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Dr. Anne Hermes

CNRS Researcher (Chargée de recherche) @
Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, UMR 7018
CNRS/Sorbonne Nouvelle
19 rue des Bernardins
F-75005 Paris

E-Mail: anne.hermesATsorbonne-nouvelle.fr

Last updated 28/04/2020 (Latest information on www.annehermes.de or https://lpp.in2p3.fr/anne-hermes/)


  • Since Oct 2019: CNRS researcher (Chargée de Recherche) at Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie (UMR 7018/Sorbonne Nouvelle), Paris
  • DFG Research Fellowship at the Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris (start May 2019)
  • Funding: DAAD Scholarship "Kongressreise", Interspeech, 2-6 Sept 2018, Hyderabad, India
  • Visiting Scholar at Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris 3, May-June, 2018, funded by UoC "Mobility Grant"
  • Co-Organizer of the 5th PCCM Workshop on "Language and dynamic representation", 29-31 May 2018, Paris
  • Grant for bilateral workshop series on "Language and dynamic representations" (Paris and Cologne), funded by Deutsch-Französische Hochschule/Université Franco-allemande (PIs: Anne Hermes, Martine Grice & Ioana Chitoran)
  • Visiting Scholar at Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris 3, Jan-Feb, 2018
  • Seed funding: "AGES - Aging in Speech", University of Cologne
  • Visiting Scholar at Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris 3, Sept-Oct, 2017, funded by UoC "NetEx - Modul1"
  • 3rd Workskop on Dynamic Modeling, 18-19 July 2017, Cologne (Organizers: Anne Hermes, Doris Mücke)
  • Associated researcher for project A4 "Dynamic Modeling of Prosodic Prominence" within the Collaborative Research Centre 1252 "Prominence in Language", University of Cologne
  • Stellvertreterin Consilium "Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs" (Mittelbau der Philosophischen Fakultät)
  • Stellvertreterin Forschungskommission (Mittelbau der Philosophischen Fakultät)
  • Brain Modulation and Speech Motor Control: Cooperation between IfL Phonetics, UoC and Department of Neurology, University Hospital Cologne

Grants, Fellowships, Awards

  • DFG Research Fellowship at the Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris (start May 2019)
  • DAAD Scholarship "Kongressreise", Interspeech, 2-6 Sept 2018, Hyderabad, India
  • Mobility Grant (University of Cologne): Visiting Scholar at Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, May-June 2018
  • Grant for bilateral workshop series on "Language and dynamic representations" (Paris and Cologne), funded by Deutsch-Französische Hochschule/Université Franco-allemande (PIs: Anne Hermes, Martine Grice & Ioana Chitoran), 2018-2019
  • Seed funding: "AGES - Aging in Speech", University of Cologne
  • NetEx (University of Cologne): Visiting Scholar at Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, Sept-Nov 2017
  • Mobility Grant (University of Cologne): Visiting Scholar at University of Southern California, Oct-Nov 2016
  • Seed funding (with Doris Mücke): "Effekte der Tiefen Hirnstimulation auf die Sprechmotorik bei der Realisierung prosodischer Konstituenten", University of Cologne
  • Cornelia Harte Mentoring PRO (University of Cologne), Sept 2014-Sept 2019
  • Junior Leo-Spitzer-Prize 2014 (Young Researcher Award within the Excellence Research Support Program, University of Cologne (96,000€ research funding)
  • International Scientific Event (with Martine Grice & Doris Mücke): DFG funding for 10th International Seminar on Speech Production, May 2014, Cologne
  • Tonal Placement – the Interaction of Qualitative and Quantitative Factors (funded by VW Stiftung, 2013-2016; www.topiqq.uni-koeln.de); (Amount: 300,000€); Coordinators: Martine Grice & Anne Hermes
  • DAAD Vortragsreise, Visiting Scholar at University of Southern California, Feb-March 2013
  • Northern Digital Inc. Excellence Award (ISSP 2011, Montréal, Canada)


