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General Linguistics
Department of Linguistics
D-50923 Cologne

E-Mail: khannss1[at]uni-koeln[dot]de

Workshops and presentations


Workshop organisation

2018 together with Sabine Dedenbach-Salazar Sáenz (Stirling University, UK) organization of a workshop on Dios(es) y diablo(s)—La traducción de conceptos cristianos e indígenas en textos religiosos de las Américas within the 56th Congreso Internacional de Americanistas (ICA) in Salamanca (Spain); duration of conference: 15th to 20th July 2018; the workshop is scheduled for 20th July 2018
2015Nikolaus Himmelmann and Katja Hannß (both University of Cologne), in cooperation with Heriberto Avelino (Center for Research and Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology; Mexico City): Bilateral Workshop Germany-Mexico and First Latin-American Summer School on Language Documentation and Linguistic Typology; funding by the DFG: HA 6340/3-1
2013Swintha Danielsen and Katja Hannß: organization of a workshop on The Indigenous Languages of the Americas - New Approaches in the 21st Century within the 6th meeting of German speaking Americanists (Bonn University)
2011Femmy Admiraal, Swintha Danielsen and Katja Hannß: organization of the annual Americanist Meeting (Leipzig University); proceedings published in 2014
2011Swintha Danielsen, Sonja Gipper and Katja Hannß: organisation of a workshop on Oral Traditions within the 5th meeting of German speaking Americanists (Marburg University)


Presentations at workshops and conferences (selection)

2018 "Wortbildung in südamerikanischen Sprachen" ("Word-formation in South American languages"; invited speaker within the lecture series Forschungskolloquium - Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Lexikographie, Valenz- und Kollokationsforschung "Wortbildung im Fokus"; Erlangen-Nürnberg, 30 January 2018
2017"The formation of Kallawaya"; invited speaker at the Linguistic Colloquium on Mixed Languages; Bremen, 28-29 September 2017


"Possible origins of Kallawaya", From Language Mixing to Fused Lects - Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS); Freiburg (Germany), 25-27 January 2017
2015"Relations between Lake Titicaca and the lowlands: language contacts of Pukina", 4th Conference of the Red Europea para el Estudio de las Lenguas Andinas (REELA); Leiden (the Netherlands), 5-7 September 2015


"Possible language contacts of Pukina", Revitalizing Older Linguistic Documentation (ROLD); Amsterdam, 11 June 2015


"Revitalisation of Uru", Bilateral Workshop Germany-Mexico and First Latin-American Summer School on Language Documentation and Linguistic Typology, Morelia (Mexico), 19-28 March 2015
2014"Language contacts of Pukina", 47th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE); Poznań (Poland), 11-14 September 2014
2013"Traces of Pukina - Reconstructing Pukina on the basis of Kallawaya", 21st International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL); Oslo, 5-9 August
2012"Reduplication Patterns of Kallawaya", Typology and Universals in Word-Formation II; Košiče (Slovakia); 26-28 August
2011"A Lexicon of Kallawaya", 44th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE); Logroño (Spain), 8-11 September


"The development of an inclusive/exclusive split and its reflex in the verbal system: Evidence from Uchumataqu", 20th International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL); Osaka, 25-29 July; funding by the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, DAAD)


"Uhle, Métraux, Vellard: Materials on Uru and their value in language description", Revitalizing older linguistic documentation; Amsterdam, 12 May; published in 2014
2010"The sources of Kallawaya", Kréyòl Workshop; Groesbeek/Nijmegen, 25-28 August
2008"Multiverb constructions as a means of complementation in Uchumataqu", Multiverb constructions: a view from the Americas; Nijmegen, 20 October; published in 2011


"Working with dying languages - Two Bolivian cases in comparison" (joint paper with Swintha Danielsen), Sprachgrenzen, Sprachkontakte und kulturelle Vermittler in der Geschichte der europäisch-überseeischen Beziehungen (Language Boundaries, Language Contacts and Cultural Mediators in the History of European Overseas Relations); Bamberg, 16-18 May; published in 2010
2007"The case suffixes -kiś and -kin in Chipaya (Bolivia): directional/indirect complement and locative markers" (joint paper with Sabine Dedenbach-Salazar Sáenz), Red Europea para el Estudio de las Lenguas Andinas; Newcastle, 28-29 June; published in 2008
2006"Subordination in Uru-Chipaya: one or two systems?", Americanist Meeting; Nijmegen, 15 December; published in 2011
2005"Personal reference in Uru: an isolating or agglutinating type of language?", Americanist Meeting; Amsterdam, March
2004"Das Uru am Titicaca-See - eine Bestandsaufnahme" (The Uru of Lake Titicaca - an Overview), 2. Treffen deutschsprachiger Amerikanisten; Marburg, 8-10 October

