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Prof. Dr. Anna Bonifazi's Blog 


08/2024 Intensifying experiential blending: “Design for terror” in different oral/orally-based traditions. Paper delivered at the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics Conference, Lund, Schweden
06/2024 "'Design for terror' in oral traditions: a cognitive approach". Conference Cognitive Futures 2024: From 4E to 5E Cognition: about Emotions, Universität Catania, Italien
06/2024 (mit Madeleine Pikowsky) “Pettson, Findus, and cows: Iconicity meets meta-narration”. Conference Iconicity in Language and Literature 14, Universität Catania, Italien
05/2024 "Aspetti cognitivi e pragmatici delle espressioni anaforiche. Il giallo classico come caso di studio”. Invited lecture, University of Pavia, Italien
03/2024 “Multimodal segmentation in an oral epic song”. Invited paper at a workshop on larger discourse units in (spoken) language, CERN, Paris, Frankreich
11/2023 “Filologia greca, pragmatica e cognizione: spunti teorici e pratici”. Invited lecture, Università Cattolica, Mailand, Italien


"A mental-space account of embedded viewpoint for anaphoric constructions countering coreference rules”, International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Düsseldorf, Deutschland


(mit Ricardo Ginevra) "Mental space compression in ancient myths”, International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Düsseldorf, Deutschland


(mit Pinelopi Ioannidou) ''Inferring gaps of knowledge from anaphoric expressions in detective stories’', International Pragmatics Association Conference, Brüssel, Belgien


"Tears in music: towards a cognitive-semiotic account", University of Niš, Serbien


"Character Migration Through Multimodality: Orpheus From Early Texts to Monteverdi’s Opera”, Conference "Characters in Mind”, Bonn, Deutschland


“Introduction to iconicity in language and literature: A semiotic concept, a multidisciplinary book series, and a biennial conference”. Kolloquium Komparatistik - Linguistik, Universität zu Köln, Deutschland


''Meaning without sentences: On pre-print discourse segmentation in Ancient Greek”, invited talk, University of Bologna, Seminars “SCRIBO3: Writing and the Brain'', Bologna, Italien


“Words, music, images, and tears: Cross-modal metaphor and iconicity in Justin Timberlake’s song video “Cry me a river”, 4th International Association of Cognitive Semiotics Conference, online, Aachen, Deutschland


(mit Mingjian Xiang and Esther Pascual) “Philosophy as therapy: A cognitive rhetorical analysis of the Socratic elenchus in an early Daoist text”, 4th International Association of Cognitive Semiotics Conference, online, Aachen, Deutschland


(mit Riccardo Ginevra) "Decompressing Ancient Greek Oral-Traditional Poetry: a cognitive linguistic and comparative approach to the “katabasis theme” in Iliad 24 and the Homeric Hymn to Demeter”, 10th International Colloquium on Ancient Greek Linguistics, Madrid, Spanien


“Exploring iconicity in songs about weeping”. ILL13: Iconicity in Language and Literature, Paris, Frankreich


(mit Riccardo Ginevra) "Decompressing Ancient Myth:The “katabasis theme” in Iliad 24, the Homeric Hymn to Demeter, and the Baldr myth”, Cologne Mythological Worshop, online.


“Pragmatic functions of ancient Greek particles”, Online workshop “Communication. Theories and practices in Greek and Roman culture”, Sapienza, Rom, Italien


“How to do things with words: Pragmatic exercises on Origen’s homilies”, Postclassical Greek Conference Cologne (online), Universität zu Köln, Deutschland


“Old and new pragmaphilology”, Conference ’trends in Classics 14” (online), Universität Thessaloniki, Griechenland


''Detecting Characters’ Traits Incrementally: Words, Perspective, and Narrative Structure in Short Crime Stories'', Universität zu Köln, Köln, Deutschland


"Was hat die griechische Partikellehre mit dem Sinne des Lebens zu thun?” (F. Nietzsche) What ancient Greek particles tell us about language use", Antrittsvorlesung, Universität zu Köln, Deutschland


"Transitional aspects of oral epic: Homer and beyond”, Conference “I meccanismi del sistema comunicativo orale: il caso dell’epos nella Grecia arcaica", Universität zu L’Aquila, Italien


"The meaning of chunks: Rethinking discourse boundaries in Homer”, FIEC/CA conference, UCL, London, Vereinigtes Königreich


“Multimodal Pindar”, invited conclusive remarks, Conference "'Weave sweet phorminx’: The imagery of sound and the sound of imagery in Pindar”, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgien


"Rethinking discourse segmentation in Herodotus and Thucydides”, paper, SCS Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA


"Words, Music, and Tears: A Cognitive Approach to Multimodality”, lecture, Cologne Center for Language Sciences, Universität zu Köln, Deutschland


"Designed to survive: Oral epic between tradition and transition”, keynote lecture at the Conference “Transitional Texts”, Universität Navarra, Spanien


"The contribution of literary texts to cognitive accounts of anaphoric markers", paper presented at the 2018 conference of the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association, Universität zu Poznan, Polen