  • Association for Laboratory Phonology (ALP)
  • International Phonetic Association (IPA)
  • International Speech Communication Association (ISCA)
  • Cologne Center of Language Sciences (CCLS, former ZSM)
  • Deutscher Hochschulverband (DHV)

Organization of Scientific Events

  • 5th PCCM Workshop on "Language and dynamic representation" (with Ioana Chitoran & Martine Grice),  29-31 May 2018, Paris.
  • 3rd Workskop on Dynamic Modeling (with Doris Mücke), 18-19 July 2017, Cologne
  • ToPIQQ Workshop, Glasgow, UK, 9 August 2015
  • 2nd Workshop on Dynamic Modeling (with Doris Mücke and Louis Goldstein), 11-12 June 2015, Cologne
  • 10th International Seminar on Speech Production (with Doris Mücke, Martine Grice, Susanne Fuchs & Leonardo Lancia), 5-8 May 2014, Cologne
  • Prosody of the Wider World (ProWW), 30 May-1 June 2012, Cologne
  • Cologne International Workshop on Prosody, 1-3 July 2010, Cologne


Last updated 28/04/2020 (Latest information on www.annehermes.de or https://lpp.in2p3.fr/anne-hermes/)


  • Mücke, D., Hermes, A., & Tilsen, S. (2020). Incongruencies between phonological theory and phonetic measurement. Phonology, 37(1), 133-170. doi:10.1017/S0952675720000068.
  • Hermes, A. (2020). Effects of aging on speech production. Invited speaker at Workshop on Speech Perception and Production across the Lifespan (SPPL), 30-31 March 2020, UCL, London, UK.
  • Hermes, A., Bourbon, A. & Fougeron, C. (2020). Aging effects on prosodic structuring in French. Oral presentation at Workshop on Speech Perception and Production across the Lifespan (SPPL), 30-31 March 2020, UCL, London, UK.
  • Mertens, J., Mücke, D. & Hermes, A. (2020). Aging effects on prosodic marking in German: An acoustic analysis. Poster presentation at Workshop on Speech Perception and Production across the Lifespan (SPPL), 30-31 March 2020, UCL, London, UK.


  • Mücke, D., Hermes, A. & Tilsen, S. (2019). Strength and structure: Coupling tones with oral constriction gestures. Interspeech 2019, 15-19 September 2019, Graz, Austria. 
  • Hermes, A., Mücke, D., Thies, T. & Barbe, M.T. (2019). Intragestural variation in natural sentence production: Essential Tremor patients treated with DBS. Interspeech 2019, 15-19 September 2019, Graz, Austria.
  • Mertens, J., Hermes, A. & D. Mücke, D. (2019). Velocity profiles and prosodic variation in younger and older speakers. Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2019, 17-19 June 2019, Lecce, Italy.
  • Hermes, A., Mücke, D., Thies, T., & Barbe, M. T. (2019). Coordination patterns in Essential Tremor patients with Deep Brain Stimulation: Syllables with low and high complexity. Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology10(1), 6. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/labphon.141


  • Hermes, A., Mücke, D., Auris, B. & R. Ridouane (2018). Structural effects on properties of consonantal gestures in Tashlhiyt. Interspeech 2018, 2-6 September 2018, Hyderabad, India, 197-201.
  • Hermes, A., Mertens, J. & D. Mücke (2018). Age-related effects on sensorimotor control of speech production. Interspeech 2018, 2-6 September 2018, Hyderabad, India, 1526-1530.
  • Bückins, A., Greisbach, R. & A. Hermes (2018). Larynx movement in the production of Georgian ejective sounds. In M. Gósy & T.E. Gráczi (Eds.) CHALLENGES IN ANALYSIS AND PROCESSING OF SPONTANEOUS SPEECH. MTA Nyelvtudományi Intézet, Budapest, pp. 127-138.
  • Hermes, A. (2018). Articulatory coordination as a window to stability and variability of syllabification patterns. Invited talk at Linglunch, Université Paris Diderot, 8 February 2018, Paris, France. [www]
  • Mücke, D., Hermes, A., Roettger, T.B., Becker, J., Niemann, H., Dembek, T.A., Timmermann, L., Visser-Vandewalle, V., Fink, G. R., Grice, M. & Barbe, M.T. (2018). The effects of Thalamic Deep Brain Stimulation on speech dynamics in patients with Essential Tremor: An articulographic study. PLoS One, 13(1). [www


