterina, Albert, Aviad, Grice, Martine (2023). Prosodic marking of information status in ItalianJournal of Phonetics 97, 101212,  Preprint https://psyarxiv.com/qx4zg
  • Savino, Michelina, Francisco Torreira & Martine Grice (2023). Prosodic convergence across varieties of Italian, Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2023, Prague, August 2023.
  • Röhr, Christine, Stefan Baumann & Martine Grice (2023). Intonational preferences for lexical contrast and verum focus, Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2023, Prague, August 2023.
  • Cangemi, Francesco, Martine Grice, Jeon & Jane Setter (2023). Contrast or context, that is the questionProceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2023, Prague, August 2023.
  • Wehrle, Simon, Kai Vogeley & Martine Grice (2023). Characteristics and distribution of silent pauses in conversations between autistic and non-autistic dyads, Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2023, Prague, August 2023
  • Lialiou, Maria, Anna Bruggeman, Alexandra Vella, Sarah Grech, Petra Schumacher & Martine Grice (2023). Word-level prominence and “stress deafness” in Maltese-English bilinguals, Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2023, Prague, August 2023
  • Spaniol, Malin, Simon Wehrle, Alicia Janz, Kai Vogeley & Martine Grice (2023). Multimodal signalling: the interplay of oral and visual feedback in conversation, Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2023, Prague, August 2023
  • Wehrle, Simon, Kai Vogeley & Martine Grice (2023). Conversational and intonational characteristics of dialogue between autistic adults, Talk at 18th International Pragmatics Conference, Bruxelles, Belgium, 9-14 July.
  • Janz, Alicia, Simon Wehrle & Martine Grice (2023). Response tokens in the lab and in the wild: Evidence from task-based and spontaneous conversations, Phonetics and Phonology in Europe, Nijmegen, June 2023.
  • Sbranna, Simona, Aviad Albert & Martine Grice (2023). Can we use categories when investigating interlanguages? HISPhonCog 2023, Seoul, May 2023.
  • Lialiou, Maria, Martine Grice, Christine T. Röhr & Petra B. Schumacher (2023). Brain indices for processing rising and falling pitch: and MMN study, Phonetics and Phonology in Europe, Nijmegen, May 2023.
  • Spaniol, Malin, Alicia Janz, Simon Wehrle, Kai Vogeley and Martine Grice (2023). Investigating the relation between oral and visual feedback in dyadic conversations: A multimodal approach, MMSYM Multimodal Communication Symposium, Barcelona, 26-28 April 2023.
  • Lialiou, Maria, Alexandra Vella, & Martine Grice (2023). Prosodic prominence and tonal association in Maltese. Speech Units Workshop, Zurich, April 2023.
  • Janz, Alicia, Simona Sbranna, Simon Wehrle & Martine Grice (2023). The effect of conversational setting on backchannel feedback, DGfS 2023, Workshop Creativity and Routine in Linguistic Feedback, Cologne, March 2023.
  • Lucarini V. A. Alouit, D. Yeh ... M. Grice ... A. Iftimovici (2023). Neurophysiological explorations across the spectrum of psychosis, autism, and depression, during wakefulness and sleep: protocol of a prospective case-control transdiagnostic multimodal study (DEMETER). BMC Psychiatry 23(1):860. doi:10.1186/s12888-023-05347-x. PMID: 37990173; PMCID: PMC10662684.


  • Otundo, Billian K., Grice, Martine. (2022). Intonation in advice-giving in Kenyan English and Kiswahili. Proc. Speech Prosody 2022, 150-154, doi: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2022-31
  • Lialiou, Maria, Martine Grice, Christine T. Röhr, & Petra B. Schumacher (2022). An MMN study on auditory processing of rising and falling F0 in speech. Poster at the 13th International conference on Experimental Linguistics, Paris, France, 17-19 October.
  • Albert, Aviad, Maria Lialiou, Simona Sbranna & Francesco Cangemi (2022). Improved acoustic characterization of prosodic prominence using periodic energy mass. Poster presentation at the 3rd International Conference Prominence in Language (ICPL 3), Cologne, Germany, 2-3 June.
  • Lialiou, Maria, Aviad Albert, Alexandra Vella & Martine Grice (2022). Prominence at edges? Some evidence from Maltese wh-words using periodic energy. Talk at the 3rd International Conference Prominence in Language (ICPL 3), Cologne, Germany, 2-3 June.
  • Lialiou, Maria, Martine Grice, Christine T. Röhr, Ingmar Brilmayer & Petra B. Schumacher (2022). Are rises special in attention orienting? Some evidence from boundary tones in German. Poster presentation at the 28th International Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP 2022), York, UK, 7-9 September.
  • Röhr, Christine T., Michelina Savino, T. Mark Ellison & Martine Grice (2022). The Role of Intonation in Attention Allocation in Serial Recall. Poster presentation at the 3rd International Conference Prominence in Language (ICPL 3), Cologne, Germany, 2-3 June.
  • Janz, Alicia, Simon Wehrle, Simona Sbranna and Martine Grice (2022). The lexical and intonational realisation of backchannels is less constrained in spontaneous than task-based conversation. Oral presentation, 4th International symposium on Applied Phonetics, Lund (Sweden)
  • Grice, Martine (2022). Autosegmental-Metrical Phonology - Unpacking the Boxes, Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 41,2: 393-411. https://doi.org/10.1515/zfs-2022-2002
  • Dusi, L., Lucarini, V., Cangemi, F., Lucchese, J., Giustozzi, F., Magnani, F., Marchesi, C., Vogeley, K., Grice, M., & Tonna, M. (2022). Language and turn-taking in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. European Psychiatry, 65(S1), S763-S764. https://doi.org/10.1192/j.eurpsy.2022.1971
  • Röhr, Christine T., Stefan Baumann & Martine Grice (2022). The influence of expectations on tonal cues to prominence. Journal of Phonetics, 94, 101174. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wocn.2022.101174
  • Röhr, Christine T., Michelina Savino and Martine Grice (2022). The effect of intonational rises on serial recall in German. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Speech Prosody, 23-26 May, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Savino, Michelina, Simona Sbranna, Caterina Ventura, Aviad Albert and Martine Grice (2022). Imitating intonation in a non-native variety: the influence of the native repertoire. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Speech Prosody, 23-26 May, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Sbranna Simona, Eduardo Möking, Simon Wehrle, Martine Grice (2022). Backchannelling across Languages: Rate, Lexical Choice and Intonation in L1 Italian, L1 German and L2 German. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Speech Prosody, 23-26 May, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Wehrle, Simon, Francesco Cangemi, Kai Vogeley and Martine Grice (2022). New evidence for melodic speech in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Proceesings of the 1th International Conference on Speech Prosody, 23-26 May, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Grice, Martine (2022). “Prosody and Conversational Behaviour in Austism Spectrum Disorder”. Keynote address at Speech Prosody, 23-26 May, Lisbon.
  • Grice, Martine. (2022). Commentary: Introducing Flexibility into Autosegmental-Metrical Phonology. In Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel & Jonathan Barnes (eds.), Prosodic Theory and Practice. The MIT Press: 64-75.


