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Institut für Linguistik
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Vorträge auf Workshops und internationalen Konferenzen


"Variation and change of valency patterns of Ancient Greek request verbs", 15th International Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology / ALT15 (Workshop: Valency and valency alternations within and across language boundaries), Nanyang Technological University (Singapur).


"Variation and change in Ancient Greek metaphors of temperature: a corpus-based study", Winged Words – Comparative and historical approaches to conceptual metaphors, Universität Leiden (Niederlande).


"Metaphors of HOT and COLD in Ancient Greek: a Diachronic Perspective", zusammen mit Maddalena Bressler and Silvia Zampetta, 21st International Congress of Linguists (Workshop: Current Perspectives on Historical Metaphor), Poznań (Polen).


"Causal relations in Ancient Greek: Problematizing insubordination in historical corpus data", 57th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea / SLE 2024 (Workshop: Pathways to insubordination), Helsinki (Finnland).


"To what extent do conjunctions fit into syndesmoi?", The Emergence of Syntactic Categories in the History of Linguistics: From Medieval to Modern Age / SiRe Workshop, Universität Palermo (Italien).


„Where and How? Request verb constructions in Ancient Greek“, International Conference on Historical Linguistics 2023 /ICHL 26 (General session: Pragmatics, Discourse), Universität Heidelberg (Deutschland).


„Clause linkage strategies in Ancient Greek: the usage of epeí in documentary papyri“, 56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea / SLE 2023 (General Session: Clause-linkage), Athens (Griechenland).


"Clause linkage strategies in colloquial Ancient Greek: The case of hṓste in documentary papyri", IPrA Konferenz (Brüssel).


"The Pavia Verbs Database: Late Greek", zusammen mit Daniel Kölligan, Ulrich Geupel and Thiago Venturott, PaVeDa Workshop. The Pavia Verbs Database: State of the art, challenges, and perspectives, Universität Pavia (Italien).


"Hierarchies behind and beyond words. An historical and linguistic analysis of the correspondence of the Melkite patriarchates in the second half of the 9th century", zusammen mit Federico Montinaro, A matter of speech: language of social interdependency in the early islamicate empire (600 – 1500) - Final conference of the Embedding Conquest project, Universität Leiden (Niederlande).


"Segni diacritici, sintassi e ritmo su testi letterari da papiri ercolanesi: nuove prospettive per analisi linguistiche", zusammen mit Anna Bonifazi and Jürgen Hammerstaedt, XXXth International Congress of Papyrology, Paris (Frankreich).

"Counterfactual constructions in Greek documentary papyri of the Roman and Byzantine periods", XXXth International Congress of Papyrology, Paris (Frankreich).


"Independent ὥστε sentences in Greek documentary papyri. Conjunction or discourse particle?", 10th International Colloquium on Ancient Greek Linguistics, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spanien).


"Insubordination in Greek documentary papyri: the case of ὥστε independent sentences", New Light from the East, online conference.


"Reuses of Mythological Patterns in Ancient Everyday Greek", Cologne Mythological Workshop, Univerität zu Köln (Deutschland).


"Counterfactual conditions in colloquial Ancient Greek", Building Modality with Syntax - Workshop at SLE 2021, online conference


"Independent ἵνα sentences and the case of μὴ ἵνα in Greek documentary papyri", 1st Postclassical Greek Conference Cologne, Universität zu Köln (Deutschland).


"Sociolinguistic and semiotic remarks on Greek petitions", Novel Perspectives on Communication Practices in Antiquity, Ghent University (Belgien).


"A linguistic commentary on P.Oxy. 3860", 29th International Congress of Papyrology, Lecce (Italien).


"Final and Consecutive clauses in the Greek documentary papyri of the Roman period", Society for Classical Studies-Annual Meeting 2019, San Diego (USA).


"Verba rogandi in the Greek documentary papyri of the Roman and Byzantine periods", International Colloquium on Ancient Greek Linguistics, University of Helsinki (Finnland).


"ὅπως in the Greek documentary papyri of the Ptolemaic and Roman periods", A corpus and usage–based approach to Ancient Greek: from the Archaic period until the Koiné, University of Latvia – Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences, Riga (Lettland).


„Zwischen Absicht und Folge: Einige Aspekte von Final- und Konsekutivsätzen in den dokumentarischen Papyri der römischen und byzantinischen Zeit“, 9. Deutscher Papyrologentag, Leipzig (Deutschland).