  • Hermes, A., Mücke, D. & B. Auris (2017). The variability of syllable patterns in Tashlhiyt Berber and Polish. Journal of Phonetics64 IS -, 127–144. [www]
  • Mücke, D., Hermes, A. & T. Cho (2017). Mechanisms of regulation in speech: Linguistic structure and physical control system. Journal of Phonetics64 IS -, 1–7. [www]
  • Hermes, A., Mücke, D. & J. Mertens (2017). Ageing in speech motor control: An EMA Study. 11th International Seminar on Speech Production, 16-19 October 2017, Tianjin, China.
  • Hermes, A., Mücke, D., Auris, B. & R. Ridouane (2017). How are consonants in Tashlhiyt modified depending on their syllable status? 11th International Seminar on Speech Production, 16-19 October 2017, Tianjin, China.
  • Hermes, A. (2017). Ageing in Speech Motor Control: An EMA Study. Invited talk at Séminaires de Recherches en Phonétique et Phonologie (S-RPP) at Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, 6 October, 2017, Paris, France.
  • Hermes, A., Mücke, D. & J. Mertens (2017). Ageing effect on speech motor control. Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie, Vol. 22, Supplement, 52.
  • Mücke, D., Hermes, A., Thies, T., Becker, J. & M. Barbe (2017). The loss of complex coupling modes in speech dynamics: An EMA study on Essential Tremor patients. Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie, Vol. 22, Supplement, 108.
  • Mertens, J., Hermes, A. & D. Mücke (2017). How does ageing affect articulatory coordination in simple and complex syllable onsets? TABU Dag 2017, 22-23 June, Groningen, Netherlands.
  • Meier, M., Biesemann, J. Kvaratskhelia, T., Greisbach, R. & A. Hermes (2017). The coordination of word initial clusters in Georgian. TABU Dag 2017, 22-23 June, Groningen, Netherlands. 
  • Hermes, A. (2017). The concept of the syllable - what articulation tells us about syllabification patterns, variability and break-downs. Invited talk at Séminaires de Recherches en Phonétique et Phonologie (S-RPP) at Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, 5 May, 2017, Paris, France.
  • Bückins, A., Greisbach, R. & A. Hermes (2017). Larynx movement in the production of Georgian ejective sounds. Oral presentation at Challenges in analysis and processing of spontaneous speech (CAPSS2017), 14-17 May 2017, Budapest, Hungary. 
  • Mücke, D., Hermes, A. & T. Thies (2017). Discrete categories and continuous speech dynamics in typical and atypical speech: How much variability is tolerated by the phonological system? Oral presentation at IPS Workshop Abstraction, Diversity, and Speech Dynamics, 3-5 May, 2017, Herrsching am Ammersee, Germany.
  • Hermes, A. (2017). Effects of ageing on articulation. Oral presentation at Workshop on Speech Perception and Production across the Lifespan (SPPL), 26-27 April 2017, UCL, London, UK.
  • Hermes, A. (2017). Ageing in speech motor control. Oral presentation at 5th International Winterschool "Speech Production and Perception: Learning and Memory", 9-13 January 2017, Chorin, Germany.
  • Hermes, A., Mücke D. & T. Thies (2017). Conflicting demands of complex timing patterns in Essential Tremor patients: When the realisation of a phonological constituent breaks down. Oral presentation at 14th Old World Conference on Phonology (OCP), 20-22 February, Düsseldorf, Germany.


