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Für den Ein-Fach-MA Linguistik/Linguistics und den Zwei-Fach-MA Linguistik und Phonetik bietet Dr. Ivan Kapitonov am Montag, 17.03. um 11h eine Beratungssitzung "Orientation Session" auf Englisch an. Klicken Sie auf das zoom-icon Icon um sich für die Sitzung zu registrieren. Die Zoom-Zugangsdaten werden am Tag der Sitzung an Ihre registrierte Emailadresse gesendet.

General Information

The 2-Fach Master of Linguistics and Phonetics in Cologne is jointly supported by the three departments General Linguistics, Historical-Comparative Linguistics and Phonetics of the Department of Linguistics. It is research-oriented and combines a thorough methodical education with the following specialization possibilities:

  • General Linguistics
  • Historical-Comparative Linguistics
  • Phonetics

The range of classes for this 2-Fach Master and the 1-Fach Master Linguistik has greater overlaps, but focuses on specialization in one of the areas mentioned.
Students who wish to pursue a scientific or academic career in linguistics are advised to visit the 1-Fach-Master Linguistik in order to make optimal use of the wide range of events on offer. This 2-Fach Master's degree is aimed in particular at students who wish to combine linguistic studies with primarily nonlinguistic studies in a second subject. Combinations with ethnology, musicology, art or media studies, philosophy, information processing, classical studies or individual philology (German studies, Scandinavian studies, etc.) are particularly suitable.

The 2-Fach Master's degree allows graduates of this programme to apply theoretical knowledge as well as methodological and practical skills from these areas of linguistics productively in interdisciplinary and non-university contexts.

The non-academic labour market of language-related professions (publishing, journalism, information technology, speech diagnostics and therapy, etc.) is characterised by the contradictory requirements of specialisation and versatility. The range of courses on offer makes it possible to meet these opposing expectations to a certain extent, whereby in most areas internships and in some cases additional training are required in addition to studying.

The study programme  in all specialisations provides for students to be integrated into ongoing research projects at an early stage and to learn how to design and carry out such projects themselves.

2-Fach MA Linguistics & Phonetics

Important information
