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Interactive Video


The interactive video is used to upload a video of your lecture/presentation and to add questions and comments. In addition, students have the opportunity to ask questions and write their own private notes.


First you have to create a new object/tool "Interactive video" via the ILIAS page of your course.


You can now choose whether you want to upload your own video or refer to a media file/Youtube video (with these two options, there are problems with questions that are created for this. We recommend only using your own videos here). Attention: The video may be a maximum of 600 MB in size, for larger files you must resort to Opencast (However, this does not offer the possibility of interaction).


These two settings are recommended for a smooth process. This way, students do not miss any questions, but they are not held up by them when watching the video again.


Questions and comments can be created via this tab.


Here you can now name and add your question. The checkmark "Repeat question" is recommended if you want the students to answer the question correctly before they continue watching the video.


You now have the choice between 3 different question types. Make sure you fill in the answers and tick the correct answer(s).


You can now view and change all created elements under the tab "Questions and comments".



This is how it should look when the question appears during the video. The question disappears - depending on settings, of course - when the students have answered the question correctly.