  • Hermes, A. (2016). Kinematics as a window to linguistic structure: Dynamic modelling of phonological syllable parses. Invited talk at colloquium at Department of Linguistics at the University of Santa Barbara, USA, 3rd November, 2016.
  • Hermes, A. & D. Mücke (2016). Break-down of phonological syllable patterns in Essential Tremor patients. Poster Presentation at 2016 Annual Meeting on Phonology, October 21-23, University of Southern California.
  • Thies, T., Hermes, A. & D. Mücke (2016). Coordination Deficits in Essential Tremor Patients with Deep Brain Stimulation. Poster presentation at P&P12, Munich, 13-14 Oct. 2016.
  • Mücke, D., Hermes, A. & T. Thies (2016). Variability in the production of syllables in typical and atypical speech: gradient or categorical? 3rd Conference on Experimental Approaches to Perception and Production of Language Variation, 21-24 Sept 2016, Vienna, Austria.
  • Hermes, A., Mücke, D. & B. Auris (2016). Kinematic variation of syllable parses: Perturbation of stability patterns. 3rd Conference on Experimental Approaches to Perception and Production of Language Variation, 21-24 Sept 2016, Vienna, Austria.
  • Mücke, D. & A. Hermes (2016). Wie Tiefe Hirnstimulation die Sprechmotorik beeinflusst. Invited talk at colloqium "Korpuslinguistik und Phonetik", HU Berlin. Germany.
  • Mücke, D., Hermes, A., Roettger, T., Becker, J. & M. Barbe (2016). How does deep brain stimulation affect regulation in speech motor control? 15th Conference on Laboratory Phonology, 13-16 July 2016, Ithaca, NY.
  • Mücke, D., Hermes, A., Barbe, M.T., Roettger, T.B. Niemann H., Becker, J., Hartinger, M., Meister, I., Visser-Vandewalle, V. Timmermann, L. & M. Grice (2016). Regulation in speech motor control in ET patients treated with DBS: Kinematics of the lingual and the labial systems. 20th International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders, Berlin, 19-23 June, 2016.
  • Barbe, M., Mücke, D., Hermes, A., Röttger, T., Becker, J., Opitz, M., Dembek, T., Hartinger, M., Meister, I., Visser-Vandewalle, V., Grice, M. & L. Timmermann (2016). Articulography reveals disturbed speech motor control in ET patients treated with VIM-DBS. 20th International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders, Berlin, 19-23 June, 2016.
  • Hartinger, M., Scholz, M., Barbe, M., Mücke, D., Hermes, A., Röttger, T., Becker, J., Opitz, M., Dembek, T., Meister, I., Visser-Vandewalle, V., Grice, M. & L. Timmermann (2016). ICF-based effects of VIM-DBS on communication in everyday life in patients with essential tremor. 20th International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders, Berlin, 19-23 June, 2016.
  • Hermes, A. & D. Mücke (2016). Artikulatorische Evidenz für Silbenstruktur in der Lautsprache. Handbuch Sprachwissenschaft: Laut - Gebärde - Buchstabe. In Primus, B. & U. Domahs (Eds.), Berlin: De Gruyter.


