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Discourse Studies
Department of Linguistics
50923, Cologne  

Luxemburger Str. 299
Room 4.05
50929 Cologne

Email: pioannid[at]smail.uni-koeln[dot]de

Current research

Physical objects recalled via words, image and sound in mystery movies: modelling the cross-modal construction of co-referential chains

This project revolves around language use and multimodal communication, and in particular around cross-modal references to objects in on-screen forensic science movies. The focus is how words, image and sound elements are linked to one another to constitute anaphoric markers in co-referential chains with respect to the perception of the viewers. The analysis implements semantic, pragmatic, and cognitive frameworks, in combination with concepts related to telecinematic discourse.

Finished Projects

2019 – 2021   Pilot investigation on anaphoric markers in short crime stories (coordinated by Prof. Dr. Anna Bonifazi; participants: Zala Salarazai, M.A.)

