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Prof. Dr. Stefan Baumann

Institut für Linguistik - Phonetik

Herbert-Lewin-Str. 6, D-50931 Köln

E-Mail: stefan.baumann@uni-koeln.de  

Telefon: (+49) 0221 - 470 4259  

Fax: (+49) 0221 - 470 5938  

Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung

ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5963-6079

Research Interests

  • Phonetics and Phonology of Intonation
  • Intonation Modelling (GToBI, DIMA)
  • Prosodic, Semantic and Pragmatic Aspects of Information Structure
  • The Role of Prosody in Neurocognitive Language Processing
  • Multi-layer Annotation of Spoken Language
  • Prosody and Gestures


I am currently involved in the project

Completed projects:

  • SFB Prominence in Language, Project A01: Intonation and attention orienting: Neurophysiological and behavioural correlates (2017-2020)
  • PROP (Prosodische Prominenz – Klassifikation, Gradienz, Relativität)
  • DASS (Degrees of Activation and Focus-Background Structure in Spontaneous Speech – The Relation between Prosodic Marking and Syntactic and Semantic Structure Building)
  • PAGE (Prosodic and gestural entrainment in conversational interaction across diverse languages)
  • NECA (Net Environment for Embodied Emotional Conversational Agents)
  • GToBI-2 (Evaluation and Extension of a Model for German Intonation)
  • MULI (Multilinguale Informationsstruktur)
  • STRETTS (The Structure of Tonal Representations - Evidence from Tune-Text Synchronisation)
  • TAMIS (Tonal and Articulatory Marking of Information Structure: Kinematic and Acoustic Correlates of Accentuation)


SS 2025

  • Seminar: Prosodie und Informationsstruktur, IDSL I und IfL-Phonetik, Universität zu Köln

WS 2024/25

  • Vorlesung: Einführung in die Phonetik und Phonologie II (mit Martine Grice und Aviad Albert), IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln

SS 2024

  • Seminar: Prosodie und Informationsstruktur, IDSL I und IfL-Phonetik, Universität zu Köln

WS 2023/24

  • Vorlesung: Einführung in die Phonetik und Phonologie II (mit Martine Grice und Aviad Albert), IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln

SS 2023

  • Seminar: Prosodie und Informationsstruktur, IDSL I und IfL-Phonetik, Universität zu Köln

WS 2022/23

  • Vorlesung: Einführung in die Phonetik und Phonologie II (mit Martine Grice und Aviad Albert), IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln

SS 2022

  • Seminar: Laboratory Phonology – Akustik, IfL-Phonetik, Universität zu Köln

WS 2021/22

  • Seminar: Advanced Intonation Theory (mit Martine Grice), IfL-Phonetik, Universität zu Köln

SS 2021

  • Seminar: Laboratory Phonology – Akustik, IfL-Phonetik, Universität zu Köln

WS 2020/21

  • Seminar: Intonationsmodelle, IfL-Phonetik, Universität zu Köln

SS 2020

  • Seminar: Laboratory Phonology – Akustik, IfL-Phonetik, Universität zu Köln

WS 2019/20

  • Hauptseminar: Metrische Phonologie, IfL-Phonetik, Universität zu Köln

WS 2018/19

  • Seminar: Intonation und Informationsstruktur (mit Arndt Riester), IDSL 1 und IfL-Phonetik, Universität zu Köln

WS 2017/18

  • Seminar: Intonationsmodelle, IfL-Phonetik, Universität zu Köln

WS 2016/17

  • Hauptseminar: Annotation von Informationsstruktur und Intonation (mit Aria Adli, Romanisches Seminar), IfL-Phonetik, Universität zu Köln

WS 2015/16

  • Seminar: Intonationsmodelle, IfL-Phonetik, Universität zu Köln

WS 2014/15

  • Vorlesung: Structure and Meaning: Theory and Experiment, Englisches Seminar, Universität zu Köln
  • Hauptseminar: Konvergenz, IfL-Phonetik, Universität zu Köln
  • Seminar: Intonationsmodelle, IfL-Phonetik, Universität zu Köln
  • Forschungs- und Doktorandenkolloquium, IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln

WS 2013/14

  • Seminar: Intonationsmodelle, IfL-Phonetik, Universität zu Köln

SS 2013

  • Hauptseminar: Prosodische Prominenz, Institut für Linguistik, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
  • Hauptseminar: Experimentelle Phonologie, Institut für Linguistik, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
  • Proseminar: Intonation des Deutschen, Institut für Linguistik, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
  • Kolloquium: Neuere Arbeiten in der Phonologie, Institut für Linguistik, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

WS 2012/13

  • Seminar: Intonationsmodelle, IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln
  • Forschungskolloquium (mit Martine Grice und Doris Mücke), IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln

SS 2012

  • Hauptseminar: Prosodische Stärkung und Metrische Struktur (mit Martine Grice und Doris Mücke), IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln
  • Projektseminar: Laboratory Phonology II B, IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln
  • Grundkurs: Prosodische Analyse, IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln
  • Forschungskolloquium (mit Martine Grice und Doris Mücke), IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln
  • Magister- und Doktorandenkolloquium (mit Martine Grice), IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln

WS 2011/12

  • Seminar: Intonationsmodelle, IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln
  • Projektseminar: Laboratory Phonology II / Apparate II, IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln
  • Forschungskolloquium (mit Martine Grice und Doris Mücke), IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln
  • Magister- und Doktorandenkolloquium (mit Martine Grice und Doris Mücke), IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln

SS 2011

  • Projektseminar: Laboratory Phonology II B, IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln
  • Grundkurs: Prosodische Analyse, IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln
  • Phonetisches Forschungskolloquium Köln-Bonn (mit Martine Grice), IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln
  • Magister- und Doktorandenkolloquium (mit Martine Grice), IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln

WS 2010/11

  • Seminar: Intonationsmodelle, IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln
  • Projektseminar: Laboratory Phonology II / Apparate II, IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln
  • Phonetisches Forschungskolloquium Köln-Bonn, IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln
  • Magister- und Doktorandenkolloquium (mit Doris Mücke), IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln

SS 2010

  • Grundkurs: Prosodische Analyse, IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln
  • Phonetisches Forschungskolloquium Köln-Bonn (mit Martine Grice), IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln
  • Magister- und Doktorandenkolloquium (mit Martine Grice), IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln

WS 2009/10

  • Seminar: Intonationsmodelle, IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln

SS 2009

  • Hauptseminar: Experimentelle Analyse von Labor- und Spontansprache (mit Martine Grice u. Doris Mücke), IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln
  • Grundkurs: Prosodische Analyse, IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln

WS 2008/09

  • Hauptpraktikum: Prosodische Annotation, IfK Abteilung Sprache und Kommunikation, Universität Bonn

SS 2008

  • Grundkurs: Prosodische Analyse, IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln

WS 2007/08

  • Hauptseminar: Intonationsforschung (mit Martine Grice), IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln

SS 2007

  • Hauptseminar: Artikulatorische und tonale Markierung von Informationsstruktur (mit Martine Grice u. Doris Mücke), IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln
  • Aufbauseminar: Grundlagen der Intonationsanalyse, IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln

WS 2006/07

  • Hauptseminar: Repräsentationen und Funktionen intonatorischer Phänomene (mit Martine Grice), IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln
  • Übung: Tonale Analyse des Deutschen (GToBI), IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln

SS 2006

  • Aufbauseminar: Grundlagen der Intonationsanalyse, IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln

WS 2005/06

  • Übung: Tonale Analyse des Deutschen (GToBI), IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln

SS 2005

  • Aufbauseminar: Grundlagen der Intonationsanalyse, IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln

WS 2004/05

  • Hauptseminar: Intonation und Informationsstruktur (mit Martine Grice), IfL-Phonetik, Universität Köln

WS 2001/02

  • Hauptseminar: Intonational and semantic aspects of Information Structure (mit Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová und Geert-Jan Kruijff), Institute für Computerlinguistik und Phonetik, Universität des Saarlandes

SS 2000-SS 2004

  • Proseminar: Einführung Intonation, Institut für Phonetik, Universität des Saarlandes

Invited Tutorials:


  • LinC Summer School on Register and Context, RWTH Aachen


  • Doctoral School on Information Structure, Prosody and Syntax. Institut für Linguistik, Universität Genf


  • Prosodie-Tutorium, Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS) Berlin

26.-28.9. 2006

  • Intonation and Information Structure. An introductory course. Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages (Project SPRIK), Universität Oslo

25.-27.4. 2005

  • Intonationsanalyse mit GToBI, Graduiertenkolleg Universalität und Diversität, Universität Leipzig

20.-21.2. 2003

  • Annotation mit GToBI, Universität Bielefeld

zum Seitenanfang


To appear

  • Baills, Florence & Stefan Baumann (accepted). Prosody and head gestures as markers of information status in French as a native and foreign language. In: Núria Esteve-Gibert, Pilar Prieto, and Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel (Eds.), Special issue on ‘multimodal prosody: speech and gesture in interaction’. Language & Cognition.


  • Baills, Florence & Stefan Baumann (2024). Gesture, prosody and syntax as markers of information structure in French. Oral presentation at MMSYM 2024, Frankfurt am Main.
  • Lorenzen, Janne & Stefan Baumann (2024). Does communicative skill predict individual variability in the prosodic encoding of lexical and referential givenness? Proceedings Speech Prosody 2024, Leiden, Netherlands. 802-806. https://www.isca-archive.org/speechprosody_2024/lorenzen24_speechprosody.html
  • Lorenzen, Janne & Stefan Baumann (2024). Weighting the effects of prosodic, semantic-pragmatic and syntactic cues on the perception of prominence in German. Poster presentation at CROSSIN, satellite workshop of Speech Prosody 2024, Leiden.
  • Baumann, Stefan & Janne Lorenzen (2024). Boosting or inhibiting - How semantic-pragmatic and syntactic cues affect prosodic prominence relations in German. PLoS ONE 19(4), e0299746. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0299746
  • Lorenzen, Janne, Simon Roessig & Stefan Baumann (2024). Paradigmatic and syntagmatic effects of information status on prosodic prominence – Evidence from an interactive web-based production experiment in German. Frontiers in Psychology 15, 1296933. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1296933 [Special Issue "Experimental Approaches to the Acquisition of Information Structure", edited by Tania Leal, Bradley Hoot, Stavros Skopeteas, Joseph Casillas and Oksana Laleko]
  • Baills, Florence & Stefan Baumann (2024). Prosody and head gestures as markers of information status in French as a native and foreign language. Poster presentation at IMPRS Conference 2024, Nijmegen.
  • Baumann, Stefan (2024). Multimodal prosodic prominence and its role in marking information structure. Keynote talk at Workshop “Prosody in Focus – Prominence Marking from Multiple Perspectives”, 46th Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS), Bochum.


  • Baumann, Stefan & Janne Lorenzen (2023). Testing the influence of multiple discourse-related cues on prosodic strength relations. Oral presentation at P&P 19, Bern.
  • Baills, Florence, Stefan Baumann & Patrick Rohrer (2023). The Relation between Pitch Accent Types, Head Movements and Perceived Prosodic Prominence in L2 French. In: Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 4145-4149). Guarant International.
  • Lorenzen, Janne, Simon Roessig & Stefan Baumann (2023). Redundancy and Individual Variability in the Prosodic Marking of Information Status in German. In: Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 1320-1324). Guarant International.
  • Röhr, Christine T., Martine Grice & Stefan Baumann (2023). Intonational Preferences for Lexical Contrast and Verum Focus. In: Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 1578-1582). Guarant International.
  • Baumann, Stefan & Florence Baills (2023). Head movements and pitch accents as cues to information status in L2 French. Oral presentation at 18th International Pragmatics Conference, Brussels.
  • Baills, Florence & Stefan Baumann (2023). The multimodal marking of information status in French as a foreign language: What can we learn about the use of prosodic and gestural cues in an interlanguage? Oral presentation at PaPE 2023, Nijmegen.
  • Lorenzen, Janne, Simon Roessig & Stefan Baumann (2023). Exploring individual strategies in prosodic marking of information status in German. Poster presentation at PaPE 2023, Nijmegen.
  • Im, Suyeon, Jennifer Cole & Stefan Baumann (2023). Standing out in context: Prominence in the production and perception of public speech. Laboratory Phonology 14(1), 1-62. https://doi.org/10.16995/labphon.6417 [Special collection on Prosody and speech processing across languages and varieties]