  • Lialiou, Maria, Aviad Albert, Alexandra Vella & Martine Grice (2021). Periodic energy mass on head and edge tones in Maltese wh-constructions. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI), 161-165, doi: 10.21437/TAI.2021-33
  • Sbranna, Simona, Caterina Ventura, Aviad Albert, & Martine Grice (2021).  Prosodic marking of information status in L1 Italian and L2 German. Talk at XVII AISV Conference: Speaker Individuality in Phonetics and Speech Sciences: Speech Technology and Forensic Applications, Zürich, Switzerland, 4-5 February.
  • Sbranna, Simona, Caterina Ventura, Aviad Albert & Martine Grice (2021). Developing prosodic competence: Marking information status in L2 German. Poster presentation at the 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI), Sønderborg, Denmark, 6-9 December.
  • Lucarini, Valeria, Francesco Cangemi, Benyamin Daniel, Jacopo Lucchese, Francesca Paraboschi, Chiara Cattani, Carlo Marchese, Martine Grice, Kai Vogeley, Matteo Tonna (2021). Conversational metrics, psychopathological dimensions and self-disturbances in patients with schizophrenia, European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00406-021-01329-w
  • Ehret, Jonathan, Andrea Bönsch, Lukas Aspöck, Christine T. Röhr, Stefan Bauman, Martine Grice, Janina Fels & Torsten W. Kuhlen (2021). Do Prosody and Embodiment Influence the Perceived Naturalness of Conversational Agents' Speech? ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 18.4, Article No.: 21pp 1–15 https://doi.org/10.1145/3486580
  • Aspöck, Lukas, Jonathan Ehret, Stefan Baumann, Andrea Bönsch, Christine T. Röhr, Martine Grice, Torsten W. Kuhlen & Janina Fels (2021). Prosodic and visual naturalness of dialogs presented by conversational virtual agents. Poster presentation at DAGA 2021, 16 August 2021, Vienna.
  • Winter, Bodo & Martine Grice (2021). Independence and generalizability in linguistics, Linguistics, (), 000010151520190049 https://doi.org/10.1515/ling-2019-0049.
  • Grice, Martine & Frank Kügler (2021). Prosodic prominence – a cross-linguistic perspective, Special issue in Language and Speech, 64(2), 253-260. https://doi.org/10.1177/00238309211015768
  • Wehrle, Simon, Francesco Cangemi, Kai Vogeley and Martine Grice (2021). Dialogue Management in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Phonetics and Phonology in Europe, Barcelona, 21-23 June.
  • Vella, Alexandra & Grice, Martine (2021). Intonation in Maltese and Maltese English: the form and function of early H peaks. Talk at Workshop on Prosodic Variation (ProVar): the role of past and present contact in multilingual societies, Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PAPE), Barcelona June 21-23.
  • Michelina Savino, Caterina Ventura, Simona Sbranna, Aviad Albert and Martine Grice (2021). Native variety interference when imitating intonation in a non-native variety of Italian. Phonetics and Phonology in Europe, Barcelona, 21-23 June.
  • Röhr, Christine T., Stefan Baumann and Martine Grice (2021). Expecting the unusual: The prosodic interpretation of contextual information. Phonetics and Phonology in Europe, Barcelona, 21-23 June.
  • Sbranna, Simona, Caterina Ventura, Aviad Albert and Martine Grice (2021). Prosodic expression of information status in Italian. Phonetics and Phonology in Europe, Barcelona, 21-23 June.
  • Grice, Martine (2021). Commentary: The autosegmental-metrical model of intonational phonology. In Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel & Jonathan Barnes (eds.), Prosodic Theory and Practice. The MIT Press.
  • Grice, Martine, James Sneed German & Paul Warren (2021). Intonation systems across varieties of English, In Gussenhoven & Chen (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody, Oxford: OUP. [www]
  • Grice, Martine (2021) Keynote Speaker, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS), 24-26 February 2021, Freiburg


  • Cangemi, Francesco, Jessica Fründt, Harriet Hanekamp & Martine Grice. 2020. A semi-automatic workflow for orthographic transcription and syllabic segmentation. In Duccio Piccardi, Fabio Ardolino & Silvia Calamai (eds.), Gli archivi sonori al crocevia tra scienze fonetiche, informatica umanistica e patrimonio digitale / Audio archives at the crossroads of speech sciences, digital humanities and digital heritage. Milano: Italian Association for Speech Science (AISV).
  • Lucarini, Valeria, Martine Grice, Francesco Cangemi, Juliane T. Zimmermann, Carlo Marchesi, Kai Vogeley & Matteo Tonna (2020). Speech prosody as a bridge between psychopathology and linguistics: The case of the schizophrenia spectrum. Frotiers in Psychiatry, Section Social Cognition 11:531863. [www] [pdf]
  • Röhr, Christine T., Ingmar Brilmayer, Stefan Baumann, Martine Grice & Petra B. Schumacher (2020). Signal-driven and expectation-driven processing of accent types. Language, Cognition & Neuroscience, 36:1, 33-59. [www]
  • Röhr, Christine T., Stefan Baumann, Petra B. Schumacher & Martine Grice (2020). Perceptual prominence of accent types and the role of expectations. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2020 (Online-Konferenz). Tokyo, Japan. [pdf] [video presentation]
  • Wehrle, Simon, Francesco Cangemi, Harriet Hanekamp, Kai Vogeley & Martine Grice (2020). Assessing the intonation style of speakers with autism spectrum disorder. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2020 (Online-Konferenz), 1-5. Tokyo, Japan. 
  • Zimmermann, Juliane T., Simon Wehrle, Francesco Cangemi, Martine Grice & Kai Vogeley (2020). Listeners and lookers: Using pitch height and gaze duration for inferring mental states. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2020 (Online-Konferenz). Tokyo, Japan. 
  • Ventura, Caterina, Martine Grice, Michelina Savino, Diana Kolev, Ingmar Brilmayer & Petra B. Schumacher (2020). Attention allocation in a language with post-focal prominences. NeuroReport 31(8). 624–628. [pdf]
  • Grice, Martine (2020) Keynote Speaker, Speech Prosody, 25-28 May 2020, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Savino, Michelina, Bodo Winter, Andrea Bosco & Martine Grice (2020). Intonation does aid serial recall after all. Psychonomic Bulletin Review (2020). [www]


  • Roessig, Simon, Doris Mücke & Martine Grice (2019). The dynamics of intonation: Cateogrical and continuous variation in an attractor-based model. PLoS ONE 14(5). [www]
  • Roettger, Timo B & Martine Grice (2019) The tune drives the text - Competing information channels of speech shape phonological systems, Language Dynamics and Change 9 (2019) 265–298.
  • Grice, Martine, Alexandra Vella & Anna Bruggeman (2019) Stress, pitch accent, and beyond: Intonation in Maltese questions, Journal of Phonetics, 76. [www]
  • Grice, Martine, Michelina Savino & Timo Roettger (2019). Tune-text negotiation: the effect of intonation on vowel duration. In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (562-566). [pdf]
  • Cangemi, Francesco, Aviad Albert & Martine Grice (2019). Modelling intonation: Beyond segments and tonal targets. In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (572-576). [pdf]
  • Kügler, Frank, Stefan Baumann, Bistra Andreeva, Bettina Braun, Martine Grice, Jana Neitsch, Oliver Niebuhr, Jörg Peters, Christine Roehr, Antje Schweitzer, Petra Wagner (2019). Annotation of German Intonation: DIMA compared with other annotation systems. In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (1297-1301). [pdf]
  • Grice, Martine (2019). Invited talk: Rethinking Autosegmental-Metrical Phonology. Hanyang International Symposium on Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language, Seoul, Korea, May 2019.
  • Grice, Martine (2019). Invited talk: Conditioned Association Properties of Tones in Maltese. Satellite Workshop: Intonational Phonology of Typologically Rare or Understudied Languages, Melbourne, Australia, August 2019