"Discourse segmentation in Herodotus and Thucydides: Suggestions from medieval punctuation", paper presented at the 9th International Colloquium on Ancient Greek Linguistics (ICAGL), Universität Helsinki, Finnland


"The contribution of literary texts to the understanding of anaphoric markers", paper presented at the annual conference of the Poetics and Linguistics Association, Universität Birmingham, Vereinigtes Königreich


"Appearance, identity, rank, emotion: The cognitive-pragmatic relevance of using (e)keinos and autos in tragedy", paper presented at the conference "Doing things with words on stage: pragmatics and its use in ancient drama" Universität Zürich, Schweitz


"Research on anaphoric markers in literary texts: how to combine qualitative and quantitative analyses?", paper presented at the conference "Filling Gaps, Building Bridges: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches to the Study of Literature" Universität zu Padua, Italien


"Understanding our understanding of anaphoric markers in literary texts", invited talk, Universität Stuttgart, Deutschland


"Multimodality and the poetics of weeping from Homer to Arvo Pärt", paper presented at the 14th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Universität Tartu, Estland


"Ill mind and body horror: Herodotus’ verbal strategies to depict nonverbal abnormality", invited paper, workshop "Religion, Violence, and Interaction? An Interdisciplinary Approach to Herodotus’ Narrative on Cambyses" Universität zu Heidelberg, Deutschland


"The multimodal poetics of weeping from Homer to the Beatles", International Conference on Multimodal Communication, Universität Osnabrück, Deutschland


"Discourse segmentation in literary texts: linguistic and nonlinguistic cues", invited talk, Cologne Center of Language Sciences, Universität zu Köln, Deutschland


"How do we chunk Herodotus? Rethinking prose segmentation", invited lecture, Department of Romance languages and Classics, Universität zu Stockholm, Schweden


"Typography as interpretation: verbal and nonverbal communication in print versions of ancient Greek historiographical texts", paper presented at the conference "Vom Denken der Typographie. Ästhetik, Semantik und Materialität der Textgestalt in Philosophie und Wissenschaft", Universität Stuttgart, Deutschland


"A blend of registers in the same historiographical account: Thucydides’ language in the chapters on the plague (2.47.3-2.54)", paper presented at the Conference "Language in Style", Universität Oxford, Vereinigtes Königreich


"Discourse segmentation in literary texts: linguistic and nonlinguistic cues", Universität Stuttgart, Deutschland


"L’organizzazione del discorso letterario: spunti linguistici e nonlinguistici", Universität Trento, Italien


"Gems with many facets: An exploration of particle use across five ancient Greek genres", Universität Berkeley, USA


"Herodotus' account of the battle of Thermopylae, and the contribution of particles to shaping discourse" paper presented at the conference "Textual Strategies in Greek and Latin War Narrative", Amsterdam, Niederlande


"Persuasive discourse strategies: particles revealing the doing of saying in Herodotus and Thucydides," paper presented at the conference "The Language of Persuasion" at University College London, Vereinigtes Königreich


"Rediscovering the flow of discourse in Herodotus and Thucydides," presentation delivered at the study day "A fresh perspective on ancient Greek particles" organized by the Emmy-Noether group, Universität Heidelberg, Deutschland


"Metanarration in Homer and in guslar epic", invited lecture, Classics Department, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA


"Discourse, performance, and particle use in Origen’s first two homilies on Psalm 15", paper presented at the international workshop "Der 'neue' Origenes im Codex Mon. Graec. 314. Philologie, Theologie und Poesie der Psalmen", Universität Heidelberg, Deutschland


"Narrative pragmatics back in the 5th cent. BC: classical Greek Historiography beyond grammar rules", 13th International Pragmatics Association Conference, Neu Delhi, Indien


"The contribution of particles to discourse organization in Herodotus and Thucydides", Annual Meeting of the Classical Association Canada, Winnipeg, Kanada


"Omero cangiante: grammatica epica e strategie narrative", invited lecture, Universität Venedig, Italien


"An Emmy-Noether project on ancient Greek particles: why?", invited lecture, UCSB, Santa Barbara, USA


"An Emmy-Noether project on ancient Greek particles: why?", invited lecture, UCI, Los Angeles-Irvine, USA


"The Doing of Saying: Herodotus, Thucydides, and the role of particles", invited lecture, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA


"The contribution of particles to poetic structuring in South Slavic and Homeric epic", keynote speaker presentation at the conference "Oral Poetics and Cognitive Science", Freiburg, Deutschland


"Our Emmy-Noether project: how to make sense of particles", and "Less discussed functions of particles in prose: the case of Herodotus and Thucydides", presented at the workshop "Ancient Greek Particles Across Genres", Bologna, Italien


"Greek particles in archaic and classical literature: a discourse-oriented approach", paper co-authored with A. Drummen and M. de Kreij, and presented at the conference "Discourse Markers in Corpus Languages", Universität Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spanien


"Problematizing early IE syndetic coordination: ancient Greek 'and' from Homer to Thucydides", paper presented at the International Conference "Syntactic Change and Syntactic Reconstruction: New Perspectives", Zürich, Schweitz