  • Baills, Florence & Stefan Baumann (2022). The multimodal marking of information status in L2 speech: the case of Catalan learners of French. Oral presentation at P&P 18, 6 October 2022, Bielefeld.
  • Lorenzen, Janne, Simon Roessig & Stefan Baumann (2022). Individual variability in the prosodic encoding of information status in German. Poster presentation at P&P 18, 6 October 2022, Bielefeld.
  • Röhr, Christine T., Stefan Baumann & Martine Grice (2022). The influence of expectations on tonal cues to prominence. Journal of Phonetics 94, 101174. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wocn.2022.101174
  • Lorenzen, Janne, Simon Roessig & Stefan Baumann (2022). Syntagmatic and paradigmatic effects of information status on prosodic prominence relations in German – an online production task. Poster presentation at LabPhon18 (virtual conference), 25 June 2022.
  • Roessig, Simon, Janne Lorenzen & Stefan Baumann (2022). Evidence for a prosodic prominence budget in German utterances. Poster presentation at 3rd International Conference "Prominence in Language" (ICPL III), 2 June 2022, Cologne.
  • Lorenzen, Janne, Simon Roessig & Stefan Baumann (2022). Information status and tonal context jointly modulate prosodic prominence relations in German. Proceedings Speech Prosody 2022, Lisbon. 7-11.
  • Kügler, Frank, Stefan Baumann & Christine T. Röhr (2022). Deutsche Intonation, Modellierung und Annotation (DIMA) – Richtlinien zur prosodischen Annotation des Deutschen. In: Schwarze, Cordula & Sven Grawunder (eds.): Transkription und Annotation gesprochener Sprache und multimodaler Interaktion. Tübingen: Narr. 23–54.


  • Baumann, Stefan (2021). Are highlighted words always informative? On the complex relationship between prosodic prominence and meaning. Keynote talk at 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI), Sonderborg, Denmark, 8 December 2021.
  • Ehret, Jonathan, Andrea Bönsch, Lukas Aspöck, Christine T. Röhr, Stefan Baumann, Martine Grice, Janina Fels & Torsten W. Kuhlen (2021). Do Prosody and Embodiment Influence the Perceived Naturalness of Conversational Agents’ Speech? ACM Transactions on Applied Perception 18(4): 21. 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1145/3486580
  • Baumann, Stefan, Jane Mertens & Janina Kalbertodt (2021). The influence of informativeness on the prosody of sentence topics. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 6(1): 95. 1–28. https://doi.org/10.16995/glossa.5871 [Special Issue on ‘Contrastive, given, new - encoding varieties of topic and focus’, edited by Sophie Repp & Johannes Mursell].
  • Ehret, Jonathan, Andrea Bönsch, Lukas Aspöck, Christine T. Röhr, Stefan Baumann, Martine Grice, Janina Fels & Torsten W. Kuhlen (2021). Do Prosody and Embodiment Influence the Perceived Naturalness of Conversational Agents’ Speech? Oral presentation at ACM Symposium on Applied Perception 2021 (SAP 2021), 17 September 2021, Rennes.
  • Aspöck, Lukas, Jonathan Ehret, Stefan Baumann, Andrea Bönsch, Christine T. Röhr, Martine Grice, Torsten W. Kuhlen & Janina Fels (2021). Prosodic and visual naturalness of dialogs presented by conversational virtual agents. Poster presentation at DAGA 2021, 16 August 2021, Vienna.
  • Chodroff, Eleanor, Stefan Baumann & Jennifer Cole (2021). Prenuclear accents are not just ornamental: Effects of information structure on prenuclear prominence in American English and German. Oral presentation at PaPE 2021, 21 June 2021, Barcelona.
  • Röhr, Christine T., Stefan Baumann & Martine Grice (2021). Expecting the unusual: The prosodic interpretation of contextual information. Oral presentation at PaPE 2021, 21 June 2021, Barcelona.


  • Baumann, Stefan & Francesco Cangemi (eds.) (2020). Special Issue "Integrating phonetics and phonology in the study of linguistic prominence". Journal of Phonetics. https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-phonetics/special-issue/109HPRXKZB3
  • Cangemi, Francesco & Stefan Baumann (2020). Integrating phonetics and phonology in the study of linguistic prominence [introduction to the Special Issue of the same name, eds. Baumann & Cangemi]. Journal of Phonetics 81, 100993. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wocn.2020.100993
  • Riesberg, Sonja, Janina Kalbertodt, Stefan Baumann & Nikolaus Himmelmann (2020). Using Rapid Prosody Transcription to probe little-known prosodic systems: The case of Papuan Malay. Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology 11(1), 8. http://doi.org/10.5334/labphon.192
  • Röhr, Christine T., Ingmar Brilmayer, Stefan Baumann, Martine Grice & Petra B. Schumacher (2020). Signal-driven and expectation-driven processing of accent types. Language, Cognition & Neuroscience 36(1). 33-59. https://doi.org/10.1080/23273798.2020.1779324
  • Baumann, Stefan, Janina Kalbertodt & Jane Mertens (2020). The appropriateness of prenuclear accent types – Evidence for information structural effects. Proceedings Speech Prosody 2020, Tokyo. 161-165. [video presentation]
  • Riester, Arndt, Tobias Schröer & Stefan Baumann (2020). On the prosody of contrastive topics in German interviews. Proceedings Speech Prosody 2020, Tokyo, Japan. 280-284. [video presentation]
  • Röhr, Christine T., Stefan Baumann, Petra B. Schumacher & Martine Grice (2020). Perceptual prominence of accent types and the role of expectations. Proceedings Speech Prosody 2020, Tokyo. 366-370. [video presentation]
  • Kaland, Constantijn & Stefan Baumann (2020). Demarcating and highlighting in Papuan Malay phrase prosody. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 147(4). 2974-2988. https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0001008
  • Im, Suyeon & Stefan Baumann (2020). Probabilistic relation between co-speech gestures, pitch accents and information status. Proceedings Ling Soc Amer 5(1). 685–697. https://doi.org/10.3765/plsa.v5i1.4755
  • Baumann, Stefan & Petra Schumacher (2020). The incremental processing of focus, givenness and prosodic prominence. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 5(1), 6. https://doi.org/10.5334/gjgl.914
  • Im, Suyeon & Stefan Baumann (2020). Probabilistic relation between co-speech gestures and information status. Oral presentation at LSA, 3 January 2020, New Orleans.


