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Prof. Dr. Ursula Stephany

Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft
Institut für Linguistik
D-50923 Köln

E-Mail: stephany[at]uni-koeln[dot]de



Herausgegebene Bücher

  • Stephany, Ursula & Aksu-Koç, Ayhan (eds.). 2021. Development of Modality in First Language Acquisition: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective (Studies on Language Acquisition 54). Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. ISBN: 978-1-5015-1245-2.
  • Stephany, Ursula & Maria D. Voeikova (eds.). 2009. Development of Nominal Inflection in First Language Acquisition: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective (Studies on Language Acquisition 30). Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Artikel in Fachzeitschriften und Buchkapitel

  • Stephany, Ursula. 2021. The development of derivation in early Greek first language acquisition. In Veronika Mattes, Sabine Sommer-Lolei, Katharina Korecky-Kröll & Wolfgang U. Dressler (eds.), The Acquisition of Derivational Morphology: A cross-linguistic perspective (Language Acquisition and Language Disorders 66), 21-51. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 2021. Development of modality in early Greek language acquisition. In Ursula Stephany & Ayhan Aksu-Koç (eds.), Development of Modality in First Language Acquisition: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective (Studies on Language Acquisition 54), 255-313. Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Stephany, Ursula & Ayhan Aksu-Koç. 2021. Studying the acquisition of modality: An introduction. In Ursula Stephany & Ayhan Aksu-Koç (eds.), Development of Modality in First Language Acquisition: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective (Studies on Language Acquisition 54), 1-23. Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Aksu-Koç, Ayhan & Ursula Stephany. 2021. Conclusions. In Ursula Stephany & Ayhan Aksu-Koç (eds.), Development of Modality in First Language Acquisition: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective (Studies on Language Acquisition 54), 555-574. Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 2017. Forms and functions of Greek modal verbs in child speech, child-directed speech and adult-directed speech. In A. Christofidou (ed.), Opseis tis somatokeimenikis glossologias: Arches, efarmoges, prokliseis [Aspects of corpus linguistics: Principles, implementations, challenges]. Bulletin of Scientific Terminology and Neologisms 14. 69-111. Athens: Academy of Athens.
  • Dressler, Wolfgang U., F. Nihan Ketrez, Marianne Kilani-Schoch & Ursula Stephany. 2017. Introduction. In Wolfgang U. Dressler, F. Nihan Ketrez & Marianne Kilani-Schoch (eds.), Nominal Compound Acquisition (Language Acquisition and Language Disorders 61), 1-18. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
  • Stephany, Ursula & Evangelia Thomadaki. 2017. Compounding in early Greek language acquisition. In Wolfgang U. Dressler, F. Nihan Ketrez & Marianne Kilani-Schoch (eds.), Nominal Compound Acquisition (Language Acquisition and Language Disorders 61), 119-143. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 2017. Contrastive lexical typology of German and Greek child speech and child-directed speech. In Wolfgang U. Dressler, F. Nihan Ketrez & Marianne Kilani-Schoch (eds.), Nominal Compound Acquisition (Language Acquisition and Language Disorders 61), 275-286. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 2015. Adjectives in early Greek language acquisition. In Elena Tribushinina, Maria D. Voeikova & Sabrina Noccetti (eds.), Semantics and Morphology of Early Adjectives in First Language Acquisition, 347-394. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 2015. Mood and modal verbs in the English, German, and Greek official versions of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. In Emanuele Miola & Paolo Ramat (eds.), Language across Languages: New Perspectives on Translation, 123-142. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Stephany, Ursula & Maria D. Voeikova. 2015. Requests, their meanings and aspectual forms in early Greek and Russian child language. Journal of Greek Linguistics 15/1: 66-90.
  • Xanthos, Aris, Sabine Laaha, Steven Gillis, Ursula Stephany, Ayhan Aksu-Koç, Anastasia Christofidou, Natalia Gagarina, Gordana Hrzica, F. Nihan Ketrez, Marianne Kilani-Schoch, Katharina Korecky-Kröll, Melita Kovačević, Klaus Laalo, Marijan Palmović, Barbara Pfeiler, Maria D. Voeikova & Wolfgang U. Dressler. 2011. On the role of morphological richness in the early development of noun and verb inflection. First Language 31/4: 461-479.
  • Stephany, Ursula & Maria D. Voeikova. 2009. Introduction. In Ursula Stephany & Maria D. Voeikova (eds.), Development of Nominal Inflection in First Language Acquisition: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective (Studies on Language Acquisition 30), 1-14. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Stephany, Ursula & Anastasia Christofidou. 2009. The emergence of nominal inflection in Greek. In Ursula Stephany & Maria D. Voeikova (eds.), Development of Nominal Inflection in First Language Acquisition: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective (Studies on Language Acquisition 30), 217-264. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 2008. On the development of the expression of simultaneity in Greek children’s narratives. In Amalia Mozer, Aikaterini Bakakou-Orfanou, Christoforos Charalambakis & Despina Chila-Markopoulou (eds.), Glossis xarin [For the sake of language], Festschrift for Georgios Babiniotis, 530-541. Athens: Ellinika Grammata.
  • Stephany, Ursula, Maria D. Voeikova, Anastasia Christofidou, Natalia Gagarina, Melita Kovačević, Marijan Palmović & Gordana Hrzica. 2007. Early development of nominal and verbal morphology from a typological perspective: Strongly inflecting languages, Russian, Croatian, and Greek. In Sabine Laaha & Steven Gillis (eds.), Typological Perspectives on the Acquisition of Noun and Verb Morphology. Antwerp Papers in Linguistics 112, 35-77.