  • Wehrle, Simon, Francesco Cangemi, Martina Krüger & Martine Grice (2018). Somewhere over the spectrum: Between singsongy and robotic intonation. In Alessandro Vietti, Lorenzo Spreafico, Daniela Mereu, Vincenzo Galatà (eds.), Il parlato nel contesto naturale. Proceedings of 14th Associazione Italiana Scienze della Voce Conference 2018, 179-194. Bolzano, Italien. [pdf]
  • Thies, Tabea, Christine T. Röhr, Stefan Baumann & Martine Grice (2018). Prosodic marking of information status in picture story descriptions. Proceedings of Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P) 13, 193-196. Berlin, Deutschland. [pdf]
  • Grice, Martine (2018). Intonational Primitives. Invited talk, Speech Prosody (Usages and Advantages of Categorical Phonetic Transcription of Prosody), Poznan, Poland.
  • Albert, A., F. Cangemi & M. Grice (2018). Using periodic energy to enrich acoustic representations of pitch in speech: A demonstration. Proc. 9th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2018, 804-808, DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2018-162. [www]
  • Krüger, M., F. Cangemi, K. Vogeley & M. Grice (2018). Prosodic Marking of Information Status in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Proc. 9th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2018, 182-186, DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2018-37. [www] [pdf]
  • Grice, M., M. Savino, & T. B. Roettger (2018). Word final schwa is driven by intonation – the case of Bari Italian. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA) 143:4, 2474-2486. [www] [free preprint]
  • Mücke, D., A. Hermes, T. B. Roettger, J. Becker, H. Niemann, M. Opitz, T. Dembek, L. Timmermann, V. Visser-Vandewalle, G. R. Fink, M. Grice, & M. T. Barbe (2018). The effects of Thalamic Deep Brain Stimulation on speech dynamics in patients with Essential Tremor: An articulographic study. PloS one 13(1), e0191359.
  • Torreira, F. & M. Grice (2018). Melodic constructions in Spanish: Metrical structure determines the association properties of intonational tones, Journal of the International Phonetic Association (JIPA) 48.1: 9-32.


  • Grice, Martine, Simon Ritter, Henrik Niemann and Timo Roettger (2017). Invited talk. Discreteness and continuity in intonational categories, in the symposium 'Language structure in acquisition and processing' in honour of Janet Fodor. Paris, October 16, 2017.
  • Bruggeman, A., T. Roettger, & M. Grice (2017). Question word intonation in Tashlhiyt Berber: is ‘high’ good enough? Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology, 8 (1), 5. [pdf]
  • Grice, M., S. Ritter, H. Niemann & T. Roettger (2017). Integrating the discreteness and continuity of intonational categories. Journal of Phonetics 64: 90-107. [Author's preprint]
  • Ha, K.P. & M. Grice (2017): Tone and intonation in discourse management - How do speakers of Standard Vietnamese initiate a repair. Journal of Pragmatics, 107: 60-83. [www]
  • Becker, J., M.T. Barbe, M. Hartinger, T.A. Dembek, J. Pochmann, J. Wirths, N. Allert, D. Mücke, A. Hermes, I.G. Meister, V. Visser-Vandewalle, M. Grice & L. Timmermann (2017). The Effect of Uni- and Bilateral Thalamic Deep Brain Stimulation on Speech in Patients With Essential Tremor: Acoustics and Intelligibility. Neuromodulation 20 (3): 223-232. DOI: 10.1111/ner.12546.
  • Bruggeman, A., S. Wehrle, F. Cangemi, D. El Zarka & M. Grice (2017). Unifying Speaker Variability with the Tonal Center of Gravity. Proceedings of Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P) 13, Berlin.
  • Thies, T., C. T. Röhr, S. Baumann & M. Grice (2017). Prosodic Marking of Information Status in Picture Story Descriptions. P&P 13, Berlin.
  • Zappoli, Alessandra, Francesco Vespignani, Stefan Baumann, Martine Grice & Petra Schumacher (2017). Learning a new intonation pattern also means learning how to use it. AISC Conference, 14 December 2017, Bologna.


  • Grice, Martine (2016). Prosodic organisation. Invited commentary. 15th Conference on Laboratory Phonology: Speech Dynamics and Phonological Representation, Cornell University, USA
  • Cangemi, F., D. El Zarka, S. Wehrle, S. Baumann & M. Grice (2016). Speaker-specific intonational marking of narrow focus in Egyptian Arabic. Proc. Speech Prosody 8, Boston. 1-5. [pdf]
  • Ha, K.P., S. Ebner & M. Grice (2016): Speech prosody and possible misunderstandings in intercultural talk - A study of listener behaviour in Vietnamese and German dialogues. Proc. Speech Prosody 8, Boston, 801-805. [pdf]
  • Brunelle, M., K.P. Ha & M. Grice (2016): Inconspicuous coarticulation: a complex path to sound change in the tone system in Hanoi Vietnamese. Journal of Phonetics 59: 23-39.
  • Cangemi, F. & M. Grice (2016). The importance of a distributional approach to categoriality in autosegmental-metrical accounts of intonation. Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology, 7 (1): 9, 1-20. [pdf]
  • Grice, M., M. Krüger & K. Vogeley (2016). Adults with Asperger syndrome are less sensitive to intonation than control persons when listening to speech". Culture and Brain 4 (1), 38-50. DOI: 10.1007/s40167-016-0035-6. [www].
  • Grice, M. & S. Baumann (2016) Intonation in der Lautsprache: Tonale Analyse. In Domahs, U. & B. Primus (eds.) Handbuch Laut, Gebärde, Buchstabe, De Gruyter, 84-105. DOI (Chapter): 10.1515/9783110295993-006
  • Mücke, D. & M. Grice (2016). Segment und Geste in der Lautsprache. In Domahs, U. & B. Primus (Eds.). Handbuch Laut, Gebärde, Buchstabe, De Gruyter, 3-24. DOI (Chapter): 10.1515/9783110295993-002.
  • Barbe, M.T., D. Mücke, A. Hermes, T.B. Röttger, J. Becker, M. Opitz, T.A. Dembek, M. Hartinger, I.G. Meister, V. Visser-Vandewalle, M. Grice & L.Timmermann (2016). Articulography reveals disturbed speech motor control in ET patients treated with VIM-DBS. 20th International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders, Berlin, June 19-23, 2016.
  • Becker, J., M.T. Barbe, T.B. Röttger, M. Hartinger, J. Pochmann, T.A. Dembek, J. Wirths, N. Allert, D. Mücke, I.G. Meister, V. Visser-Vandewalle, M. Grice & L. Timmermann (2016). The effect of uni- and bilateral thalamic Deep Brain Stimulation on speech in patients with Essential Tremor: production and perception. 20th International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders, Berlin, June 19-23, 2016.
  • Hartinger, M., A. Scholz, M.T. Barbe, D. Mücke, A. Hermes, T.B. Röttger, J. Becker, M. Opitz, T.A. Dembek, I.G. Meister, V. Visser-Vandewalle, M. Grice & L. Timmermann (2016). ICF-based effects of VIM-DBS on communication in everyday life in patients with essential tremor. 20th International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders, Berlin, June 19-23, 2016.
  • Mücke, D., A. Hermes, M.T. Barbe, T.B. Roettger, H. Niemann, J. Becker, M. Hartinger, I. Meister, V. Visser-Vandewalle, L. Timmermann & M. Grice (2016). Regulation in speech motor control in ET patients treated with DBS: Kinematics of the lingual and the labial systems. 20th International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders, Berlin, June 19-23, 2016.