  • Baumann, Stefan, Jane Mertens & Janina Kalbertodt (2019). Informativeness and speaking style affect the realization of nuclear and prenuclear accents in German. Proceedings 19th ICPhS, Melbourne. 1580-1584.
  • Kügler, Frank, Stefan Baumann, Bistra Andreeva, Bettina Braun, Martine Grice, Jana Neitsch, Oliver Niebuhr, Jörg Peters, Christine T. Röhr, Antje Schweitzer & Petra Wagner (2019). Annotation of German intonation: DIMA compared with other annotation systems. Proceedings 19th ICPhS, Melbourne. 1297-1301.
  • Kaland, Constantijn & Stefan Baumann (2019). Different functions of phrase-final F0 movements in spontaneous Papuan Malay. Proceedings 19th ICPhS, Melbourne. 1312-1316.
  • Kügler, Frank & Stefan Baumann (2019). Annotation deutscher Intonation. Oral presentation at GAL(Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik)-Sektionentagung 2019, 19 September 2019, Halle (Saale).
  • Baumann, Stefan & Petra Schumacher (2019). The incremental processing of pitch accents, information status and focus. Oral presentation at PaPE 2019, 19 June 2019, Lecce.
  • Röhr, Christine, Stefan Baumann, Martine Grice & Petra Schumacher (2019). Signal- and expectation-based processing of pitch accent types. Poster presentation at PaPE 2019, 17 June 2019, Lecce.
  • Baumann, Stefan & Jane Mertens (2019). The influence of information status on the prosody of sentence topics. Oral presentation at workshop Encoding varieties of topic and focus: The role of contrast and information status, DGfS Conference, 7 March 2019, Bremen.
  • Im, Suyeon, Jennifer Cole & Stefan Baumann (2019). Nuclear vs. prenuclear accents and the encoding of information status. Poster presentation at LSA 2019, 4 January 2019, New York.
  • Kügler, Frank & Stefan Baumann (2019). DIMA-Annotationsrichtlinien. http://dima.uni-koeln.de/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/DIMA-Annotationsrichtlinien.V4.0.pdf


  • Baumann, Stefan & Jane Mertens (2018). Do prenuclear accents reflect meaning differences in German? Poster presentation at ProMAix2018 (Workshop on Prosody and Meaning: Information Structure and Beyond), 8 November 2018, Aix-en-Provence.
  • Baumann, Stefan (2018). On the Meaning of Nuclear and Prenuclear Accents. Invited lecture at Summer School on 'Word order and Intonation', University of Graz, 17 September 2018.
  • Riesberg, Sonja, Janina Kalbertodt, Stefan Baumann & Nikolaus Himmelmann (2018). On the perception of prosodic prominences and boundaries in Papuan Malay. In: Riesberg, Sonja, Atsuko Kanda & Asako Shiohara (eds.): Perspectives on information structure in Austronesian languages. Language Science Press. 389–414.
  • Röhr, Christine, Henrik Niemann, Stefan Baumann & Martine Grice (2018). Prominence marking depends on expectations. Oral presentation at P&P 14, 7 September 2018, Vienna.
  • Röhr, Christine, Henrik Niemann, Stefan Baumann & Martine Grice (2018). Prosodic Cues in Expectation-Driven Prominence Marking. Poster presentation at Second International Conference on 'Prominence in Language', 12 July 2018, Cologne.
  • Baumann, Stefan & Bodo Winter (2018). What makes a word prominent? Predicting untrained German listeners' perceptual judgments. Journal of Phonetics 70, 20-38. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wocn.2018.05.004
  • Im, Suyeon, Jennifer Cole & Stefan Baumann (2018). The mediating effect of information status on acoustic cues to prominence. Oral presentation at LabPhon16, 22 June 2018, Lisbon.
  • Im, Suyeon, Jennifer Cole & Stefan Baumann (2018). Probabilistic relationship between pitch accents and information status in public speech. Proceedings Speech Prosody 9, 13-16 June 2018, Poznan. 508-511.
  • Zappoli, Alessandra, Francesco Vespignani, Stefan Baumann, Martine Grice & Petra Schumacher (2018). The processing of German Pitch Accents by Italian learners of German. Oral presentation at workshop The relation between prosodic and referential structure, DGfS Conference, 8 March 2018, Stuttgart.
  • Thies, Tabea, Christine T. Röhr, Stefan Baumann & Martine Grice (2018). Prosodic Marking of Information Status in Picture Story Descriptions. Proceedings P&P 13, Berlin. 193-196.


  • Zappoli, Alessandra, Francesco Vespignani, Stefan Baumann, Martine Grice & Petra Schumacher (2017). Learning a new intonation pattern also means learning how to use it. Oral presentation at AISC Conference, 14 December 2017, Bologna.
  • Baumann, Stefan, Jane Mertens & Janina Kalbertodt (2017). How ornamental are German prenuclear accents? Oral presentation at PaM17, 4 October 2017, Konstanz.
  • Kalbertodt, Janina & Stefan Baumann (2017). Two types of Right Dislocation – How differences in information structure affect their prosodic realisation. Oral presentation at PaM17, 5 October 2017, Konstanz.
  • Baumann, Stefan & Jennifer Cole (2017). Accounting for context and variability in a prominence-based model of discourse meaning. Oral presentation at P&P 13, 29 September 2017, Berlin.
  • Kalbertodt, Janina & Stefan Baumann (2017). Prototypical vs. Stylized Right Dislocation –
    Diverging patterns in pitch range as a result of differences in information structure. Poster presentation at P&P 13, 28 September 2017, Berlin.
  • Thies, Tabea, Christine T. Röhr, Stefan Baumann & Martine Grice (2017). Prosodic Marking of Information Status in Picture Story Descriptions. Poster presentation at P&P 13, 29 September 2017, Berlin.
  • Kügler, Frank, Stefan Baumann, Antje Schweitzer & Petra Wagner (2017). Reliabilität zwischen Annotatoren in DIMA – Ein Vergleich der Annotation von Experten und einer Trainingsgruppe. Poster presentation at P&P 13, 28 September 2017, Berlin.
  • Baumann, Stefan, Jane Mertens & Janina Kalbertodt (2017). The influence of information status on prenuclear accents. Poster presentation at PaPE 2017, 14 June 2017, Cologne.
  • Riester, Arndt & Stefan Baumann (2017). The RefLex Scheme – Annotation Guidelines. Vol 14 of SinSpeC. Working Papers of the SFB 732. University of Stuttgart. http://elib.uni-stuttgart.de/bitstream/11682/9028/1/RefLex-SinSpec14.pdf


