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The exercise is mainly used to create assignments for the students, which do not have to be graded directly and/or require longer answers as continuous text.

Detailed instructions for the ILIAS exercise can be found here.

First you have to create a new object/tool "Exercise" via the ILIAS page of your course.


As in the other tools, you must first set up a new exercise with a description.


Individual units can then be created throughout the exercise.


These units may or may not be compulsory for students.


It is also advisable to set fixed deadlines.


As indirect feedback, you can upload a sample solution, which is accessible to the students after the submission deadline.


You can also upload additional files to the work instruction.


The entire exercise can be exported as a ZIP file. To do this, simply download the ZIP file (do not unzip!)


This ZIP file can now be imported into another course.