  • Baumann, S., Röhr C. T. & M. Grice (2015). Prosodische (De-)Kodierung des Informationsstatus im Deutschen. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft. 34 (1), [www] 1-42.
  • Grice, M., Ridouane, R. & Roettger T.  (2015). Tonal association in Tashlhiyt Berber: Evidence from polar questions and contrastive statements. Phonology. 32 (2), 241-266 [www]
  • Cangemi F., Krüger, M. & M. Grice (2015). Listener-specific perception of speaker-specific productions in intonation. In Fuchs, S., D. Pape, C. Petrone, & P. Perrier (eds.): Individual differences in speech production and perception, Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 123-145 [www].
  • Roettger, T.B., Ridoaune R. & M. Grice (2015). Perception of peak placement in Tashlhiyt Berber. Accepted for publication in Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Speech Prosody[www]
  • Cangemi, F. , Achim, A., Grice, M. & M. Fossard (2015). Managing referential chains using a picture-based storytelling task: A cross-linguistic approach. Workshop on Linguistic and Cognitive Effects in Anaphora Resolution, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, May 15-16, 2015.
  • Roettger, T. & M. Grice (2015). The role of high pitch in Tashlhiyt Berber: Evidence from production and perception. Journal of Phonetics 51 [www] 36-49.
  • Galea, L., Hermes, A., Gatt, A. & M. Grice (2015). Cues to gemination in word-initial position in Maltese. Oral presentation. 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 10-14 August 2015, Glasgow, UK.
  • Roettger, T. B., Bruggeman, A. & M. Grice (2015). Word stress in Tashlhiyt - Post lexical prominence in disguise? Oral presentation. 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 10-14 August 2015, Glasgow, UK.
  • Grice, M., Savino, M., Caffo, A., & T. B. Roettger (2015). The tune drives the text - Schwa in consonant-final loanwords in Italian. Oral presentation. 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 10-14 August 2015, Glasgow, UK.[www]
  • Brengelmann, T., Cangemi, F. & M. Grice (2015). Tonal coarticulation in L2 standard Chinese. Oral presentation. 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 10-14 August 2015, Glasgow, UK.
  • Röhr, C., Baumann, S. & M. Grice (2015). The effect of verbs on the prosodic marking of information status: Production and perception in German. Oral presentation. 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 10-14 August 2015, Glasgow, UK.
  • Kügler, F., Smolibocki, B., Arnold, D., Baumann S., Braun, B., Grice, M., Jannedy, S., Michalsky, J., Niebuhr, O., Peters, J., Ritter, S., Röhr, C., Schweitzer, A., Schweitzer K., & P. Wagner (2015). DIMA – Annotation guidelines for German intonation. Oral presentation. 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 10-14 August 2015, Glasgow, UK.
  • Cangemi, F., Fossard, M., Grice, M., Krüger, M. & K. Vogeley (2015). Prosodic and referential marking in oral narratives by Adults with High Functioning Autism. Oral presentation. International Conference on Theory of Mind and Language, Aix en Provence, 19-20 March 2015.
  • Becker, J., Mücke, D., Hermes, A., Dembek, T.A., Josten, A.F., Meister, I., Visser-Vandewalle, V., Grice, M. & L. Timmermann (2015). Rate-controlled syllable repetitions improve comparability of DBS-induced dysarthria between on- and off-state in patients with essential tremor. MDS 19th International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders, June 2015, San Diego.
  • Ritter, S. & Grice, M. (2015). The Role of Tonal Onglides in German Nuclear Pitch Accents. Language and Speech 58(1). [www] 114-128.
  • Savino, M., Grice, M. & A. Caffò (2015). The Influence of Prominence on the Production of Plosives in Italian, Oral presentation. 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 10-14 August 2015, Glasgow, UK.
  • Galea, L., Grice, M., & A. Hermes (2015). Word-initial insertions in Maltese. Poster presentation at PaPE, University of Cambridge, 29-30 June 2015.
  • Grice, M. (2015). Intonation and Asperger Syndrome. Keynote talk at Workshop: Diversity of Social Cognition, 26-28 July 2015, Cologne, Germany.


  • Brengelmann, T. & M. Grice (2014). Advanced learners’ production of utterance-level prosody in Standard Chinese: The case of the neutral tone. Oral presentation at 6th Tone and Intonation in Europe (TIE), Utrecht, September 10-12, 2014.
  • Rummer, R., Schweppe, J., Schlegelmilch, R. & M. Grice (2014). Mood is linked to vowel type: The role of articulatory movements. Emotion. 14 (2),[doi] [www] 246-250.
  • Mücke, D., Becker, J.,  Barbe, M.T., Roettger, T.B., Meister, I.,Liebhart, L., Timmermann, L. & M. Grice (2014). The effect of Deep Brain Stimulation on the speech motor system in Essential Tremor Patients. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.[www]
  • Roettger, T.B., Winter, B., Kirby, J., Grawunder, S. & M. Grice (2014). Assessing incomplete neutralization of final devoicing in German. Journal of Phonetics. 4311-25.
  • Röhr, C., Baumann, S. & M . Grice (2014). The Effect of Verbs on the Prosodic Marking of Information Status in German. Oral presentation at 6th Tone and Intonation in Europe (TIE), Utrecht, September 10-12, 2014.
  • Galea, L., Grice, M., Hermes, A. & D. Mücke (2014). Lexical and surface geminates in Maltese. Proceedings of the 10th International Seminar on Speech Production, Cologne, Germany.
  • Brunelle, M., Ha, K.P. & M. Grice (2014). Peak delay, misperception and the development of tone sandhi in Hanoi Vietnamese. Oral presentation at 6th Tone and Intonation in Europe (TIE), Utrecht, September 10-12, 2014.
  • Mücke, D. & M. Grice (2014). The effect of focus marking on supralaryngeal articulation – Is it mediated by accentuation? Journal of Phonetics. 4447-61.
  • Mücke, D., Grice M. & T. Cho (2014). More than a magic moment – Paving the way for dynamics of articulation and prosodic structure. Journal of Phonetics. 441-7.
  • Cho, T., Grice, M. & D. Mücke (2014). Dynamics of Articulation and Prosodic Structure. Journal of Phonetics. 44 Special Issue.
  • Karia, M., Grice, M.& D. Mücke (2014). Acoustic Analysis of Dysarthric Speech after a Traumatic Brain Injury. Proceedings of the 10th International Seminar on Speech Production, Cologne, Germany.
  • Barbe, M.T., Becker, J., Pochmann, J., Dembek, T.A., Wirths, J., Allert, N., Mücke, D., Meister, I.G., Visser-Vandewalle, V., Grice, M. & L. Timmermann (2014). Severity of DBS-induced dysarthria in patients with essential tremor is associated with bilateral stimulation and laterally located electrodes. MDS 18th International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders, Volume 29, June 2014, Stockholm.
  • Becker, J., Mücke, D., Grice, M., Pochmann, J.,Timmermann, L. & M.T. Barbe (2014). The effect of thalamic deep brain stimulation on speech production in subjects with essential tremor. Proceedings of the 10th International Seminar on Speech Production, Cologne, Germany.
  • Niemann, H., Grice, M. & D. Mücke (2014). Segmental and positional effects in tonal alignment: An articulatory approach. Proceedings of the 10th International Seminar on Speech Production, Cologne, Germany.[www]
  • Grice, M., & A. Hermes (2014). Syllabification of word onsets in Italian. Invited talk at LARP7 (Laboratory Approaches to Romance Phonology VII), Aix-en-Provence, France.
  • Savino M., Bosco, A. & M. Grice (2014). Intonational cues to item position in lists: evidence from a serial recall task. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 7, May 20-23. Dublin. 708-712.
  • Barbe, M.T.,  Becker, J., Pochmann, J., Dembek, T.A., Wirths, J., Allert, N., Mücke, D., Meister, I.G., Visser-Vandewalle, V., Grice, M. & L. Timmermann (2014). Severity of DBS-induced dysarthria in patients with essential tremor is associated with bilateral stimulation and laterally located electrodes. MDS 18th International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders, Volume 29, June 2014, Stockholm.
  • Ha, K.P., Grice, M. & M. Brunelle (2014). Tonal allophony in Vietnamese: Evidence from task-oriented dialogues. In Campbell, Gibbon & Hirst (eds.) Proc. 7th Speech Prosody: Social and Linguistic Speech Prosody, Dublin.[www] 800-803.