  • Mücke, D. & A. Hermes (2015). How much variability is allowed in a phonological system? An EMA-study with patients treated with deep brain stimulation. Invited talk at MAMPF colloqium, LMU Munich. Germany.
  • Hermes, A., Mücke, D. & B. Auris (2015). Perturbation of Stability Patterns in Syllable Production. 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 10-14 August 2015, Glasgow, UK.
  • Mücke, D., Hermes, A., Niemann, H., Becker, J. & M. Barbe (2015). Onset Coordination in Essential Tremor Patients with Deep Brain Stimulation: An EMA Study. 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 10-14 August 2015, Glasgow, UK.
  • Galea, L., Hermes, A., Gatt, A. & M. Grice (2015). Cues to gemination in word-initial position in Maltese. 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 10-14 August 2015, Glasgow, UK.
  • Galea, L., Grice, M., & A. Hermes (2015). Word-initial insertions in Maltese. Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE), University of Cambridge, 29-30 June 2015.
  • Becker, J.,  Muecke, D., Hermes, A.,  Dembek, T. A., Josten, A. F.,  Meister, I.,  Visser-Vandewalle, V., Grice, M., Timmermann, L. & M. T. Barbe (2015). Rate-controlled syllable repetitions improve comparability of DBS-induced dysarthria between on- and off-state in patients with essential tremor. Movement Disorders (Vol. 30, pp. S557-S557). Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Barbe, M. T.,  Muecke, D., Hermes, A., Becker, J., Dembek, T. A., Josten, A., Meister, I. G., Visser-Vandewalle, V., Grice, M. & L. Timmermann (2015). Effects of VIM-DBS on the speech motor system in ET patients: An electromagnetic articulograph study. Movement Disorders (Vol 30, pp. S251-S251). Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell.


  • Ridouane, R., Hermes, A. & P. Hallé (2014). Tashlhiyt’s ban of complex syllable onsets: phonetic and perceptual evidence. STUF - Language Typology and Universals. 67 (1),7-20. [www] 
  • Hermes, A., Auris, B. & D. Mücke (2014). Computational modelling of syllabification patterns in Tashlhiyt Berber and Maltese. Proceedings of the 10th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP), Cologne, Germany.
  • Galea, L., Grice, M., Hermes, A. & D. Mücke (2014). Lexical and surface geminates in Maltese. Proceedings of the 10th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP), Cologne, Germany.
  • Grice, M. & A. Hermes (2014). Syllabification of word onsets in Italian. Invited talk at Laboratory Approaches to Romance Phonology VII (LARP7), Aix-en-Provence, France.


  • Hermes, A., Mücke, D. & M. Grice (2013). Gestural coordination of Italian word initial clusters - The case of ‘impure s’. Phonology. 30(1), 1-25. [www] 
  • Hermes, A. (2013). Articulatory Coordination and Syllable Structure in Italian. In S. Fuchs & P. Perrier (Eds.). Speech Production and Perception, Vol. 2. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag.
  • Ridouane, R., Hallé, P. & A. Hermes (2013). Absence des attaques complexes en tachlhit : arguments phonétiques et psycholinguistique. Réseau Français de Phonologie, 1-3 July 2013, Nantes, France.
  • Ridouane, R., Hallé, P. & A. Hermes (2013). Tashlhiyt’s ban of complex syllable onsets : articulatory and perceptual evidence. Séminaires de Recherches en Phonétique et Phonologie (S-RPP), 11 October 2013, Paris, France.


  • Hermes, A., Grice, M., Mücke, D. & H. Niemann (2012). Articulatory coordination and the syllabification of word initial consonant clusters in Italian. In P. Hoole, M. Pouplier, L. Bombien, Ch. Mooshammer & B. Kühnert (Eds.). Consonant Clusters and Structural Complexity. Mouton de Gruyter. 157-176.
  • Mücke, D., Nam, H., Hermes, A. & L. Goldstein (2012). Coupling of tone and constriction gestures in pitch accents. In P. Hoole, M. Pouplier, L. Bombien, Ch. Mooshammer & B. Kühnert (Eds.). Consonant Clusters and Structural Complexity. Mouton de Gruyter. 205-230.


