Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft
Institut für Linguistik
D-50923 Köln
Tel: +(49) 221 – 470 5639
Fax: +(49) 221 470 - 5947
E-Mail: asi[at]uni-koeln[dot]de
Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
seit 2020 | Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Postdoctoral Fellow am Institut für Linguistik, Universität zu Köln, "A cross-linguistic investigation of the relationship between language vitality and ethnobiological knowledge transmission" |
2018–2019 | Community-Linguist für Aboriginal Resource & Development Service (ARDS) in Minjilang, Nordterritorium, Australien |
2017–2018 | Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institut für Linguistik, Universität zu Köln |
2013–2016 | McKenzie Postdoctoral Fellow an der School of Languages and Linguistics, University of Melbourne |
2008–2012 | PhD in Linguistik, Australian National University – "The traditional ecological knowledge of the Solega – a linguistic perspective" |
2007 | PGrad. Dip. in Linguistik, University of Melbourne – "A diachronic investigation of Hindi-English code-switching in urban India" |
2001–2004 | PhD in Neurowissenschaften, Australian National University – "Behavioural and pharmacological studies on learning and memory in the honeybee, Apis mellifera" |
1996–1998 | B. Sc. Meeresbiologie, James Cook University. "The nutrition of Sphaeroma terebrans, a wood boring isopod, with notes on its usage of driftwood in Stuart Creek, North Queensland", (Bachelorarbeit, 1999). |