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Malin Spaniol M.A.

Institut für Linguistik - Phonetik
Herbert-Lewin-Str. 6
D-50931 Köln

E-Mail: malin.spaniol@uk-koeln.de

PhD Project

Communicative behaviour in multimodal dyadic face-to-face conversation: with a focus on eye-gaze and the effect of cognitive styles (working-title)

In association with SFB 1252 - A02 Individual behaviour in encoding and decoding prosodic prominence


  • Spaniol, M., Janz, A., Wehrle, S., Vogeley, K. & Grice, M. (2023). Multimodal signalling: the interplay of oral and visual feedback in conversation. Proceedings of ICPhS 2023, Prague, Czech Republic.

  • Coretta, S. et al., incl. F. Cangemi, M. Grice, M. Spaniol, S. Wehrle (2023). Multidimensional signals and analytic flexibility: Estimating degrees of freedom in human speech analyses.Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science.

  • Cangemi, F., M. Grice, A. Janz, V. Lucarini, M. Spaniol & K. Vogeley (2023). Content-free speech activity records: interviews with people with schizophrenia. Language Resources and Evaluation.

  • Cangemi, F., M. Grice, V. Lucarini, M. Spaniol, K. Vogeley & S. Wehrle (2023). Very short utterances in clinical interviews with patients with schizophrenia. 18th Associazione Italiana Scienze della Voce (AISV) Conference, Lecce.

  • Spaniol, M., & Danielsson, H. (2022). A meta-analysis of the executive function components inhibition, shifting, and attention in intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research66(1–2), 9–31. https://doi.org/10.1111/jir.12878

Talks and Poster Presentations

  • Spaniol, M., Janz, A., Wehrle, S., Vogeley, K. & Grice, M. (2023). Investigating the relation between backchannels and gaze in dyadic conversations: A multimodal approach. Poster presentation. MMSYM 2023 (1st International Multimodal Communication Symposium), April 2023, Barcelona (Catalonia/Spain).

  • Spaniol, M., Wehrle, S., Grice, M. & Vogeley, K. (2023). Multimodale Kommunikation zwischen Menschen mit Autismus. Poster presentation. WTAS 2023 (14. Wissenschaftliche Tagung Autismus-Spektrum), March 2023, Freiburg (Germany).

  • Spaniol, M., Janz, A., Jording, M., Vogeley, K. (2022). The relation between gaze and turn- taking in dyadic avatar-mediated conversations. Poster presentation. 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 27-30 July, Toronto, Canada.

  • Spaniol, M., Janz, A., Jording, M., Vogeley, K. (2022). Individual differences in social interaction. Talk. Cognitive Science Symposium TU Darmstadt.

  • Spaniol, M., Janz, A., Jording, M., Vogeley, K. (2021). The relation between gaze and turn-taking behaviour in dyadic conversations. Poster presentation. Research Retreat, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital of Cologne, Germany.

  • Spaniol, M. & Danielsson, H (2018). Meta-Analysis of Executive Functions in Intellectual Disability. Talk. European Conference of Intellectual and Developmental Disorders (ECIDD), June 2018, Padua (Italy).

  • Spaniol, M. et. al. (2018). Application playing behaviour patterns of Individuals with intellectual disability. Poster presentation. Interdisciplinary College, March 2018, Günne, Germany.

Awards and Scholarships

  • 2023: IPA Student Award at ICPhS in Prague, Czech Republic, for the poster „Multimodal signalling: the interplay of oral and visual feedback in conversation. “ (Spaniol, M., Janz, A., Wehrle, S., Vogeley, K. & Grice, M.).

  • 2023: DAAD Reisestipendium for ICPhS in Prague, Czech Republic.

  • 2022: Cologne Center of Language Sciences (CCLS) Junior travel fund for the tutorial “Guide to Annotations with PoLaR (GAP)” at the Speech Prosody Conference, 2022. Lisbon, Portugal.

  • 2020:  Scholarship of the Aloys & Brigitte Coppenrath Foundation for exceptional student achievements.

Event Organisation

  • “Voices in Contexts – A workshop on the prosody-pragmatics interface for early career researchers”, Cologne, Germany. planned for October 2023 (together with Maria Lialiou, Janne Lorenzen and Timo Buchholz)

  • DGfS PhD Forum “Open Science and me”, Cologne, Germany. 7.3.2023 (together with other PhDs Katharina Gayler, Janne Lorenzen, Mandy Lorenzen, Barbara Zeyer)

  • Computational Cognition, Osnabrück University, Germany. 01 - 02/10/2019. Co-organisation


  • WiSe 18 Seminar “Models of Language Evolution” (with Michael Franke, Osnabrück University)

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