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Natalie Korobzow, M.A.


Project assistant at the University of Würzburg

Historical-Comparative Linguistics
Department of Linguistics
D-50923 Cologne

Office hours:
by appointment

(please contact via e-mail)

E-Mail: nkorobzo[at]smail.uni-koeln[dot]de


Dissertation project in preparation

  • Korobzow, Natalie. Ergativity and split ergativity in Mayan languages: A contribution to a diachronic typology of alignment. University of Cologne.

Selected Talks

  • Halfmann, Jakob & Natalie Korobzow. 2023. The Evolution of Spatial Orientation Systems in Mayan and Nuristani, 26th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, University of Heidelberg.
  • Bonmann, Svenja, Jakob Halfmann & Natalie Korobzow. 2023. A Partial Decipherment of the Unknown Kushan Script, International Scientific Work Seminar on the topic “Discovery of the Almosi Inscriptions and Their Positions among the Ancient Scripts of Central Asia”, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan.
  • Korobzow, Natalie. 2022. Directions of Alignment Change, 25th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, University of Oxford.
  • Korobzow, Natalie. 2022. Future Tense in Old and Modern Icelandic, 6th Indo-European research Colloquium | University of Cologne / Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History.