  • Kügler, Frank, Stefan Baumann, Antje Schweitzer & Petra Wagner (2016). DIMA – Erweiterte Richtlinien zur Annotation deutscher Intonation. Oral presentation at Phonetik und Phonologie 12, 14 October 2016, Munich, Germany.
  • Röhr, Christine, Tabea Thies, Stefan Baumann & Martine Grice (2016). Prosodic Marking of Information Status in Task-Oriented Dialogues. Proceedings Phonetik und Phonologie 12, Munich, Germany. 169-172.
  • Baumann, Stefan (2016). Second Occurrence Focus. In: Féry, Caroline & Shinichiro Ishihara (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Information Structure. Oxford: OUP. 483-502.
  • Grice, Martine & Stefan Baumann (2016). Intonation in der Lautsprache: Tonale Analyse. In: Domahs, Ulrike & Beatrice Primus (eds.): Laut - Gebärde - Buchstabe. Handbücher Sprachwissen, Band 2. Berlin: De Gruyter. 84-105.
  • Baumann, Stefan (2016). The mediating role of prominence for the interpretation of discourse meaning. Invited Talk at International Interdisciplinary Workshop 'The Interface of Prosody and Information Structure' (IPS 16), Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, 17-18 June 2016.
  • Baumann, Stefan, Oliver Niebuhr & Bastian Schroeter (2016). Acoustic Cues to Perceived Prominence Levels – Evidence from German Spontaneous Speech. Proceedings Speech Prosody 8, Boston, USA. 711-715.
  • Cangemi, Francesco, Dina El Zarka, Simon Wehrle, Stefan Baumann & Martine Grice (2016). Speaker-specific Intonational Marking of Narrow Focus in Egyptian Arabic. Proceedings Speech Prosody 8, Boston, USA. 335-339.
  • Baumann, Stefan (2016). Interpreting prosodic prominence. Invited Talk at Midwest Speech and Language Days (MSLD), Indiana University, Bloomington, 13-14 May 2016.
  • Baumann, Stefan & Klaus von Heusinger (2016). The Role of Accent Types in Referent Tracking. Oral presentation at Prosody and Information Structure in Stuttgart (PINS), 22 March 2016.
  • Baumann, Stefan, Kerstin Eckart & Arndt Riester (2016). Quantifying Prosodic Prominence for Research in Information Structure. Poster presentation at Prosody and Information Structure in Stuttgart (PINS), 22 March 2016.
  • Baumann, Stefan (2016). Prosodic cues to information structure. Invited Talk at Workshop on information structure in Austronesian languages, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 18-20 February 2016.
  • Riesberg, Sonja, Stefan Baumann, Janina Kalbertodt & Nikolaus Himmelmann (2016). Native speakers’ perception of prosodic prominence and its implications for information structure in Papua Malay. Invited Talk at Workshop on information structure in Austronesian languages, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 18-20 February 2016.


  • Baumann, Stefan & Frank Kügler (eds.) (2015). Special Issue “Prosody and Information Status in Typological Perspective”. Lingua 165, Part B. 179-316.
  • Baumann, Stefan & Frank Kügler (2015). Prosody and Information Status in Typological Perspective – Introduction to the Special Issue. In: Baumann, Stefan & Frank Kügler (eds.). Lingua 165, Part B. 179-182.
  • Baumann, Stefan & Francesco Cangemi (2015). The prominence of pitch accents. Cologne Center of Language Sciences lecture series, University of Cologne, 26 October 2015.
  • Kalbertodt, Janina & Stefan Baumann (2015). Prominence differences between Right Dislocations and Afterthoughts in German. Oral presentation at Phonetik und Phonologie 11, 8 October, Marburg, Germany.
  • Baumann, S., C. T. Röhr & M. Grice (2015). Prosodische (De-)Kodierung des Informationsstatus im Deutschen. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft. 34 (1), [www] 1-42.
  • Baumann, Stefan & Christine Röhr (2015). The perceptual prominence of pitch accent types in German. Proceedings 18th ICPhS, Glasgow, UK: University of Glasgow. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4. Paper number 298, 1-5.
  • Röhr, Christine, Stefan Baumann & Martine Grice (2015). The effect of verbs on the prosodic marking of information status: Production and perception in German. Proceedings 18th ICPhS, Glasgow, UK: University of Glasgow. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4. Paper number 384, 1-5.
  • Kügler, Frank, Bernadett Smolibocki, Denis Arnold, Stefan Baumann, Bettina Braun, Martine Grice, Stefanie Jannedy, Jan Michalsky, Oliver Niebuhr, Jörg Peters, Simon B. Ritter, Christine Röhr, Antje Schweitzer, Katrin Schweitzer & Petra Wagner (2015). DIMA – Annotation guidelines for German intonation. Proceedings 18th ICPhS, Glasgow, UK: University of Glasgow. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4. Paper number 317, 1-5.
  • Niebuhr, Oliver, Bastian Schroeter & Stefan Baumann (2015). Cues to Perceptual Prominence of Prenuclear Pitch Accents – Evidence from German Spontaneous Speech. Oral presentation at International Conference on 'Prominence in Language', 16 June, Cologne, Germany.
  • Baumann, Stefan & Bodo Winter (2015). Comparing prosodic and non-prosodic factors in naïve listeners' prominence judgments. Oral presentation at Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE), 29 June, Cambridge, UK.


  • Baumann, S. (2014). Informationsstruktur und Prosodie im Deutschen. Invited Talk at Institut für Übersetzen und Dolmetschen, Universität Heidelberg, 24 January 2014.
  • Baumann, S. (2014). The Importance of Tonal Cues for Untrained Listeners in Judging Prominence.Proceedings of the 10th ISSP, 5-8 May, Cologne, Germany.[www] 21-24.
  • Baumann, S. & A. Roth (2014). Prominence and Coreference – On the Perceptual Relevance of F0 Movement, Duration and Intensity. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 7, 20-23 May 2014, Dublin, Ireland.[www] 227-231.
  • Baumann, Stefan (2014). Second Occurence Focus. In Féry, Caroline & Shinichiro Ishihara (Eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Information Structure. Oxford: OUP. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199642670.013.38..[www]
  • Baumann, Stefan (2014). Prosody and Gestures. Invited Talk at RWTH Aachen, Projekt e-cosmos (im Rahmen von HumTec), 3 September 2014.


