General Linguistics
Department of Linguistics
D-50923 Cologne
E-Mail: khannss1[at]uni-koeln[dot]de
Curriculum vitae
2018–2019 | Principal Investigator within the DFG-funded module Temporary Positions for Principal Investigators at the University of Cologne (Chipaya project) |
2016–2017 | Principal Investigator within the DFG-funded module Temporary Positions for Principal Investigators at the University of Cologne (follow-up project on Kallawaya) |
2012–2015 | Principal Investigator within the DFG-funded module Temporary Positions for Principal Investigators at the University of Cologne (Kallawaya project) |
2011–2012 | Lecturer at the Department of General and Comparative Linguistics at Regensburg University |
2008–2010 | Lecturer at Konstanz University, representing the junior professorship in English Studies |
2005–2007 | Research assistant in the Chipaya documentation project; funding by DobeS (DobeS = Dokumentation bedrohter Sprachen, Documentation of Endangered Languages), Bonn University and University of Stirling (UK) |
2008 | Doctoral degree in General Linguistics, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands (Professor Pieter Muysken) |
2004 | Magister in Amerindian Studies, General Linguistics and Archaeology, Bonn University (Dr. Sabine Dedenbach-Salazar Sáenz) |
2005–2008 | PhD student in General Linguistics at Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands |
1997–2004 | Americanist Studies (major), General Linguistics and Archaeology (minors) at Bonn University |