Dr. Sonja Eisenbeiß

Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft
Institut für Linguistik
D-50923 Köln
Tel: +49-221-470-3357
Fax: +49-221-470-5947
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E-Mail: seisenb1(at)uni-koeln.de
- Montero-Melis, Guillermo, Sonja Eisenbeiss, Bhuvana Narasimhan, Iraide Ibarretxe-Antuñano, Sotaro Kita, Anetta Kopecka, Friederike Lüpke, Tatiana Nikitina, Ilona Tragel, T. Florian Jaeger & Juergen Bohnemeyer. 2017. Satellite- vs. verb-framing underpredicts nonverbal motion categorization: Insights from a large language sample and simulations. Cognitive Semantics 3(1). 36-61. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1163/23526416-00301002
- Pareek, Benu, Ayesha Kidwai & Sonja Eisenbeiss. 2016. Verb Agreement in Hindi and its Acquisition. Online Proceedings of the Formal Approaches to South Asian Languages, 1 (FASAL).
Kgolo, Naledi & Sonja Eisenbeiss. 2015. The role of morphological structure in the processing of complex forms: Evidence from Setswana deverbative nouns. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 30(9). 1116-1133.
- Eisenbeiss, Sonja. 2015. Syntax and Language Acquisition. In Tibor Kiss & Artemis Alexiadou (eds.), Syntax - theory and analysis. An international handbook, 2nd edn, 1792-1832. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Eisenbeiss, Sonja & Ingrid Sonnenstuhl. 2011. A CHAT-based annotation scheme for case and noun-phrase inflection in child language data. Essex Research Reports in Linguistics 60(3).
- Eisenbeiss, Sonja & Ingrid Sonnenstuhl. 2011. Transcription conventions for the Eisenbeiss German child language corpora. Essex Research Reports in Linguistics 60(2).
- Dobel, Christian, Reinhild Glanemann, Pienie Zwitserlood & Sonja Eisenbeiss. 2011. Visual encoding of coherent and non-coherent scenes. In Jürgen Bohnemeyer & Eric Pederson (eds.), Event representation in language and cognition, 189- 215. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Eisenbeiss, Sonja. 2011. CEGS: An elicitation tool kit for studies on case marking and its acquisition. Essex Research Reports in Linguistics 60(1).
- Slobin, Dan, Melissa Bowerman, Penelope Brown, Sonja Eisenbeiss & Bhuvana Narasimhan. 2011. Putting things in places: Developmental consequences of linguistic typology. In Jürgen Bohnemeyer & Eric Pederson (eds.), Event representation in language and cognition , 134-165. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Eisenbeiss, Sonja. 2011. Lexical learning hypothesis. In Patrick Hogan (ed.), The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Eisenbeiss, Sonja. 2010. Production methods. In Elma Blom & Sharon Unsworth (eds.), Experimental methods in language acquisition research, 11-34. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Eisenbeiss, Sonja, Ayumi Matsuo & Ingrid Sonnenstuhl. 2009. Learning to encode possession. In William McGregor (ed.), The expression of possession, 143-211. Berlin: deGruyter.
Eisenbeiss, Sonja. 2009. Generative Approaches to Language Learning. Linguistics 47(2). 273–310.
- Eisenbeiss, Sonja. 2009. Contrast is the name of the game: Contrast-based semi-structured elicitation techniques for studies on children’s language acquisition. Essex Research Reports in Linguistics 57(7).
- Eisenbeiss, Sonja, Bhuvana Narasimhan & Maria Voeikova. 2008. The acquisition of case. In Andrej Malchukov & Andrew Spencer (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Case, 369-383. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Narasimhan, Bhuvana, Sonja Eisenbeiss & Penelope Brown. 2007. ‘‘Two's company, more is a crowd”: the linguistic encoding of multiple-participant events. Linguistics 45(3). 383-392. (Special Issue, edited together with Bhuvana Narasimhan and Penelope Brown)
- Eisenbeiss, Sonja. 2007. The lexical learning hypothesis. Essex Research Reports in Linguistics 54. 1-4.
- Bohnemeyer, Jürgen, Sonja Eisenbeiss & Bhuvana Narasimhan. 2006. Ways to go: Methodological considerations in Whorfian studies on motion events. Essex Research Reports in Linguistics 50. 1-20.
- Eisenbeiss, Sonja, Susanne Bartke & Harald Clahsen. 2005/2006. Structural and lexical case in child German: Evidence from language-impaired and typically-developing children. Language Acquisition 13. 3-32.