  • Hermes, A., Ridouane, R., Mücke, D. & M. Grice (2011). Kinematics of syllable structure in Tashlhiyt Berber: The case of vocalic and consonantal nuclei. Proceedings of the 9th International Seminar on Speech Production, Montréal, Canada. 401-408.
  • Hermes, A., Ridouane, R., Mücke, D. & M. Grice (2011). Gestural coordination in Tashlhiyt syllables. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Hongkong, China, 859-862. [www]


  • Hermes, A., Grice, M., Mücke, D. & H. Niemann (2010). Gestural planning in Italian syllables.Oral presentation at International Summerschool: "Cognitive and physical models of speech production, perception and perception-production interaction. Part III : Planning and Dynamics", 27 September - 1 October 2010, Berlin, Germany.
  • Niemann, H., Mücke, D., Grice, M., Nam, H. & A. Hermes (2010). Intergestural coupling accounts for differences in tonal alignment.Oral presentation at International Summerschool: "Cognitive and physical models of speech production, perception and perception-production interaction. Part III : Planning and Dynamics", 27 September - 1 October 2010, Berlin, Germany.
  • Hermes, A., Grice, M., & D. Mücke (2010). Gestural coordination of word initial clusters in Italian and what it tells us about syllable structure. 12th Conference on Laboratory Phonology, 8 - 10 July 2010, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
  • Hermes, A., Grice, M. & D. Mücke (2010). Syllabification of word initial clusters in Italian. Cologne International Workshop on Prosody, 1-3 July 2010, Cologne, Germany. 


  • Mücke, D., Grice, M., Becker, J. & A. Hermes (2009). Sources of variation in tonal alignment: Evidence from acoustic an kinematic data. Journal of Phonetics. 37 (3), 321-338. [www] 
  • Hermes, A. (2009). Word Initial Clusters in Italian. Workshop on gemination and related issues in Italian varieties, 18 December 2009, Munich, Germany.
  • Hermes, A., Niemann, H., Grice, M. & D. Mücke (2009). Koordination von tonalen und oralen Gesten im Katalanischen und Deutschen. 4th annual meeting of SPP1234 (Project: TAMIS), 16-17 October 2009, Potsdam, Germany.
  • Hermes, A., Grice, M., Mücke, D. & H. Niemann (2009). An articulatory approach to the analysis of Italian onsets. Poster presentation at Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia (PaPI), 17 - 19 June 2009, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
  • Hermes, A., Grice, M. & D. Mücke (2009). Articulatory evidence for syllable onsets. Poster presentation at Phonetik & Phonologie 5, 3 March 2009, Cologne, Germany. 


  • Hermes, A., Grice, M., Mücke, D. & H. Niemann (2008). Articulatory indicators of syllable affiliation. Forschungskolloquium Köln-Bonn, 17 November 2008, Bonn, Germany.
  • Mücke, D., Grice, M. & A. Hermes (2008). Phonological association is reflected in articulatory timing. Workshop Cologne - Nijmegen, Cologne, Germany.
  • Hermes, A. (2008). Konsonantencluster im Italienischen: Resilbifizierung des 'impure-s'. Doktoranden-Kolloquium IfL Phonetik, Cologne, Germany.
  • Hermes, A., Grice, M., Mücke, D. & H. Niemann (2008). Articulatory indicators of syllable affiliation in word initial consonant clusters in Italian. Proceedings of the 8th International Seminar on Speech Production, 8 - 12 December 2008, Strasbourg, France, 433-436. [www]
  • Mücke, D., Grice, M. & A. Hermes (2008). Coordination of tones and vowel gestures in German nuclear pitch accents. Poster presentation at Workshop: Consonant Clusters and Structural Complexity, 31 July - 2 August 2008, Munich, Germany.
  • Hermes, A., Grice, M. & D. Mücke (2008). Gestural coordination of initial consonant clusters in Italian: Evidence for syllabification of 'impure-s'. Poster presentation at Workshop: Consonant Clusters and Structural Complexity, 31 July - 2 August 2008, Munich, Germany.
  • Mücke, D., Grice, M., Hermes, A., Becker, J. & S. Baumann (2008). Articulatory Marking of Focus in German. Poster presentation at Laboratory Phonology 11, 30 June - 2 July 2008, Wellington, New Zealand.
  • Hermes, A., Becker, J., Mücke, D., Baumann, S. & M. Grice (2008). Articulatory gestures and focus marking in German. Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Speech Prosody, Campinas, Brazil. [www]
  • Mücke, D., Grice, M., Hermes, A. & J. Becker (2008). Prenuclear Rises in Northern and Southern German. Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Speech Prosody, Campinas, Brazil.
  • Mücke, D., Grice, M. & A. Hermes (2008). The vowel triggers the tone: Evidence from German.Special Session: Coordination of speech gestures: Models and data. 8th Phonetic Conference of China, Beijing, China.


