General Linguistics
Department of Linguistics
Key Profile Area "Skills and Structures in Language and Cognition" (SSLAC)
D-50923 Cologne
Tel: +49-221-470-3359
Fax: +49-221-470-5947
Homepage: https://anastasiabauer.de/
E-Mail: anastasia.bauer[at]uni-koeln[dot]de
Academia: https://uni-koln.academia.edu/AnastasiaBauer
Twitter: @AnastasiaBaue18
ORCİD: 0000-0002-4630-4590
Recent talk at the Gespin2023 conference in Nijmegen, Netherlands
Under the title “Phonetics of head nods in German Sign Language (DGS), Anastasia Bauer and Anna Kuder from the GeSi project in collaboration with Marc Schulder from the University of Hamburg, presented their study at the Gespin2023 conference in Nijmegen, Netherlands. They introduced the results of their investigation of the basic phonetic properties of head nods in DGS using body pose information. They used the Computer Vision (CV) tool OpenPose to calculate head nods measurements from video recordings in the Public DGS Corpus.