- Penke, Martina, Ulrike Janssen & Sonja Eisenbeiss. 2004. Psycholinguistic evidence for the underspecification of morphosyntactic features. Brain and Language 90. 423-433.
- Bowerman, Melissa, Penny Brown, Sonja Eisenbeiss, Bhuvana Narasimhan & Dan Slobin. 2004. “Putting things in places”: Effekte linguistischer Typologie auf die Sprachentwicklung. [“Putting things in places”: Developmental consequences of linguistic typology.]. In Gottfried Plehn (ed.), Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Jahrbuch 2004. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht.
- Eisenbeiss, Sonja. 2003. Merkmalsgesteuerter Grammatikerwerb. Eine Untersuchung zum Erwerb der Struktur und Flexion der Nominalphrase. [‘Feature-Driven Structure Building. A Study on the Acquisition of Noun-Phrase Structure and Inflection.’] PhD Dissertation, University of Düsseldorf.
- Bowerman, Melissa, Penelope Brown, Sonja Eisenbeiss, Bhuvana Narasimhan & Dan Slobin. 2003. The crosslinguistic encoding of goal-directed motion in child-caregiver discourse. Online Proceedings of the Child Language Research Forum 2002, Stanford University.
- Clahsen, Harald, Peter Prüfert, Sonja Eisenbeiss & Joana Cholin. 2002. Strong stems in the German mental lexicon: Evidence from child language acquisition and adult processing. In Ingrid Kaufmann & Barbara Stiebels (eds.), More than Words. A Festschrift for Dieter Wunderlich, 91-112. Berlin: Akadamie Verlag.
- Clahsen, Harald, Ingrid Sonnenstuhl, Meike Hadler & Sonja Eisenbeiss. 2001. Morphological paradigms in language processing and language disorders. Transactions of the Philological Society 99(2). 247-278.
- Clahsen, Harald, Sonja Eisenbeiss, Meike Hadler & Ingrid Sonnenstuhl. 2001. The mental representation of inflected words: An experimental study of adjectives and verbs in German. Language 77. 510-543.
- Eisenbeiss, Sonja. 2000. The acquisition of the DP in German. In Luigi Rizzi & Marc-Ariel Friedemann (eds.), Acquisition of syntax. Issues in developmental linguistic, 27-62. Harlow, UK: Longman.
- Sonnenstuhl, Ingrid, Sonja Eisenbeiss & Harald Clahsen. 1999. Morphological priming in the German mental lexicon. Cognition 72. 203-236.
- Clahsen, Harald, Sonja Eisenbeiss & Ingrid Sonnenstuhl-Henning. 1997. Morphological structure and the processing of inflected words. Theoretical Linguistics 23(3). 201-249.
- Eisenbeiss, Sonja, Harald Clahsen & Martina Penke. 1996. Lexical learning in early syntactic development. In Harald Clahsen (ed.), Generative perspectives on language acquisition: Empirical findings, theoretical considerations and crosslinguistic comparisons, 129-159. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Clahsen, Harald, Sonja Eisenbeiss & Anne Vainikka. 1994. The seeds of structure: A syntactic analysis of the acquisition of case marking. In Teun Hoekstra & Bonnie D. Schwartz (eds.), Language acquisition studies in generative grammar, 85-118. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Eisenbeiss, Sonja. 1994. Kasus und Wortstellungsvariation im deutschen Mittelfeld. Theoretische Überlegungen und Untersuchungen zum Erstspracherwerb. In Brigitta Haftka (ed.), Was determiniert Wortstellungsvariation? Studien zu einem Interaktionsfeld von Grammatik, Pragmatik und Sprachtypologie, 277-298. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag.
- Eisenbeiss, S. 1994. Auxiliaries and the acquisition of the passive. In Eve V. Clark (ed.), The Proceedings of the 25th Annual Child Language Research Forum, 235-242. Stanford: CSLI.
- Eisenbeiss, Sonja. 1994. Elizitation von Nominalphrasen und Kasusmarkierungen. [‘Elicitation of Noun Phrases and Case Markers’]. In Sonja Eisenbeiss, Susanne Bartke, Helga Weyerts & Harald Clahsen (eds.), Elizitationsverfahren in der Spracherwerbsforschung: Nominalphrasen, Kasus, Plural, Partizipien. Theorie des Lexikons. Arbeitspapiere des SFB 282, 57, 1-38.