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Discourse Studies
Department of Linguistics
D-50923 Cologne

Luxemburger Str. 299
Room 4.06
D-50929 Cologne

Tel: +49-221-470-89924
Fax: +49-221-470-5947

Office hours:
by appointment

(please contact via e-mail)

E-Mail: anna.bonifazi[at]uni-koeln[dot]de

Prof. Dr. Anna Bonifazi's Blog 


  • Anaphora in short crime stories: What does it mean to navigate third-person references to individuals in short crime stories? Focus on anaphoric constructions countering coreferential rules and on the invited inferential work at the interactional level (via Webanno annotations)
  • Multimodality in communication involving music, words, and weeping from Antiquity onward: What does it mean to integrate several modes in the composition and the reception of songs/arias thematizing the shedding of tears? Focus on cross-modal iconicity, and on the blurring of agency and subjectivity
  • Modern vs. medieval punctuation in ancient Greek texts: What does it mean to study the linguistics of ancient Greek texts without relying on modern full stops and modern commas? Focus on discourse segmentation and on mismatches between syntactic and pragmatic units
  • Mitgliedschaften/Memberships