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Promotionsprojekte seit 2005

Laufende Promotionsprojekte

Malin Spaniol

In association with SFB 1252 - A02 Individual behaviour in encoding and decoding prosodic prominence

  • "Communicative behaviour in multimodal dyadic face-to-face conversation: with a focus on eye-gaze and the effect of cognitive styles"

Janne Lorenzen

In association with SFB 1252 - A07 - Metrical prominence - Scales and Structures

  • "Individual variability in the encoding and decoding of prosodic prominence relations"

Maria Lialiou

Supervised by Prof. Dr. Petra Schumacher and Prof. Dr. Martine Grice

  • "The processing of rises and falls"

Lena Pagel

Co-supervised with Simon Roessig, Language and Linguistic Science, University of York (UK)

  • "Multimodality and interactive alignment in conversation"

Noemi Furlani

Co-supervised with Jacopo Torregrossa, Multilingualism and Second Language Acquisition, Goethe University Frankfurt

  • "The role of prosodic structure in L2-directed speech"

Sandrine Brogneaux

(extern - gemeinsame Betreuung mit Prof. Thierry Dutroit)

  • "Expressive Speech Synthesis"

Abgeschlossene Promotionsprojekte