"The body and bouquet of connectives: Pindar's usages of δέ, τε, and καί", paper presented at the Emmy-Noether Workshop "The story teller's path. Particles and discourse organization in Homer and Pindar", Universität Heidelberg, Deutschland


"Multifunctional kai as part of Thucydides' discourse strategies", paper presented at the 108th CAMWS Meeting, Baton Rouge, USA


"Vividness through variety: Introduction to the joint discussion", at the Emmy-Noether Workshop "Vividness through variety: narrative discontinuities in Herodotus and Thucydides", Universität Heidelberg, Deutschland


"Discourse organization in oral traditions and in literatures of the past: the interface between linguistic and para-/extra-linguistic features", panel including contributions by A. Drummen, M. Montes de Oca Vega, P. O'Connell, R. Person, G. Williams, D. F. Elmer, A. Bonifazi; Twelfth International Pragmatics Association Conference, Manchester, Vereinigtes Königreich


"Less Bouquet, More Body: Rethinking Ancient Greek Particles", invited lecture, Moscow State University, Moskau, Russland


"Leaving the comfort zone: Greek particles in syntactic-semantic-pragmatic interfaces", paper co-authored with M. de Kreij and A. Drummen, and presented by A. Drummen; "Ancient Greek and Semantic Theory", Radboud University, Nijmegen


"Visuality in South Slavic and Homeric Epic", paper co-authored with D. F. Elmer; Singer and Tales in the 21st Century: The Legacies of Milman Parry and Albert Lord, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA


"Composing lines, performing acts: relationships between melodic units, clauses and discourse acts in a South Slavic epic song (Milman Parry collection, PN 662)", paper coauthored with D. F. Elmer; IX Orality and Literacy in the Ancient Graeco-Roman World Conference, Canberra, Australien


"(E)keinos and autos in Homeric Greek: anaphora processing, discourse relevance and pragmatic impact", Ninth International Conference in Greek Linguistics, Chicago, USA


"Particles vs punctuation: how to get the discourse structure of ancient Greek texts?", Eleventh International Pragmatics Association Conference, Melbourne, Australien


Invited responding paper given at the workshop "The Language of Time. Conspiracy narratives and their temporal organization. Herodotus and Tacitus", Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Niederlande


"Fammi un favore e taci. Analisi pragmatiche e cognitive del discorso. Appunti metodologici", invited presentation, Centro di Scienza Cognitiva, Universita' e Politecnico di Torino, Italien


"Odysseus in Odyssey xiv: Beggar, Master, and Cult Hero", invited paper, Yale conference "Epic Heroes Then and Now", New Haven, USA


"Pindar without Punctuation, and the Discourse Function of Particles", invited lecture, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Niederlande


"Pindar without Punctuation, and the Discourse Function of Particles", invited lecture, UniversitätLeiden, Niederlande


"Pindar without Punctuation, and the Discourse Function of Particles", invited lecture, Radboud Universität Nijmegen, Niederlande


"Discourse Markers in Homer", Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft "Pragmatische Kategorien. Form, Funktion und Diachronie", Philipps-Universität Marburg, Deutschland


"Anaphora Processing in Homer: the Case of αὐτός and κεῖνος", Settimo Incontro Internazionale di Linguistica Greca, Universita' di Cagliari, Italien


"Anaphora Processing in Homer: the Case of αὐτός and κεῖνος", Sixth International Colloquium on Ancient Greek Linguistics, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Niederlande


"Sailing to Survive. Nostos as Historical and Poetic Frame of Reference", invited lecture, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA


"Sailing to Survive. Nostos as Historical and Poetic Frame of Reference", invited lecture, Yale University, New Haven, USA


"Discourse Markers in Homer", International Conference on Advances in Oral Literature Research, University of Belgrade, Serbien


"Poetic Identity Marks: From Odysseus κεῖνος to Odysseus αὐτός", invited colloquium, Columbia University, New York, USA


"Oral Medium and the Empirical Reception of the Odyssey", Tenth Conference of the International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature and Media, Fraueninsel, Chiemsee, Deutschland


"Homeric Discourse Markers as Visual Prompts", Seventh International Conference on Orality, Literacy and Memory, The University of Auckland, Neuseeland


"Poetic Identity Marks: From Odysseus κεῖνος to Odysseus αὐτός", invited lecture, Duke University, Durham NC, USA


"Some Pragmatic Markers in Homer", Ninth International Pragmatics Association Conference, Riva del Garda, Italien


"The Communicative Usages of αὖ, αὖτε, αὖτις and αὐτάρ in Homer", Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association, Boston, USA (read in absentia by E. J. Bakker)


"Protocolonial Perceptions and nostos in Early Greek Epic. Sensing, Sailing, Surviving", Advanced Seminar "Literature and Culture in the Ancient Mediterranean: Greece, Rome, and the Near East Mediterranean", Venice International University, Italien


"Pindar: linguistically hard, extralinguistically easy", presentation of the research project "Pragmatics of Lyric Performance", Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington D.C., USA


"Applicazioni pragmatica cognitiva - lirica greca arcaica, con particolare riferimento a Pindaro", Centro di Scienza Cognitiva, Universita' e Politecnico di Torino, Italien

