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Simon Fries, M.A.



Organisation of conferences

  • 2021 (together with Christian Mair, Daniel Jacob, Claudia Kohler, Miriam Neuhausen, Samira Ochs, Achim Rabus und Uta Reinöhl). 43rd Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS) Modell und Evidenz / Model and Evidence, February 23–26, 2021, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Germany)


  • 2023 (together with Uta Reinöhl, Kirsten Culhane, Naomi Peck und Maria Vollmer). “One new idea” constraint holds cross-linguistically even in “flat” expressions. Talk given at the 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, August 7-11, 2023, Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf.
  • 2023. One the Diachrony of the Latvian Debitive. Talk given at the conference “Endzelīns. Language. Time” on the occasion of the 150th birthday of Jan Enzdelin.
    (1873-1961), February 22-23, 2023, University of Lettland, Riga.
  • 2022. Was there a loss of word-final nasals in Proto-East-Baltic? Talk given at the conference “Baltic Linguistics: Comparative Perspectives”, September 22-24, 2022, University of Vilnius.
  • 2021 (together with Eugen Hill). Insights into the Diachrony of the East Baltic Subjunctive Mood. Talk given at the XIII International Congress of Balticists, October 13–15, 2021, University of Lettland, Riga.
  • 2019. Über die Interaktion zwischen Prosodie und Syntax im Altindoarischen [On the Interaction between Prosody and Syntax in Old Indo-Aryan]. Talk given in the colloquy of Area B (Morphosyntactics and Semantics) of the CRC 1252 on Prominence in Language, University of Cologne.