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Dr. Ivan Kapitonov

Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft
Institut für Linguistik
D-50923 Köln

Tel: +49-221- 470-7063
Fax: +49-221-470-5947

nach Vereinbarung (hier)

E-Mail: i.kapitonov[at]uni-koeln[dot]de


  • Kapitonov, Ivan & Margit Bowler. 2024. Some or other: Partitive disanaphors across languages.  Journal of Semantics 41(3–4). 245–277.
  • Kapitonov, Ivan. 2024. Onomatopoeia in Kunbarlang. In Körtvélyessy and Štekauer (eds.), Onomatopoeia in the World’s Languages.
  • Sumbatova, N., I. Kapitonov, M. Khachaturyan, S. Oskolskaya and S. Verhees. 2023. Songs and Trees: Papers in Memory of Sasha Vydrina. SPb: Institute for Linguistic Studies.
  • Bowler, Margit & Ivan Kapitonov. 2023. Quantification. In Claire Bowern (ed.), The Oxford Guide to Australian Languages.
  • Kapitonov, Ivan. 2021. A Grammar of Kunbarlang. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110747058
  • Kapitonov, Ivan. 2021. Definiteness, Information Structure, and Indirect Modification in the Kunbarlang Noun Phrase. Languages 6(3). 111. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/languages6030111
  • Kapitonov, Ivan. 2019. Degrees and scales of Kunbarlang. In M. R. Bochnak et al. (eds.), Proceedings of TripleA5, 91–105. Tübingen.
  • Kyuseva, Maria & Ivan Kapitonov. 2018. Yawanj и rnanj: поиски в кунбарланге [Yawanj and rnanj: searching in Kunbarlang. In D. A. Ryzhova et al. (eds.), EVReka! A Festschrift for E. V. Rakhilina. In Russian], 245–257. Moscow: Labirint.
  • Arkadiev, P., I. Kapitonov, Y. Lander, E. Rakhilina & S. Tatevosov (eds.). 2015. Donum Semanticum: Opera linguistica et logica in honorem Barbarae Partee a discipulis amicisque Rossicis oblata. Moscow: Languages of Slavic Culture.
  • Kapitonov, Ivan. 2015. On the quantification of events. In P. Arkadiev et al. (eds.), Donum Semanticum. Moscow: Languages of Slavic Culture.
  • Kapitonov, Ivan. 2012. Dynamic pragmatics of too. In D. Paperno (ed.), Papers in Semantics, Number 16 in UCLA Working Papers in Linguistics, pp. 69–93. UCLA.

(Ausgewählte) Vorträge


  • Towards a measurement-theoretic typology of adjectives. 42. DGfS, Universität Hamburg.


  • Aspects of Kunbarlang grammar. Invited talk at the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory, NRU HSE, Moscow.


  • Kunbarlang and the typology of measurement constructions. Linguistic Discoveries workshop, U of Melbourne.
  • Yimarne in Kunbarlang: From similative to quotative. SWL 8, Paris. With Caroline Gentens.
  • Degrees and scales of Kunbarlang. Semantics of African, Asian and Austronesian Languages (TripleA 5), Universität Konstanz.
  • Towards a typology of quantification in Australian languages. Australian Languages Workshop 17, Marysville. With Margit Bowler.


  • Kunbarlang TMA composition. ALS 48, Western Sydney U.
  • Relativization (and other embeddings) in Kunbarlang. Poster presented at the LSA Linguistic Institute, University of Kentucky, Lexington.


  • Number in Person’s Disguise: Kunbarlang Impoverishment. New Fields for Morphology workshop, U of Melbourne.
  • Morphosyntax of Kunbarlang coverb constructions. Talk presented at the Australian Languages Workshop 15, March 3–6, 2016, ANU, Kioloa.


  • Processing free affix order in polysynthesis. Talk presented at ALS 46, December 9–11, 2015, Western Sydney U, Parramatta. Processing free affix order. Talk presented at Morphological Processing 9, June 18–20, 2015, Potsdam.


  • Two Strategies for One Threat: Underspecification in Expressive Content. Poster presented at SinFonIJA 7, Graz.
  • Russian Word Order, net-ellipsis and Across-the-Board scrambling. SLE 2014, Poznań, and SWL 6, Pavia.
  • Russian Threat Dative. ConSole XXII, FLUL, Lisbon.


  • Too 2. AMPRA I, UNCC, Charlotte.


  • Indefinite Pronouns in Adyghe: Formal Aspects. Workshop Indefiniteness Crosslinguistically (32. DGfS), Berlin.


  • Логический вывод и интерпретация местоимений у детей [Inference and Pronoun Interpretetation in Children]. Poster presented at the Third International Conference on Cognitive Science, Moscow.