  • Rummer, R., Schlegelmilch, R. & M. Grice (2013). Mood induction as speech motor priming. TeaP (Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen), 24-27 March 2013, Vienna.
  • Hermes, A., Mücke, D.& M. Grice (2013). Gestural coordination of Italian word initial clusters -The case of ‘impure s’. Phonology. 30(1) [www] 1-25.
  • Ha, K.P. & M. Grice (2013). The intonation of repair initiations in Northern Vietnamese: Evidence from multi-word utterances. Oral presentation at SEALS 23, May 29-31 May 2013, Bangkok.
  • Krüger, M., Grice, M. & K. Vogeley (2013). Production and Perception of Information Structure in Patients with High Functioning Autism. Workshop on Language and Mind in Autism, International Congress of Linguistics, 25-26 July 2013, Geneva.
  • Savino, M., Bosco, A. & M. Grice (2013). Intonation and positional effects in spoken serial recall. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 31 July - 3 August 2013, Berlin.
  • Grice, M.,  Mücke, D., von Heusinger, K. & F. Cangemi (2013). Disentangling contrastiveness and givenness in informational prominence. Oral presentation at Ps-Prominence, 12-14 December 2013, Viterbo, Italy.
  • Cangemi, F., Grice, M. & S. Ritter (2013). Exemplar-based prosody and intonation transcription. Poster presentation at Workshop Advancing Prosodic Transcription for Spoken Language Science and Technology II, 24 June 2013, Lisbon.
  • Ritter, S. & M. Grice (2013). The Role of Tonal Onglides in German Nuclear Pitch Accents. Oral presentation at Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia, 26 June 2013, Lisbon.
  • Ritter, S. & M. Grice (2013). Tonal Onglides of Nuclear Pitch Accents in German. Oral presentation at Nijmegen-Cologne Prosody Meeting, 1 July 2013, Cologne.
  • Roettger, T.B., Ridouane, R. & M. Grice (2013). Phonetic alignment and phonological association in Tashlhiyt Berber. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference of Acoustics, Montréal.
  • Roettger, T.B., Ridouane, R. & M. Grice (2013). Phonetic alignment and phonological association in Tashlhiyt Berber. Journal of Acoustical Society of America. 133 (5),
  • Grice, M. & D. Mücke (2013). Rhythm, Speech Timing and Perceptual Processing. Laboratory Phonology. 4 (1),Special Issue.


  • Brunelle, M., Ha, K. P. & M. Grice (2012). Intonation in Northern Vietnamese. The Linguistic Review. 29 (1), [www] [pdf] 3-36.
  • Grice, M. (2012). Advancing Prosodic Transcription for Spoken Language Science and Technology. Invited talk at Satellite Workshop Labphon 13.
  • Grice, M. (2012). Interaktion zwischen Ton und Intonation. Invited talk at DAAD Workshop: Typologische Eigenschaften des Vietnamesischen und Deutschen, 18 October 2012, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  • Roettger, T. B., Ridouane, R. & M. Grice (2012). Sonority and syllable weight determine tonal association in Tashlhiyt Berber. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Speech Prosody, Shanghai, China.[www]
  • Grice, M. (2012). Production and Perception of Focus Types in German. Invited talk at Colloque du Réseau Français de Phonologie, 25-27 June 2012, Paris, France.
  • Hermes, A., Grice, M., Mücke, D. & H. Niemann (2012). Articulatory coordination and the syllabification of word initial consonant clusters in Italian. In P. Hoole, M. Pouplier, L. Bombien, Ch. Mooshammer & B. Kühnert (Eds.). Consonant Clusters and Structural Complexity. Mouton de Gruyter. 157-176.
  • Niemann, H., Mücke, D. & M. Grice (2012). Where is the Early Peak in German. Poster presentation at Final symposium of the DFG Priority programme 1234: "Phonological and phonetic competence: between grammar, signal processing, and neural activity". Satellite workshop of LabPhon 13, 26. July 2012, Stuttgart.
  • Ritter, S., Krüger, M., Mücke, D. & M. Grice (2012). Production and Perception of Contrast: Tonal Onglides and Oral Gestures. Poster Presentation at the Final symposium of the DFG Priority programme 1234, 26th July 2012, Stuttgart, Germany.
  • Grice, M., Lohnstein, H., Röhr, C.T., Baumann, S. & A. Dewald (2012). The Intonation of Verum Focus and Lexical Contrast. Oral presentation at Phonetik und Phonologie 8, 12 October 2012, Jena.
  • Ritter, S., Riester, A. & M. Grice (2012). Onglides von Nuklearakzenten: Brauchen wir Leading Tones? Talk at Workshop: Deutsche Intonation - Annotation und Modellierung, 22 March 2012, Konstanz, Germany.
  • Grice, M., Mücke, D. & S. Ritter (2012). Focus Marking: Tonal Onglides and Oral Gestures. Talk at Workshop: Dynamic Modeling of Articulation and Prosodic Structure, 07 May 2012, Cologne, Germany.
  • Meister, I., Lipsk, S. & M. Grice (2012). Plastizität im Netzwerk für Sprechmotorik durch motorische Lernprozesse – eine Studie mit akustischer Signalanalyse und fMRT. Klinische Neurophysiologie. 43(1)


  • Lipski, S., Unger, S., Grice, M. & I. Meister (2011). Masked auditory feedback affects speech motor learning of a plosive duration contrast. Motor Control. 15 [www] [pdf] 68-84.
  • Niemann, H., Mücke, D., Nam, H., Goldstein, L. & M. Grice (2011). Tones as Gestures: The Case of Italian and German. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Hongkong, China. 1486-1489. [pdf
  • Savino, M. & M. Grice (2011). The perception of negative bias in Bari Italian questions. In S. Frota, E. Gorka & P. Prieto (Eds.). Prosodic categories: production perception and comprehension, Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 82. 187-206.
  • Schweppe, J., Grice, M. & R. Rummer (2011). What models of verbal working memory can learn from phonological theory: Decomposing the phonological similarity effect. Journal of Memory and Language. 64 [www] 256-269.
  • Grice, M., Roettger, T. B., Ridouane, R. & C. Fougeron (2011). The association of tones in Tashlhiyt Berber. Proceedings of 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Hong Kong, China. 775-778. [pdf]
  • Hermes, A., Ridouane, R., Mücke, D.& M. Grice (2011). Kinematics of syllable structure in Tashlhiyt Berber: The case of vocalic and consonantal nuclei. Proceedings of the 9th International Seminar on Speech Production, Montréal, Canada. 401-408.
  • Hermes, A., Ridouane, R., Mücke, D. & M. Grice (2011). Gestural coordination in Tashlhiyt syllables. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Hongkong, China.[www] 859-862.
  • Brengelmann, T. & M. Grice (2011). Prosody Transfer - German speakers acquiring Mandarin tones. Poster presentation at P&P 7 (Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum), 7-8 October, Osnabrück, Germany.