  • Savickienė, Ineta, Wolfgang U. Dressler, Virág Barcza, Péter Bodor, Nihan Ketrez, Katharina Korecky-Kröll, Marijan Palmović, Ursula Stephany & Evangelia Tomadaki. 2007. Diminutives as pioneers of derivational and inflectional development: A cross-linguistic perspective. Acquisition of diminutives. In Sabine Laaha & Steven Gillis (eds.), Typological Perspectives on the Acquisition of Noun and Verb Morphology. Antwerp Papers in Linguistics 112, 81-92.
  • Thomadaki, Evangelia & Ursula Stephany. 2007. Diminutives in Greek child language. In Ineta Savickienė & Wolfgang U. Dressler (eds.), The Acquisition of Diminutives (Language Acquisition and Language Disorders 43), 89-123. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
  • Christofidou, Anastasia & Ursula Stephany. 2003. Early phases in the development of Greek verb inflection. In Dagmar Bittner, Marianne Kilani-Schoch & Wolfgang U. Dressler (eds.), Development of Verb Inflection in First Language Acquisition. A Cross-linguistic Perspective (Studies on Language Acquisition 21), 89-129. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 2002. Early development of grammatical number: A typological perspective. In Maria D. Voeikova & Wolfgang U. Dressler (eds.), Pre- and Protomorphology: Early Phases of Morphological Development in Nouns and Verbs (Lincom Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 29), 7-23. München: Lincom.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 2001. The representation of foreground and background in French, English, and German translations of Jorge Amado’s Novel Gabriela. Revista de Letras No. 20, issue 1/2: 110-120, Jan./Dec. 1998 [2001], Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 1998. Zur Beziehung zwischen prosodischen und syntaktischen Einheiten in griechischen Erzählungen. In Bernd J. Kröger, Christine Riek & Georg Sachse (eds.), Festschrift für Georg Heike. Forum Phoneticum 66, 257-269. Frankfurt a. M.: Hector.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 1998. A crosslinguistic perspective on the category of nominal number and its acquisition. In Steven Gillis (ed.), Studies in the Acquisition of Number and Diminutive Marking. Antwerp Papers in Linguistics 95, 1-23.
  • Christofidou, Anastasia & Ursula Stephany. 1997. The early development of case forms in the speech of a Greek boy: A preliminary investigation. Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics 33: 127-139. Poznań.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 1997. Diminutives in early child Greek: A preliminary investigation. In Wolfgang U. Dressler (ed.), Studies in Pre- and Protomorphology, 153-163. Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 1997. The acquisition of Greek. In Dan I. Slobin (ed.), The Cross-linguistic Study of Language Acquisition. Vol. 4, 183-333. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 1997. Endophorische Anapher und Textkohärenz in deutschen und griechischen Kindergeschichten. In Christa Dürscheid, Karl Heinz Ramers & Monika Schwarz (eds.), Sprache im Fokus. Festschrift für Heinz Vater zum 65. Geburtstag, 473-494. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 1996. Tópicos psicolinguísticos e sociolinguísticos na aquisiçaõ e ensino de línguas estrangeiras. Revista de Letras, 18/1: 14-20, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamentos de Letras Estrangeiras, Letras Vernáculas e Literatura, Fortaleza, Brazil.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 1995. Function and form of modality in first and second language acquisition. In Anna Giacalone Ramat & Grazia Crocco Galèas (eds.), From Pragmatics to Syntax: Modality in Second Language Acquisition (Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik 405), 105-120. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 1994. Phonologische Gesetzmäßigkeiten der Kindersprache aus synchroner und diachroner Sicht. In Karl Heinz Ramers, Heinz Vater & Henning Wode (eds.), Universale phonologische Strukturen und Prozesse (Linguistische Arbeiten 310), 205-222. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 1993. Modality in first language acquisition: The state of the art. Norbert Dittmar & Astrid Reich (eds.), Modality in Language Acquisition (Soziolinguistik und Sprachkontakt/Sociolinguistics and Language Contact 6), 133-144. Berlin & New York: Walter de Gruyter.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 1992. Grammaticalization in first language acquisition. Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung 45: 289-303.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 1986. Modality. In Paul Fletcher & Michael Garman (eds.), Language Acquisition. Studies in First Language Development, 375-400. 2. Aufl. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 1982 [1983]. Inflectional and lexical morphology: A linguistic continuum. Glossologia 1: 27-55.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 1982. Der Entwicklungsdysgrammatismus aus psycholinguistischer Sicht. In Werner Welte (ed.), Sprachtheorie und Angewandte Linguistik: Festschrift für Alfred Wollmann zum 60. Geburtstag (Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik 195), 263-275). Tübingen: Gunter Narr.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 1980. Zur psychischen Realität der Dimension der Deskriptivität. In Gunter Brettschneider & Christian Lehmann (eds.), Wege zur Universalienforschung: Sprachwissenschaftliche Beiträge zum 60. Geburtstag von Hansjakob Seiler (Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik 145), 549-555. Tübingen: Gunter Narr.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 1975. Linguistic and extralinguistic factors in the interpretation of children’s early utterances. In Hansjakob Seiler (ed.), Linguistic Workshop III (Structura 9), 206-233. München: Fink Verlag.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 1973/1974. Ghlossikoí kai eksoghlossikoí parághontes katá tín ermineían tón fráseon tís paidhikís ghlóssis [Linguistic and extralinguistic factors in the interpretation of child language utterances]. Annuaire Scientifique de la Faculté de Philosophie de l'Université d'Athènes. Vol. XXIV: 776-798. Athens.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 1973. Zur Rolle der Wiederholung in der sprachlichen Kommunikation zwischen Kind und Erwachsenem. In Hansjakob Seiler (ed.), Linguistic Workshop I: Vorarbeiten zu einem Universalienprojekt (Structura 4), 73-98. München: Fink Verlag.


