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MA Ancient Languages and Cultures: Historical-Comparative Linguistics

General information

Historical-Comparative Linguistics is one of ten selectable fields of study of the Master's programme in Ancient Languages and Cultures of the Mediterranean. The other fields of study are:

  • Old History
  • Archaeology of the Roman Provinces
  • Byzantine studies
  • Greek Philology
  • Jewish studies
  • Classical Archaeology
  • Latin Philology
  • Medieval Latin Philology
  • Papyrology, Epigraphy and Numismatics of Antiquity

Historical-Comparative Linguistics is studied as a 2-Fach Master together with another study at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. The preferred option here is one of the other study programmes in Ancient Languages and Cultures. In one of the two programmes, a larger scientific thesis, the Master's thesis, is written at the end. Further information on the modalities can be found on the corresponding page of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.

In the research-oriented Master's programme in Historical-Comparative Linguistics, which builds consecutively on the Bachelor's programme, the knowledge acquired in the Bachelor's programme is deepened and expanded by practising largely independent scientific work on exemplary subjects. Within the framework of the programme, students are able to focus on one of the areas of their choice, i.e. Latin or Greek linguistics. As in the Bachelor's programme, a literary science module must also be completed in the Master's programme, i.e. close networking with classical philology is also sought in the Master's programme. The aim is to master the methods of Historical-Comparative Linguistics on the basis of in-depth language knowledge to such an extent that more complex problems can be dealt with independently on the basis of the state of the art in research, thus creating the prerequisites for a possible doctoral programme.

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