  • Hermes, A., Grice, M. & D. Mücke (2010). Gestural coordination of word initial clusters in Italian and what it tells us about syllable structure. 12th Conference on Laboratory Phonology, 8 - 10 July 2010, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
  • Hermes, A., Grice, M., Mücke, D. & H. Niemann (2010). Gestural planning in Italian syllables. The 3rd International CPMSP2 Summer School “Cognitive and Physical Models of Speech Production, Speech Perception and Production-Perception Interaction”, Part III : Planning and Dynamics", 27 September - 1 October 2010, Berlin, Germany.
  • Ha, K.P. & M. Grice (2010). Modelling the Interaction of Intonation and Lexical Tone in Vietnamese. Speech Prosody 2010, Chicago, USA.[www]
  • Mücke, D., Grice, M., Niemann, H., Nam, H. & L. Goldstein (2010). A Gestural Account of Tonal Alignment Differences – A Change of Perspective. Oral presentation at the 4th European Conference on Tone and Intonation (TIE4), 9-11 September 2010, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Mücke, D., Niemann, H. & M. Grice (2010). What is a tone gesture and how is it coupled to oral constriction gestures?. Computational Linguistics Colloquium, 20 May 2010, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken.
  • Mücke, D., Sieczkowska, J., Niemann, H., Grice, M. & G. Dogil (2010). Voicing Profiles, Gestural Coordination and Phonological Licensing: Obstruent-Sonorant Clusters in Polish. 12th Conference on Laboratory Phonology, 8-10 July 2010, New Mexico.
  • Niemann, H., Mücke, D., Grice, M., Nam, H. & A. Hermes (2010). Intergestural Coupling Accounts for Differences in Tonal Alignment. The 3rd International CPMSP2 Summer School “Cognitive and Physical Models of Speech Production, Speech Perception and Production-Perception Interaction”, Part III : Planning and Dynamics", 27 September - 1 October 2010, Berlin, Germany.
  • Niemann, H., Mücke, D., Nam, H., Grice, M. & L. Goldstein (2010). Coupling of Tone and Oral Constriction Gestures in Italian and German. Workshop on Sound Change, 21 - 22 October 2010, Barcelona, Spain.


  • Becker, J., Baumann, S. & M. Grice (2009). Tonal and articulatory marking of focus domains: What do listeners hear? SPP Workshop: Experimental Studies on Intonation, 5-7 January 2009, Potsdam, Germany.
  • Becker, J., Baumann, S., M. Grice & D. Mücke (2009). Tonale und artikulatorische Markierung von Fokusdomänen im Deutschen: Produktion und Perzeption. Oral presentation at the 3rd annual meeting of the DFG-Priority Programme 1234 "Phonological and phonetic competence: between grammar, signal processing, and neural activity", 1-2 March 2009, Cologne, Germany.
  • Grice, M. (2009). (Keynote lecture). Articulation and Accentuation. Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia (PaPI), 17-18 June 2009. 
  • Grice, M., Baumann, S. & N. Jagdfeld (2009). Tonal association and derived nuclear accents: the case of downstepping contours in German. Lingua. 119 [www] 881-905.
  • Hermes, A., Grice, M. & D. Mücke (2009). Articulatory evidence for syllable onsets. Poster presentation at Phonetik & Phonologie 5, 3 March 2009, Cologne, Germany.
  • Hermes, A., Grice, M., Mücke, D. & H. Niemann (2009). An articulatory approach to the analysis of Italian onsets. Poster presentation at Phonetics and phonology in Iberia, 17-18 June 2009, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
  • Lipski, S., Unger, S., Grice M. & I. Meister (2009). The effect of occluded auditory feedback on articulatory learning. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 26 [www] 2200.
  • Mücke, D., Grice, M., Becker, J. & A. Hermes (2009). Sources of variation in tonal alignment: evidence from acoustic and kinematic data. Journal of Phonetics. 37 (3), [www] 321-338.
  • Mücke, D., Grice, M., Bergmann, P. & H. Weyrauch (2009). Articulatory reduction strategies: Effects of information structure and word frequency. Poster presentation at SPP Workshop: Experimental Studies on Intonation, 5-7 January 2009, Potsdam, Germany.
  • Schweppe, J., Rummer, R. & M. Grice (2009). Ähnlichkeitseffekte im verbalen Arbeitsgedächtnis unterhalb der Phonemebene. 51. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), March 2009, Jena, Germany.
  • Schweppe, J., Rummer, R. & M. Grice (2009). More than phonological similarity: An acoustic similarity effect with auditory and visual presentation. 15th Congress of the European Society of Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP), September 2009, Krakow, Poland.


  • Baumann, S., Grice, M. & D. Mücke (2008). Intonational and articulatory marking of focus in German. Oral presentation at the Workshop on Information Structure and Prosody, 21-22 January 2008, Studiecentrum Soeterbeeck, Netherlands.
  • Hermes, A., Grice, M. & D. Mücke (2008). Gestural coordination of initial consonant clusters in Italian: Evidence for syllabification of 'impure-s'. Workshop: Consonant Clusters and Structural Complexity, 31 July-2 August 2008, Munich, Germany.
  • Hermes, A., Grice, M., Mücke, D. & H. Niemann (2008). Articulatory indicators of syllable affiliation in word initial consonant clusters in Italian. 8th International Seminar on Speech Production, 8 - 12 December 2008, Strasbourg, France.[www] 433-436.
  • Hermes, A., Becker, J., Mücke, D., Baumann, S. & M. Grice (2008). Articulatory Gestures and Focus Marking in German. Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Speech Prosody 2008, Campinas, Brasil.[www] 457-460.
  • Lipski, S., Grice, M. & I. Meister (2008). Auditory Perception Influences Speech Motor Learning. 8th International Seminar on Speech Production, 8 - 12 December 2008, Strasbourg, France. 405-408.
  • Mücke, D., Grice, M. & A. Hermes (2008). Coordination of tones and vowel gestures in German nuclear pitch accents. Workshop: Consonant Clusters and Structural Complexity, 31 July-2 August 2008, Munich, Germany.
  • Mücke, D., Grice, M. & A. Hermes (2008). The vowel triggers the tone: Evidence from German. Special Session: Coordination of speech gestures: Models and data. 8th Phonetic Conference of China 2008, Beijing, China.
  • Mücke, D., Grice, M. & R. Kirst (2008). Prosodic and lexical effects on German place assimilation. Proceedings of the 8th International Seminar on Speech Production, Strasbourg, France. 225-228.
  • Mücke, D.,Grice, M., Hermes, A. & J. Becker (2008). Prenuclear Rises in Northern and Southern German. Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Speech Prosody 2008, Campinas, Brasil. 245-248.
  • Mücke, D.,  Grice, M., Hermes, A., Becker, J. & S. Baumann (2008). Articulatory Marking of Focus in German. Laboratory Phonology 11, 30 June - 2 July 2008, Wellington, New Zealand.
  • Savino, M. & M. Grice (2008). Reaction Time in the Perception of Intonational Contrasts in Italian. Third TIE Conference on Tone and Intonation, 15-17 September 2008, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Schweppe, J., Rummer, R. & M. Grice (2008). The phonological similarity effect (PSE): As basic as it gets? Fourth European Working Memory Workshop, 3-5 September 2008, Bristol, England.


