Forschungskolloquium (WS 15/16)
Soweit nicht anders angegeben, montags 16:00 - 17:30
2.11. IfL Phonetik, Köln, Seminarraum
Amos Teo (University of Oregon): Tone-Intonation interactions in Tibeto-Burman languages: implications for description and typology (Abstract)
16.11. IfL Phonetik, Köln, Seminarraum
Volker Struckmeier (Englisches Seminar, Universität Köln): Scrambling as an Interaction of Syntax, Semantics and Prosody: One Theory, three Experiments (Abstract)
7.12. IfL Phonetik, Köln, Seminarraum
Leonie Grön (IfL Phonetik, Universität Köln): Developing a voice-controlled interface for German users
14.1. (Donnerstag) IfL Phonetik, Köln, Seminarraum
Berit Lindau & Sascha Topolinski (Social Cognition Center Cologne, Social and Economic Cognition II): The effects of in- and outward articulation dynamics (Abstract)
21.1. (Donnerstag) IfL Phonetik, Köln, Seminarraum
Gerrit Kentner (Institut für Linguistik, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt): Patterns of prosodic prominence: their role in song perception, silent reading, and supra-lexical morphophonology (Abstract)