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Prof. Dr. Eugen Hill

Historisch-Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft
Institut für Linguistik
D-50923 Köln

Tel: +49-221-470-2282
Fax: +49-221-470-5947

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E-Mail: eugen.hill[at]uni-koeln[dot]de

Ausgewählte Schlüsselpublikationen

  • Fries, Simon, Jakob Halfmann, Eugen Hill & Denise Hübner. 2023. From noun to future tense. The functional diachrony of the l-future in the Nuristani languages and its typological background. Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung (STUF) 76(1), 53-85. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/stuf-2023-2002
  • Fries, Simon & Eugen Hill. 2022. Insights Into the Diachrony Of the East Baltic Subjunctive Mood. Baltistica 57(1), 5–44. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15388/Baltistica.57.1.2466
  • Hill, Eugen & Simon Fries. 2020. On personal endings of thematic verbs in Proto-Indo-European. In: Repanšek, Luka, Harald Bichlmeier & Velizar Sadovski (eds.), vácām̐si miśrā krṇavāmahai. Proceedings of the international conference of the Society for Indo-European Studies and IWoBA XII, Ljubljana 4–7 June 2019, celebrating one hundred years of Indo-European comparative linguistics at the University of Ljubljana. Hamburg: baar, 253–282.
  • Hill, Eugen. 2020. The origin of the Lithuanian illative. Baltistica 55.2, 203–253.
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15388/Baltistica.55.2.2418.
  • Hill, Eugen. 2020. Analogy in inflectional change: Modification or whole-word replacement? Language 96(1), 38–58. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1353/lan.2020.0014.
  • Hill, Eugen. 2019. Inflectional suppletion and heteroclite inflection from a diachronic perspective. Transactions of the Philological Society 117(3), 372–389.
  • Hill, Eugen. 2019. Prosodic change and the (apparent) irregularities in the development of segments. Folia Linguistica Historica 40(2), 323–353.
  • Hill, Eugen, Daniel Kölligan, Corinna Scheungraber & Michael Frotscher. 2019. The development of prefixation in time and space - Ditropic clitics and prosodic realignment in dialects of Indo-European. Transactions of the Philological Society 117(2), 157–198. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-968X.12153
  • Hill, Eugen. 2017. West Germanic Monosyllabic Lengthening and Gothic Breaking as Partially Proto-Germanic Developments. The evidence of pronominal place adverbs ‘here’, ‘where’ and ‘there’. North-Western European Language Evolution 70, 135–170.
  • Hill, Eugen. 2015. Suppletion replication in grammaticalization and its triggering factors. LANGUAGE DYNAMICS AND CHANGE 5, 52–91.
  • Hill, Eugen. 2014. Using stem suppletion for semantic reconstruction. The case of Indo-European modals and East Baltic future tense formations. INDO-EUROPEAN LINGUISTICS 2, 42–72.
  • Hill, Eugen. 2013. Historical phonology in service of subgrouping. Two laws of final syllables in the common prehistory of Baltic and Slavonic. BALTISTICA 48. 161-204.
  • Hill, Eugen. 2012. Hidden sound laws in the inflectional morphology of Proto-Indo-European. A phonological account of the primary first singular of thematic verbs and the instrumental case of thematic nouns and adjectives. In Benedicte Nielsen Whitehead, Thomas Olander, Birgit A. Olsen & Jens E. Rasmussen (eds.), THE SOUND OF INDO-EUROPEAN. PHONETICS, PHONEMICS, AND MORPHOPHONEMICS, Copenhaguen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 169–207.
  • Hill, Eugen. 2012. Silbische Liquiden vor Nasalen im Inselkeltischen und das Problem der Nasalpräsentien vom Typ air. sernaid, kymr. -sarnu. Keltische Forschungen 5. 157–184.
  • Hill, Eugen. 2010. A case study in grammaticalized inflectional morphology: origin and development of the Germanic weak preterite. DIACHRONICA 27. 411–458.
  • Hill, Eugen. 2007. Proportionale Analogie, paradigmatischer Ausgleich und Formerweiterung: ein Beitrag zur Typologie des morphologischen Wandels. DIACHRONICA 24. 81–118.