  • Baumann, S., J. Becker, M. Grice & D. Mücke (2007). Tonal and Articulatory Marking of Focus in German. Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrücken, Germany.[www] 1029-1032.
  • Grice, M. & S. Baumann (2007). An Introduction to Intonation – Functions and Models. In Trouvain, Jürgen & Ulrike Gut (Eds.). Non-Native Prosody. Phonetic Description and Teaching Practice. [www] Berlin, New York: De Gruyter (= Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM] 186). 25-51.
  • Grice, M., S. Baumann & N. Jagdfeld (2007). Evidence for Tonal Identity from Peak Scaling under Pitch Span Variation. Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrücken, Germany. 977-980.
  • Mücke, D., J. Becker & M. Grice . (2007). Orofacial gestures and focus. Oral Presentation at SPP 1234 "Phonological and phonetic competence: between grammar, signal processing, and neural activity", Nijmegen, Netherlands.
  • Prieto, P., D. Mücke, J. Becker & M. Grice (2007). Coordination patterns between pitch movements and oral gestures in Catalan. Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrücken, Germany. 989-992.
  • Savino, M. & M. Grice (2007). The role of pitch range in realizing pragmatic contrasts. Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrücken, Germany. 1037-1040.


  • Baumann, S. & M. Grice (2006). The Intonation of Accessibility. Journal of Pragmatics. 38 (10), [www] 1636-1657.
  • Baumann, S., M. Grice & S. Steindamm (2006). Prosodic Marking of Focus Domains – Categorical or Gradient? Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2006, Dresden, Germany. 301-304.
  • Grice, M. (2006). Intonation. In K. Brown (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd Edition, vol 5.Oxford: Elsevier. 778-788.
  • Grice, M. (2006). Tonal Association and Derived Nuclear Accents. International Conference on the Typology of Tone and Intonation, 7-9 September 2006, Berlin, Germany.
  • Grice, M. & J. Becker (2006). Tonal and Articulatory Marking of Focus Domains and Types. Oral Presentation at SPP 1234 "Phonological and phonetic competence: between grammar, signal processing, and neural activity", Stuttgart, Germany.
  • Mücke, D. & M. Grice (2006). Articulatory anchors for tonal targets in rising pitch accents.10th Conference on Laboratory Phonology, 29 June - 1 July 2006 Paris, France.
  • Mücke, D. & M. Grice (2006). On the synchronisation of articulatory gestures with accentual F0 peaks. Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie 14, Supplement. 5th International Conference on Speech Motor Control Nijmegen, Netherlands.
  • Mücke, D., M. Grice, J. Becker, A. Hermes & S. Baumann (2006). Articulatory and Acoustic Correlates of Prenuclear and Nuclear Accents. Proceedings Speech Prosody 2006, Dresden, Germany. 297-300.
  • Savino, M., M. Grice, B. Gili Fivela & G. Marotta (2006). Intonational Cues to Discourse Structure in Bari and Pisa Italian: Perceptual Evidence. Proceedings Speech Prosody 2006, Dresden, Germany. 114-117.
  • Weber, A., M. Grice & M. Crocker (2006). The role of prosody in the interpretation of structural ambiguities: a study of anticipatory eye movements. Cognition. 99 (2), [www] B63-B72.


  • Grice, Martine, S. Baumann & R. Benzmüller (2005). German Intonation in Autosegmental-metrical Phonology. In Jun, Sun-Ah (Eds.). Prosodic Typology: The Phonology of Intonation and Phrasing. [www] Oxford: OUP. 55-83.
  • Grice, M., M. D'Imperio, M. Savino & C. Avesani (2005). A strategy for intonation labelling varieties of Italian. In Jun, Sun-Ah (Eds.). Prosodic Typology: The Phonology of Intonation and Phrasing. Oxford: OUP. 362-389.
  • Krenn, B., B. Neumayr, E. Gstrein & M. Grice (2005). Lifelike Agents for the Internet: A Cross-Cultural Study. In Payr, Sabine & Robert Trapl (Eds.). Agent Culture: Human-Agent Interaction in a Multicultural World.New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. 197-229.
  • Mücke, D., M. Grice, J. Becker & A. Hermes (2005). Between prosodic structure and articulatory dynamics: the question of tonal alignment in German. Oral Presentation at Phonetik & Phonologie 2, Tübingen, Germany.


  • Baumann, S. & M. Grice (2004). Accenting Accessible Information. Speech Prosody 2004, Nara, Japan.[www] 21-24.
  • Grice, M. & M. Savino (2004). Information Structure and Questions – Evidence from Task-Oriented Dialogues in a Variety of Italian. In Gilles, Peter & Jörg Peters (Eds.). Regional Variation in Intonation. Tübingen: Niemeyer. 161-190.
  • Krenn, B., B. Neumayr, C. Schmotzer & M. Grice (2004). What we can learn from Avatar-driven Internet Communities. In Ruttkay, Z. & C. Pelachaud (Eds.). From Brows to Trust: Evaluating Embodied Conversational Agents, Human-Computer Interaction Series – volume 7.Kluwer. 323-352.


  • Grice, M. (2003). Commentary on Dainora: An empirically based probabilistic model of intonation in American English. GLOT International. 7 (3), [www] 85-89.
  • Grice, M. & M. Savino (2003). Map Tasks in Bari Italian: Asking Questions about Given, Accessible and New Information, invited contribution to special issue "Intonation in Romance". Catalan Journal of Linguistics 2. 2 [www] 153-180.
  • Grice, M. & M. Savino (2003). Question type and information structure in Italian. In Ferré, G. & A. Mettouchi (Eds.). Prosodic Interfaces. Nantes. 117-122.
  • Oliver, D. & M. Grice (2003). The Phonetics and Phonology of Lexical Stress in Polish Verbs. Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Barcelona, Spain. 2027-2030.
  • Schröder, M. & M. Grice (2003). Expressing vocal effort in concatenative synthesis. Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Barcelona, Spain. 2589-2592.


  • Grice, M. & S. Baumann (2002). Deutsche Intonation und GToBI. Linguistische Berichte. 191 [www] 267-298.
  • Grice, M. (2002). Intonation: Analysis, Modelling and Technology. Computational Linguistics. In Review of Bottini (Eds.). 28 (1), [www] 87-89.
  • Piwek, P., B. Krenn, M. Schröder, M. Grice, S. Baumann & H. Pirker (2002). RRL: A rich representation language for the description of agent behavior in NECA. Proceedings AAMAS 2002 Workshop: Embodied conversational agents - let' s specify and evaluate, Bologna, Italy.[www]
  • Krenn, B., E. Gstrein, B. Neumayr & M. Grice (2002). What can we learn from users of avatars in net environments? Proceedings AAMAS 2002 Workshop: Embodied con­versational agents - let's specify and evaluate them!, Bologna, Italy.
  • Krenn, B., M. Grice, P. Piwek, M. Schröder, M. Klesen, S. Baumann, H. Pirker, K. van Deemter & E. Gstrein (2002). Generation of Multi-modal Dialogue for Net Environments. Tagungsband KONVENS 2002, [www] 91-98.


  • Grice, M. (2001). Intonation Systems: A Survey of Twenty Languages. Journal of Linguistics. 37 (3), [www] 619-625.


  • Grice, M., D. R. Ladd & A. Arvaniti (2000). On the place of phrase accents in intonational phonology. Phonology. 17 (2), [www] 143-185.
  • Grice, M., G. Leech, M. Weisser & A. Wilson (2000). Representation and annotation of dialogue. In Gibbon, Dafydd, Mertins, Moore (Eds.). Handbook of Multimodal and Spoken Dialogue Systems. Resources, Terminology and Product Evaluation. Boston, Dordrecht, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1-101.
  • Baumann, S., M. Grice & R. Benzmüller (2000). GToBI - a phonological system for the transcription of German intonation. Proceedings Prosody 2000: Speech Recognition and Synthesis Workshop, Cracow, Poland. 21-28.


  • Trouvain, J. & M. Grice (1999). The Effect of Tempo on Prosodic Structure. Proceedings of the XIV International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, San Francisco, USA. 1067-1070.