„ἐρωτάω: Semantik und Syntax in den dokumentarischen Papyri der römischen und byzantinischen Zeit“, 28th International Congress of Papyrology, Barcelona (Spanien).


"Griechische Syntax dokumentarischer Papyri der römischen Zeit" a.r.t.e.s. Colloquium - Abschlussfahrt des Jahrgangs 2014, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (Italien).


"Final and Consecutive clauses in the Greek documentary Papyri of the Roman period", Postclassical Greek: Intersections of Philology and Linguistics - Conference, Mainz (Deutschland).


"Zweisprachigkeit im griechisch-römischen Ägypten / Bilinguisme dans l’Égypte grec-romaine", Ecole doctorale transfrontalière LOGOS, Université de Liège (Belgien).

Vorträge als eingeladene Sprecherin


"Problematizing insubordination and the syntactic status of conjunctions in Ancient Greek", Vortrag im Rahmen des Colloquium für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, organisiert von Prof. Dr. Götz Keydana and Prof. Dr. Stavros Skopeteas, Sprachwissenschaftliches Seminar, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Deutschland).


"Fasi e varietà del greco" Vortrag im MA-Seminar Storia della lingua greca (Dr. Virginia Mastellari), Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, University of Pavia (Italien).


"Dipendenza sintattica vs. dipendenza discorsiva. Osservazioni sull' insubordinazione linguistica", Vortrag im Doktorandenprogramm Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Universität Pavia (Italien).


"Aspetti sincronici e diacronici del greco postclassico", Vortrag im Doktorandenprogramm, Dipartimento di civilità antiche e moderne, Universität Messina (Italien).


"Dipendenza sintattica vs. dipendenza discorsiva. Osservazioni su coordinazione, subordinazione e insubordinazione", Vortrag im Doktorandenprogramm, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, University for Foreigners - Siena (Italien).


"Fasi e Varietà del greco", Vortrag im MA-Seminar Glottologia (Prof. Chiara Gianollo), Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica, Alma Mater Studiorum Universität Bologna (Italien).


"Greco postclassico e analisi linguistiche: l'apporto dei papiri documentari", Vortrag im Doktorandenprogramm, Dipartimento di filologia classica, papirologia e linguistica storica, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Milan (Italien).


"Greco antico, papiri documentari e approcci tipologici", Vortrag im MA-Seminar Glottologia Avanzata (Prof. Maria Napoli), Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università del Piemonte Orientale - Vercelli (Italien).


"The system of negation in Postclassical Greek: evidence from documentary papyri", zusammen mit Chiara Gianollo und Beatrice Marchesi,Trends in Classics - Greek & Latin Linguistics 1 / 2nd Postclassical Greek Conference (Synchronic and Diachronic Issues of Postclassical Greek), Aristoteles Universität Thessaloniki (Griechenland).


"How to Ask in Ancient Greek: a (socio)pragmatic analysis of letters from the Postclassical period", How to ask? Politeness strategies in historical letters, Universität Leiden (Niederlande).


"The Pavia Verbs Database: Late Greek", co-authored paper with Daniel Kölligan, Ulrich Geupel and Thiago Venturott, PaVeDa Workshop. The Pavia Verbs Database: State of the art, challenges, and perspectives, Universität Pavia (Italien).


"Linguistische Ansätze für literarische Texte - synchron und diachron", Einführungsveranstaltung Komparatistik, zusammen mit Prof. Anna Bonifazi.


"Where and How? Exploring request constructions and their position in Greek papyrus letters", With kind regards: convention, standards and breaking the rules in letter-writing - Lectures series organized by Prof. Petra Sijpesteijn within the ERC-project Embedding Conquest, Universität Leiden (Niederlande)


"Postclassical Greek Network. Exploring the Greek language of the Postclassical period" - talk within the lectures series of the Postclassical Greek Network, zusammen mit Prof. Daniel Kölligan.


"Congiunzione o marca discorsiva? Riflessioni su coordinazione, subordinazione e segmentazione del discorso" - CLUB – Circolo linguistico dell’università di Bologna (Italien).


"Ancient everyday life and language(s)" - 2nd part Ciclo di lezioni nell'ambito delle iniziative dipartimentali del FICLIT a sostegno dell'internazionalizzazione, Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna (Italien).


"Ancient everyday life and language(s)" - 1st part Ciclo di lezioni nell'ambito delle iniziative dipartimentali del FICLIT a sostegno dell'internazionalizzazione, Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna (Italien).