  • Baumann, S. & A. Riester (2013). Coreference, Lexical Givenness and Prosody in German. In: J. Hartmann, J. Radó & S. Winkler (eds.). [Special Issue “Information Structure Triggers”]. [www] Lingua 136, 16-37.
  • Riester, A. & S. Baumann (2013). Focus Triggers and Focus Types from a Corpus Perspective. Dialogue and Discourse. 4 (2), [www] 215-248. doi: 10.5087/dad.2013.210.
  • Baumann, S. & T. Rathcke (2013). Disambiguating the Scope of Negation by Prosodic Cues in Three Varieties of German. Lingua. 131 [www] 29-48.
  • Kaiser, S. & S. Baumann (2013). Satzmodus und die Diskurspartikel hm: Intonation und Interpretation. Linguistische Berichte 236.[www] 473-496.
  • Baumann, S. (2013). On the Prosody of Referring Expressions and Focus Structures. Talk at Workshop on Discourse Prominence. University of Cologne, 22 July 2013.
  • Baumann, S. (2013). Prosodische Prominenz und Informationsstruktur. Invited Talk at Wuppertaler Linguistisches Forum, 4 July 2013.
  • Baumann, S. (2013). Formen und Funktionen prosodischer Prominenz. Talk at Kolloquium Institut für Phonetik & Institut für Linguistik, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 29 April 2013.
  • Baumann, S. (2013). Untrained listeners' judgements of prosodic prominence. Talk at Phonetik und Phonologie 9, 12 October 2013, Zürich, Switzerland.


  • Baumann, S. & P. Schumacher (2012). (De-)Accentuation and the Processing of Information Status – Evidence from Event-Related Brain Potentials. Language and Speech. 55 (3), [www] 361-381.
  • Baumann, S. & A. Riester (2012). Referential and Lexical Givenness: Semantic, Prosodic and Cognitive Aspects. In: Elordieta, Gorka & Pilar Prieto (eds.). Prosody and Meaning. Interface Explorations 25 [www] Berlin, New York: Mouton De Gruyter. 119-162.
  • Baumann, S. (2012). Types of Secondary Prominence and their Relation to Information Structure. Talk at Satellite Workshop of GLOW 35 on Production and Perception of Prosodically-Encoded Information Structure, 27 March 2012, University of Potsdam.
  • Baumann, S. (2012). Review of Dagmar Barth-Weingarten, Elisabeth Reber & Margret Selting (eds.), "Prosody in interaction". Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2010 (Studies in Discourse and Grammar 23). Journal of the International Phonetic Association. 42 (1),107-109.
  • Baumann, S. (2012). Formen und Funktionen prosodischer Prominenz. Invited Talk at Institut f. Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Wien, 13.12.2012.
  • Grice, M., H. Lohnstein, C.T. Röhr, S. Baumann & A. Dewald (2012). The Intonation of Verum Focus and Lexical Contrast.Oral presentation at Phonetik und Phonologie 8, 12 October 2012, Jena.


  • Riester, A. & S. Baumann (2011). Information Structure Annotation and Secondary Accents. In Dipper, Stefanie & Heike Zinsmeister (Eds.). Beyond Semantics: Corpus-based Investigations of Pragmatic and Discourse Phenomena (Proceedings of DGfS Workshop). Bochumer Linguistische Arbeitsberichte 3. 111-127.
  • Baumann, S. & T. Rathcke (2011). Interpreting the Scope of Negation in Three Varieties of German - the Effect of Prosodic Cues. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Hong Kong, China.[www] 296-299.
  • Jagdfeld, N. & S. Baumann (2011). Order Effects on the Perception of Relative Prominence. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Hong Kong, China.[www] 958-961.
  • Röhr, C. & S. Baumann (2011). Decoding Information Status by Type and Position of Accent in German. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Hong Kong, China.[www] 1706-1709.
  • Baumann, S. (2011). Annotating Referential and Lexical Givenness and its Relation to Prosody - an Empirical Evaluation of Spontaneous and Read Speech in German. Invited Talk at Graz Workshop on Information Structure, 17 June 2011, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz.
  • Baumann, S. & A. Riester (2011). Information structure annotation and secondary accents. Talk at 33rd annual meeting of the DGfS, 24 February 2011, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.
  • Baumann, S. (2011). Information Status (RefLex) and Prosody. Invited Talk at Workshop on Information Structure and Prosody in Corpora, SFB 732 "Incremental Specification in Context" and the Institute for Natural Language Processing (IMS), 3 February 2011, University of Stuttgart.
  • Baumann, S. (2011). Prosodische und semantische Aspekte von Informationsstatus – Referenzielle und lexikalische Gegebenheit. Invited Talk in Phonetics Colloquium, 12 January 2011, Saarbrücken.


  • Schumacher, P. & S. Baumann (2010). Pitch accent type affects the N400 during referential processing. NeuroReport. 21 (9), [www] 618-622.
  • Baumann, S., D. Mücke & J. Becker (2010). Expression of Second Occurrence Focus in German. Linguistische Berichte. 211 [www] 61-78.
  • Baumann, S. & A. Riester (2010). Annotating Information Status in Spontaneous Speech. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Speech Prosody 2010, Chicago, USA.[www] 100092, 1-4.
  • Röhr, C. & S. Baumann (2010). Prosodic Marking of Information Status in German. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Speech Prosody 2010, Chicago, USA.[www] 100019, 1-4.
  • Schumacher, P. & S. Baumann (2010). The Role of Pitch Accent Type during the Processing of Accessible Referents. Poster presentation at CUNY 2010: Conference on Human Sentence Processing, New York, USA.
  • Baumann, S. & Petra Schumacher (2010). Prosody and the Processing of Information Structure - Evidence from ERPs. Talk at Workshop on Prosody Frontiers, 20 November 2010, Leiden University.
  • Baumann, S. (2010). Coreference, lexical givenness and prosody in German. Invited Talk at Workshop on Focus, Contrast and Givenness in Interaction with Extraction and Deletion, SFB 833 Bedeutungskonstitution - Dynamik und Adaptivität sprachlicher Strukturen, 27 March 2010, Uni Tübingen.