  • Benzmüller, R. & M. Grice (1998). The nuclear accentual fall in the intonation of Standard German. ZAS Papers in Linguistics: Papers on the conference "The word as a phonetic unit", Berlin, Germany. 79-89.


  • Refice, M., M. Savino & M. Grice (1997). A contribution to the estimation of natu­ral­ness in the intonation of italian spontaneous speech. Proceedings of Eurospeech 97, Rhodes, Greece. 783-786.
  • Grice, M. & M. Savino (1997). Can pitch accent type convey information-status in yes-no questions? Proceedings of ACL 97 Workshop on Concept to Speech Generation Systems, Madrid, Spain. 29-38.
  • Benzmüller, R. & M. Grice (1997). Trainingsmaterialien zur Etikettierung deutscher Intonation mit GToBI. Phonus 3. Institute of Phonetics, University of the Saarland, 9-34.
  • Grice, M., M. Savino & M. Refice (1997). The intonation of questions in Bari Italian: Do speakers replicate their spontaneous speech when reading?. Phonus 3. Institute of Phonetics, University of the Saarland, 1-7.


  • Benoît, C., M. Grice & V. Hazan (1996). The SUS test: A method for the assessment of text-to-speech synthesis intelligibility using Semantically Unpredictable Sentences. Speech Communication. 18 (4), [www] 381-392.
  • Grice, M., M. Reyelt, R. Benzmüller, J. Mayer & A. Batliner (1996). Consistency in Transcription and Labelling of German Intonation with GToBI. Proceedings of the 4th International Con­ference on Spoken Language Processing, Philadelphia, USA. 1716-1719.
  • Reyelt, M., M. Grice, R. Benzmüller, J. Mayer & A. Batliner (1996). Prosodische Etikettierung des Deutschen mit ToBI. In Dafydd, Gibbon (Eds.). Natural Language and Speech Technology, Results of the third KONVENS conference. November 1996, Bielefeld, Germany Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter.


  • Grice, M. (1995). The intonation of Interrogation in Palermo Italian; implications for intonation theory. 334 Tübingen: Niemeyer.
  • Grice, M. (1995). Leading tones and downstep in English. Phonology. 12 (2), [www] 183-233.
  • Grice, M. & M. Savino (1995). Low tone versus 'sag' in Bari Italian intonation; a perceptual experiment. Proceedings of the XIII International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden. 658-661.
  • Grice, M. & M. Savino (1995). Intonation and communicative function in a regional variety of Italian. Proceedings of the IV International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics Congress "Psycholinguis­tics as a multi-disciplinarily connected science", Bologna. Extended version in Phonus 1, University of the Saarland, Germany. 19-32.
  • Grice, M., R. Benzmüller, M. Savino & B. Andreeva (1995). The Intonation of queries and checks across languages: Data from Map Task Dialogues. Proceedings of the XIII International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden. 648-651.
  • Grice, M. & R. Benzmüller (1995). Transcription of German Intonation using ToBI tones; The Saarbruecken System. Phonus 1. University of the Saarland33-51.


  • Wells, J., W. Barry, M. Grice, A. Fourcin & D. Gibbon (1992). Standard Computer-Compatible Transcription. Esprit project 2589 (SAM), Doc. no. SAM-UCL-037, London: Phonetics and Linguistics Dept., University College London.


  • Grice, M., K. Vagges & D. Hirst (1991). Assessment of Intonation in Text-to-Speech Synthesis Systems - A Pilot Test in English and Italian. Proceedings of Eurospeech 91, Genova, Vol 2. 879-882.
  • Grice, M. & W. Barry (1991). Problems of transcription and labelling in the specification of segmental and prosodic structure. Proceedings of the XII International Conference of Phonetic Sciences, Aix-en-Provence, Vol 5. 66-69.
  • Grice, M. & W. Barry (1991). Phonetic Units by ear and eye. Proceedings of ESCA Workshop on The Phonetics and Phonology of Speaking Styles, Barcelona, Spain. 29.1-29.5.
  • Grice, M. (1991). The intonation of interrogation of two varieties of Sicilian Italian. Proceedings of the XII International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Aix-en-Provence, Vol 5. 210-213.
  • Grice, M., K. Vagges & D. Hirst (1991). Assessment of Intonation in Text-to-Speech Synthesis Systems - A Pilot Test in English and Italian. Quaderni del Istituto di Fonetica del Centro Nazionale Di Recerca, Padova, Italy.
  • Barry, W. & M. Grice (1991). Auditory and visual factors in speech database analysis. Speech Hearing and Language: Work in Progress, University College London, Vol 5. 9-32.


  • Johnson, M. & M. Grice (1990). Some phonetic correlates of stylisation in the step-down contour. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, Speech and Hearing Autumn Conference, Vol 12. 71-78.
  • Johnson, M. & M. Grice (1990). The phonological status of stylised intonation contours. Speech Hearing and Language: Work in Progress, University College London, Vol 4. 229-256.


  • Grice, M. (1989). Syntactic Structures and lexicon requirements for Semantically Unpredictable Sentences in a number of languages. Proceedings of the ESCA workshop on Speech Input/Output Assessment and Speech Databases, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands. 1.5.1-1.5.4.
  • Benoit, C., A. van Erp, M. Grice, V. Hazan & U. Jekosch (1989). Multilingual Synthesiser Assessment using Semantically Unpredictable Sentences. Proceedings of Eurospeech 89, Paris, Vol 2. 633-636.
  • Barry, W., M. Grice, V. Hazan & A. Fourcin (1989). Excitation distributions for synthesised speech. Proceedings of Eurospeech 89, Paris, Vol 1. 353-356.
  • van Erp, A., C. Houben, W. Barry, M. Grice, L.-J. Boë, G. Braun, P. Cori, N. Dyhr, G. Perennou, N. Vigouroux & D. Auteserre (1989). A Unified Ap­proach to the Labelling of Speech: First Multilingual Results. Proceedings of Eurospeech 89, Paris, Vol. 1. 88-91.
  • Grice, M. & V. Hazan (1989). The assessment of synthetic speech intelligibility using semantically unpredictable sentences. Speech Hearing and Language: Work in Progress, Uni­versity College London, Vol 3. 109-122.

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Mentoring and Supervision

I am very proud of my students for winning so many prizes and awards:

Aviad Albert  - Labphon student travel grant for Labphon16 Lisbon.
Tingting Brengelmann - Gosta Bruce scholarship for ICPhS Glasgow, UK. 
Anna Bruggeman - IPA student award for LabPhon16 Lisbon.
Anna Bruggeman - LSA Linguistic Summer Institute 2015 Fellowship, Chicago, USA.
Luke Galea - IPA student award for ICPhS Glasgow, UK.
Valeria Lucarini - Early career award, Annual Congress of the Schizophrenia International Research Society, 2024, Florence, Italy.
Jessica di Napoli - Labphon Best Student Paper Award, Phonetics and Phonology in Europe, Cambridge, UK.
Henrik Niemann -  Gosta Bruce scholarship for ICPhS Glasgow, UK.
Timo Roettger - IPA student award for ICPhS Glasgow, UK.
Simona Sbranna - Franco Ferrero Best Paper Award of the Italian Association of Speech Sciences 2023
Mathias Stöber - Fakultätspreis der Philosophischen Fakultät im WS 2019/20.
Tobias Schröer - Fakultätspreis der Philosophischen Fakultät im SoSe 2020.
Chem Vatho - South East Asian Linguistics Society travel award for SEALS 31 (2022), in Honolulu, USA.
Simon Wehrle - Labphon Best Student Paper Award, ProsLang, Wellington, New Zealand.