  • Stephany, Ursula. 2012. Selecting a theoretical framework fitting acquisition data is no easy matter. In Zoe Gavriilidou, Angeliki Efthymiou, Evangelia Thomadaki & Penelope Kambakis-Vougiouklis (eds.), Selected Papers of the 10th International Conference of Greek Linguistics, 89-100. Komotini, Greece: Democritus University of Thrace. ISBN 978-960-99486-7-8.
  • Stephany, Ursula & Maria D. Voeikova. 2003. On the early development of aspect in Greek and Russian child language: A comparative analysis. In Dagmar Bittner & Natalia Gagarina (eds.), Conference Proceedings Acquisition of Aspect, 9-10 May 2003, Berlin. ZAS Papers in Linguistics, Vol. 29, 211-224. Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung, Berlin.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 1998. Referent tracking in Greek and German children's narratives. In Ayhan Aksu-Koç, Eser Ergunvanlı-Taylan, A. Sumru Özsoy & Aylin Küntay (eds.), Perspectives on Language Acquisition: Selected Papers from the VIIth International Congress for the Study of Child Language, 277-291. Istanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Press.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 1991. Emergence of child grammar and grammaticalization theory. In Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on the Description and/or Comparison of English and Greek, March 27-29, 1991, Thessaloniki, 33-59. Dept. of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, School of English, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 1989. The acquisition of inflectional morphology in English and Greek: A comparison. In Second Symposium on English and Modern Greek, University of Thessaloniki, 28-30 March, 1988, 141-163. Dept. of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, School of English, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 1987. A contrastive analysis of aspectual meanings of Modern Greek verb forms and their equivalents in an English translation of Nikos Kazantzakis' novel Víos ke politía tu Aléksi Zorbá. In Proceedings of the First Symposium on English and Modern Greek, held at the University of Thessaloniki, 1-3 April, 1987, 1-12. Dept. of General and Applied Linguistics, School of English, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki.
  • Brettschneider, Gunter, Paul-Otto Samuelsdorff, Hansjakob Seiler & Ursula Stephany. 1985. Concepts and their structure: A questionnaire with annotations. In Hansjakob Seiler & Gunter Brettschneider (eds.), Language Invariants and Mental Operations: International Interdisciplinary Conference held at Gummersbach/Cologne, Germany, Sept. 18-23, 1983 (Language Universals Series 5), 11-13. Tübingen: Gunter Narr.
  • Berthoud, Ioanna, Holger van den Boom, Claudia Froitzheim, Paul Kay, Helga Kilcher & Ursula Stephany. 1985. Report of Working Group 4: Mental operations. In Hansjakob Seiler & Gunter Brettschneider (eds.), Language Invariants and Mental Operations: International Interdisciplinary Conference held at Gummersbach/Cologne, Germany, Sept. 18-23, 1983 (Language Universals Series 5), 220-222. Tübingen: Gunter Narr.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 1981. Verbal grammar in early Modern Greek child language. In Philip S. Dale & David Ingram (eds.), Child Language: An International Perspective: Selected Papers from the First International Congress for the Study of Child Language, 45-57. Baltimore: University Park Press.
  • Stephany, Ursula. 1976. Werden sprachliche Relationen in der Zweiwortphase durch die Wortstellung signalisiert? In Gaberell Drachman (ed.), Akten des 1. Salzburger Kolloquiums über Kindersprache (Salzburger Beiträge zur Linguistik 2), 235-246. Tübingen: Gunter Narr.