  • Grice, M., S. Baumann & N. Jagdfeld (2009). Tonal Association and Derived Nuclear Accents: The Case of Downstepping Contours in German. Lingua. 119 [www] 881-905.
  • Baumann, S., D. Mücke & J. Becker (2009). Second Occurrence Focus in German. Current Issues in Unity and Diversity of Languages. Collection of papers selected from the CIL18, Korea University in Seoul, 21-26 July 2008. The Linguistic Society of Korea. 374-393.
  • Baumann, S., D. Mücke & J. Becker (2009). Strategies for Differentiating Second Occurrence Focus from Background Information. Poster presentation at 3rd Workshop of the DFG-Priority Programme 1234 Phonological and Phonetic Competence: "Experimental Studies on Intonation: Phonetic, Phonological and Psycholinguistic Aspects of Sentence Prosody", 5-7 January 2009, Potsdam, Germany.
  • Becker, J., S. Baumann, M. Grice & D. Mücke (2009). Tonal and articulatory marking of focus domains: What do listeners hear? Talk presented at 3rd Workshop of the DFG-Priority Programme 1234 Phonological and Phonetic Competence: "Experimental Studies on Intonation: Phonetic, Phonological and Psycholinguistic Aspects of Sentence Prosody", 5-7 January 2009, Potsdam, Germany.
  • Baumann, S. (2009). Coreference, lexical givenness and prosody in German. Invited Talk at Kolloquium des Lehrstuhls für Englische Sprach- und Übersetzungswissenschaft, 11 December 2009, UdS Saarbrücken.
  • Baumann, S. (2009). Prosodic Reflexes of Information Structure in Spontaneous Speech. Invited Talk at Workshop on Prosody and Meaning, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Institut d’Estudis Catalans, 17 September 2009, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Baumann, S. & A. Riester (2009). (De-)Accentuation and Coreference. Talk at 31st Annual Meeting of the DGfS, 5 March 2009, University of Osnabrück.
  • Baumann, S. (2009). Review of Oliver Niebuhr, "Perzeption und kognitive Verarbeitung der Sprechmelodie. Theoretische Grundlagen und empirische Untersuchungen". Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 2007 (Language, Context, and Cognition. Vol. 7). Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik. 76 (3),361-363.


  • Baumann, S. (2008). Degrees of Givenness and their Prosodic Marking. In Riehl, Claudia Maria & Astrid Rothe (Eds.). Was ist linguistische Evidenz? Kolloquium des Zentrums "Sprachenvielfalt und Mehrsprachigkeit", November 2006. (= ZSM Studien 2). [www] Aachen: Shaker. 35-55.
  • van Deemter, K., B. Krenn, P. Piwek, M. Klesen, M. Schröder & S. Baumann (2008). Fully Generated Scripted Dialogue for Embodied Agents. Artificial Intelligence. 172 [www] 1219-1244.
  • Baumann, S. (2008). Resolving Scope of Negation Ambiguities by Intonation in Varieties of German. Poster presentation at Third TIE Conference on Tone and Intonation, 15-17 September 2008, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Mücke, D., M. Grice, A. Hermes, J. Becker & S. Baumann (2008). Articulatory Marking of Focus in German. Laboratory Phonology 11, 30 June - 2 July 2008, Wellington, New Zealand.
  • Hermes, A., J. Becker, D. Mücke, S. Baumann & M. Grice (2008). Articulatory Gestures and Focus Marking in German. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2008, Campinas, Brasil.[www] 457-460.
  • Baumann, S. & D. Mücke (2008). Tonal and Articulatory Markers of Second Occurrence Focus in German. Talk at CIL 18, 22 July 2008, Korea University, Seoul.
  • Baumann, S., D. Mücke & J. Becker (2008). Second Occurrence Focus in German. Talk at Workshop Cologne - Nijmegen, 23 June 2008, IfL-Phonetik, University of Cologne.
  • Baumann, S. (2008). Intonational and articulatory marking of focus in German. Talk at Workshop on Information Structure and Prosody (Project "Forms and Functions of Prosodic Structure"), 22 January 2008, Studiecentrum Soeterbeeck.


  • Grice, M. & S. Baumann (2007). An Introduction to Intonation – Functions and Models. In Trouvain, Jürgen & Ulrike Gut (Eds.). Non-Native Prosody. Phonetic Description and Teaching Practice. [www] Berlin, New York: De Gruyter (= Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM] 186). 25-51.
  • Baumann, S., J. Becker, M. Grice & D. Mücke (2007). Tonal and Articulatory Marking of Focus in German. Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrücken, Germany.[www] 1029-1032.
  • Grice, M., S. Baumann & N. Jagdfeld (2007). Evidence for Tonal Identity from Peak Scaling under Pitch Span Variation. Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrücken, Germany. 977-980.
  • Baumann, S. (2007). Levels of information structure and their (de)coding in spoken language. Invited Talk SFB 732 Incremental specification in context, 26 April 2007, Uni Stuttgart.
  • Baumann, S. (2007). The Structure of Tonal Representations - Evidence from Tune-Text Synchronisation. Invited Talk SFB 632 Informationsstruktur, 8 February 2007, Uni Potsdam.


  • Baumann, S. (2006). The Intonation of Givenness - Evidence from German. PhD thesis, Saarland University. Linguistische Arbeiten 508.Tübingen: Niemeyer.
  • Baumann, S. & M. Grice (2006). The Intonation of Accessibility. Journal of Pragmatics. 38 (10), [www] 1636-1657.
  • Baumann, S. (2006). Information Structure and Prosody: Linguistic Categories for Spoken Language Annotation. In Sudhoff, Stefan, Denisa Lenertová, Roland Meyer, Sandra Pappert, Petra Augurzky, Ina Mleinek, Nicole Richter & Johannes Schließer (Eds.). Methods in Empirical Prosody Research. Berlin, New York: De Gruyter (= Language, Context, and Cognition 3). 153-180.
  • Baumann, S., M. Grice & S. Steindamm (2006). Prosodic Marking of Focus Domains - Categorical or Gradient? Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2006, Dresden, Germany. 301-304.
  • Mücke, D., M. Grice, J. Becker, A. Hermes & S. Baumann (2006). Articulatory and Acoustic Correlates of Prenuclear and Nuclear Accents. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2006, Dresden, Germany. 297-300.
  • Hadelich, K. & S. Baumann (2006). Accent Type and Givenness in German Scene Descriptions: Evidence from Multi-Modal Priming. Paper presented at 19th CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, New York, USA.
  • Baumann, S. (2006). Tutorial ("Intonation and Information Structure. An introductory course.") and Invited Talk ("Degrees of givenness and their prosodic marking") Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages (Projekt SPRIK). 26-28 September 2006, Uni Oslo.
  • Baumann, S. (2006). STRETTS - The Structure of Tonal Representations - Evidence from Tune-Text Synchronisation. Invited Talk Phonetik-Kolloquium des IPDS, 9 June 2006, Uni Kiel.


