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Courses and Colloquia

An overview of recent and former courses and colloquia offered in the BA and MA studies:


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Bachelor courses:

  • Oral storytelling (AM 4, Anna Bonifazi with Alice Mitchell)
  • Gestures in language and cognition (SM 2, Sandra Debreslioska)
  • Einführung in die Diskursanalyse (SM 3, Madeleine Frings)
  • Exploring language use empirically (IKB, Anna Bonifazi)

Master courses:

  • Pragmatic and cognitive aspects of texts (AM 2, AM 4, SM 1p, Anna Bonifazi)
  • Methods for Gesture Analysis (AM 2, SM 1p, Sandra Debreslioska) 


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  • Discourse Studies (SM 2a, Anna Bonifazi)