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Institut für Linguistik
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  • di Bartolo, Giuseppina. 2024. „Causal relations in Classical Greek tragedy. An analysis of ἐπεί“. Lingue Antiche e Moderne 13, 84–106.
  • di Bartolo, Giuseppina. 2024. „Discourse Analysis“, in Reference Module in Social Sciences, Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-95504-1.00037-5.
  • di Bartolo, Giuseppina. 2024. „Double conjunction usages in Postclassical Greek“, in G. di Bartolo und D. Kölligan, Postclassical Greek: Problems and Perspectives, Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter (Trends in Classics - Greek & Latin Linguistics Series).
  • di Bartolo, Giuseppina. 2023. „Variation and change of counterfactual conditionals in Postclassical Greek. Evidence from private papyrus letters“, in C. Denizot und L. Tronci (Hrsgg.), Building modality with syntax, Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter (Trends in Linguistics Series).
  • di Bartolo, Giuseppina. 2023. „Some aspects of Irrealis in Postclassical Greek“, in G. K. Giannakis, P. Filos, E. Crespo und J. de la Villa (Hrsgg.), Classical Philology and Linguistics: Old Themes and New Perspectives, Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter (Trends in Classics - Greek & Latin Linguistics Series).
  • di Bartolo, Giuseppina. Demnächst erscheinend. „Language Policies: Post-Classical Greek“, in G. Giannakis (Hrsg.), Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics, Brill Online.
  • di Bartolo, Giuseppina. Demnächst erscheinend. „Grammars of the Greek language: Grammars of Hellenistic Greek“, in G. Giannakis (Hrsg.), Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics, Brill Online.
  • di Bartolo, Giuseppina. 2022. „The μὴ ἵνα + subjunctive construction in Greek documentary papyri“. Glotta 98 (1), 136–147.
  • di Bartolo Giuseppina. 2020. „Purpose and Result Clauses: ἵνα-hína and ὥστε-hōʹste in the Greek Documentary Papyri of the Roman Period“, in: Rafiyenko, Dariya / Seržant, Ilja A. (Hrsgg.). Postclassical Greek. Contemporary Approaches to Philology and Linguistics. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter. 19-38.



  • di Bartolo, Giuseppina. 2024. Review of Heine, B., G. Kaltenböck, T. Kuteva and H. Long, 2023, The Rise of Discourse Markers. LINGUIST List 35.1889. https://linguistlist.org/issues/35/1889/
  • di Bartolo, Giuseppina. 2024. Rezension von A. A. Nijk. 2022. Tense-switching in classical Greek: a cognitive approach. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, in Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 152(2), 521–524.
  • di Bartolo, Giuseppina. 2019. Rezension von Review of K. Bentein, M. Janse & J. Soltic (eds.). 2017. Variation and Change in Ancient Greek Tense, Aspect and Modality. Antiquité Classique 87.
  • di Bartolo, Giuseppina. 2016. Rezension von R. Stoneman. 2014. Pindar. Antiquité Classique 85.