  • Grice, M., S. Baumann & R. Benzmüller (2005). German Intonation in Autosegmental-Metrical Phonology. In Jun, Sun-Ah (Eds.). Prosodic Typology: The Phonology of Intonation and Phrasing. [www] Oxford: OUP. 55-83.
  • Baumann, S. (2005). Degrees of Givenness and their Prosodic Marking. International Symposium on "Discourse and Prosody as a complex interface", Aix-en-Provence, France.
  • Baumann, S. (2005). Degrees of Givenness and their Prosodic Marking. Invited Talk SFB 632 Informationsstruktur, 3 November 2005, Uni Potsdam.
  • Baumann, S. (2005). Zur 'Gegebenheit' von Diskursreferenten und ihrer intonatorischen Markierung. Talk at Workshop "Phonetik und Phonologie 2", 19 July 2005, Uni Tübingen.
  • Baumann, S. (2005). Zur 'Gegebenheit' von Diskursreferenten und ihrer intonatorischen Markierung. Invited Talk Hauptseminar "Intonation und Prosodie" (Jonathan Harrington), 19 May 2005, IPDS, Uni Kiel.
  • Baumann, S. (2005). Zur 'Gegebenheit' von Diskursreferenten und ihrer intonatorischen Markierung. Invited Talk at Colloquium Graduiertenkolleg Universalität und Diversität, 27 April 2005, Uni Leipzig.
  • Baumann, S. (2005). Intonationsanalyse mit GToBI.Tutorial Graduiertenkolleg Universalität und Diversität, 25-27 April 2005, Uni Leipzig.


  • Baumann, S., C. Brinckmann, S. Hansen-Schirra, G.-J. Kruijff, I. Kruijff-Korbayova, S. Neumann, E. Steiner, E. Teich & H. Uszkoreit (2004). The MULI Project: Annotation and Analysis of Information Structure in German and English. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Lisbon, Portugal.[www] 1489-1492.
  • Baumann, S., C. Brinckmann, S. Hansen-Schirra, G.-J. Kruijff, I. Kruijff-Korbayova, S. Neumann & E. Teich (2004). Multi-Dimensional Annotation of Linguistic Corpora for Investigating Information Structure. Proceedings Frontiers in Corpus Annotation Workshop at HLT/NAACL (Human Language Technology conference / North American chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics annual meeting), Boston, USA.[www] 39-46.
  • Baumann, S. & M. Grice (2004). Accenting Accessible Information. Proceedings of the Speech Prosody 2004, Nara, Japan.[www] 21-24.
  • Baumann, S. (2004). Intonation und Givenness. Invited Talk at Colloquium, 7 December 2004, IKP Bonn.
  • Baumann, S. (2004). GToBI - an Annotation System for 'Standard German' Intonation. Invited Talk at Workshop "Experimental Prosody Research", 9 October 2004, Leipzig.
  • Baumann, S. (2004). On the Givenness of Discourse Referents and their Intonational Marking. Talk in Phonetics Colloquium, 19 January 2004, Cologne.


  • Baumann, S. & K. Hadelich (2003). Accent Type and Givenness: An Experiment with Auditory and Visual Priming. Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Barcelona, Spain.[www] 1811-1814.
  • Baumann, S. & K. Hadelich (2003). On the Perception of Intonationally Marked Givenness after Auditory and Visual Priming. Proceedings of the AAI workshop "Prosodic Interfaces", Nantes, France.[www] 21-26.
  • Baumann, S. (2003). Informationsstruktur und Intonation. Talk in Hauptseminar "Information Structure" (Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova), Computational Linguistics, 19 December 2003, Saarbrücken.
  • Baumann, S. (2003). Degrees of Givenness and their Intonational Marking. Talk in Phonetics Colloquium, 8 December 2003, Saarbrücken.
  • Baumann, S. (2003). Information Structure and Prosody in MARY. Talk in NECA-Projekt-Meeting, 11 July 2003, Saarbrücken.
  • Baumann, S. & C. Brinckmann (2003). Intonationsannotierung in MULI. Talk in Colloquium "Informationsstruktur - Kategorien für korpusbasierte Untersuchungen", 13 June 2003, Saarbrücken.
  • Baumann, S. (2003). Tutorial on GToBI Annotation - ToBI Introduction, GToBI Introduction. 20-21 February 2003, Bielefeld.
  • Baumann, S. (2003). The Intonation of Accessible Information in German. Talk at 6th NWCL International Conference "Prosody and Pragmatics", University of Central Lancashire, Preston.


  • Grice, M. & S. Baumann (2002). Deutsche Intonation und GToBI. Linguistische Berichte. 191 [www] 267-298.
  • Krenn, B., M. Grice, P. Piwek, M. Schröder, M. Klesen, S. Baumann, H. Pirker, K. van Deemter & E. Gstrein (2002). Generation of Multi-modal Dialogue for Net Environments. Proceedings of KONVENS-02, Saarbrücken, Germany.[www] 91-98.
  • Piwek, P., B. Krenn, M. Schröder, M. Grice, S. Baumann & H. Pirker (2002). RRL: A Rich Representation Language for the Description of Agent Behaviour in NECA. Proceedings AAMAS workshop "Embodied conversational agents - let's specify and evaluate them!", Bologna, Italy.[www]


  • Baumann, S. & J. Trouvain (2001). On the Prosody of German Telephone Numbers. Proceedings 7th Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Aalborg, Denmark.[www] 557-560.
  • Baumann, S., M. Grice & R. Benzmüller (2001). GToBI - a Phonological System for the Transcription of German Intonation. In Puppel, Stanislaw & Grazyna Demenko (Eds.). Prosody 2000. Speech Recognition and Synthesis. Poznan: Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Modern Languages and Literature. 21-28.
  • Baumann, S. (2001). Zur Prosodie von Telefonnummern im Deutschen. Talk in Phonetics Colloquium, 21 May 2001, Saarbrücken.


  • Baumann, S. (2000). GToBI - ein phonologisches Transkriptionssystem für deutsche Intonation. Talk in Phonetics Colloquium, 13 November 2000, Saarbrücken.


  • Baumann, S. (1999). Zum Verhältnis von Akzentform und kognitivem Status von Diskurseinheiten. Convivium, Germanistisches Jahrbuch Polen 1999. Bonn: DAAD. 201-224.
  • Baumann, S. (1999). Form und Funktion von Akzenten in spontaner deutscher Sprache. Talk in Phonetics Colloquium, 6 December 1999, Saarbrücken.

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