  • Becker, J. & A. Hermes (2007). Orofacial gestures for marking different focus types and domains.Summerschool: "Cognitive and physical models of speech production, perception and perception-production interaction. Part II : Brain and Speech", 16-21 September 2007, Autrans, France.
  • Mücke, D. & A. Hermes (2007). Phrase Boundaries and Peak Alignment: An Acoustic and Articulatory Study. Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrücken, Germany,. 997-1000. 


  • Hermes, A. (2006). Gesturale Koordination bei Nuklearakzenten im Wienerischen. M.A. thesis, unpublished.
  • Mücke, D., Grice, M., Becker, J., Hermes, A. & S. Baumann (2006). Articulatory and Acoustic Correlates of Prenuclear and Nuclear Accents. Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Speech Prosody, Dresden, Germany. 297-300.
  • Mücke, D., Grice, M., Becker, J. & A. Hermes (2006). On the synchronisation of articulatory gestures with accentual F0 peaks. Oral presentation at 5th International Conference on Speech Motor Control, Nijmegen, Netherlands.


  • Mücke, D., Grice, M., Becker, J. & A. Hermes (2005). Between prosodic structure and articulatory dynamics: the question of tonal alignment in German. Phonetik & Phonologie 2, Tübingen. 


zum Seitenanfang


Wintersemester 2018/2019

  • Schwerpunktmodul 7/8: Alter und Sprache

Sommersemester 2016

  • Aufbaumodul 5: Prosodische Effekte in Akustik und Artikulation

Sommersemester 2015

  • Aufbaumodul 5: Prosodische Effekte in Akustik und Artikulation

Wintersemester 2013/2014

  • Aufbaumodul 6: Gesten und Segmente

Sommersemester 2013

  • Aufbaumodul 5/Mastermodul 1c: Laboratory Phonology I
  • Basismodul 8: Akustische Phonetik (Empirie)

Wintersemester 2012/2013

  • Aufbaumodul 6: Gesten und Segmente
  • Mastermodul 2c: Laboratory Phonology II

Sommersemester 2012

  • Aufbaumodul 5: Laboratory Phonology I
  • Mastermodul 1c / Aufbaumodul 5 & 6: Prosodie: Silbe - Fuß - Wort

Wintersemester 2011/2012

  • Aufbaumodul 6 - 42687: Gesten und Segmente

Wintersemester 2010/2011

  • Aufbaumodul 6 - 5293: Gesten und Segmente

Sommersemester 2010

  • Institut für Deutsche Sprache und Literatur I: Forschungsklasse Prosodie

Wintersemester 2009/2010

  • Aufbaumodul 6/Aufbauseminar 5251: Gesten und Segmente

Sommersemester 2009

  • Aufbauseminar 5269a: Gesten und Segmente

Sommersemester 2008

  • Aufbauseminar 5206: Gesten und Segmente

Wintersemester 2007/2008

  • Aufbauseminar 5149: Empirische und statistische Grundlagen

Sommersemester 2007

  • Aufbauseminar 5097: Gesten und Segmente

Wintersemester 2006/2007

  • Aufbauseminar 5136: Statistische und empirische Grundlagen

Sommersemester 2006

  • Übung 5091: Digitale Signalverarbeitung in der Phonetik

Wintersemester 2005/2006

  • Aufbauseminar 5075: Statistische und empirische Grundlagen

Wintersemester 2004/2005

  • Übung 5040: Physikalische Grundlagen der apparativen Phonetik (=Akustik 1)

zum Seitenanfang
