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Dr. Corinna Scheungraber

Corinna Scheungraber was a PhD student at the Department of Linguistics of the University of Cologne from 2017 to 2020. In Juli 2021 she started her first postdoctoral position as a Marie Curie fellow at the University of Copenhagen.

E-Mail: corinna.scheungraber[at]hum[dot]ku[dot]dk

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

full CV for downloading

since 07/2021 Marie Curie-Skƚodowska scholarship (postdoc), Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, København Universitet
2017-2020  Dr. phil. in Historical Comparative Linguistics (Ph.D. equivalent), University of Cologne, graduation magna cum laude
2017-2018 Research associate (PhD grant), Department of Linguistics, University of Cologne
2014-2017  Scientific assistant (entrusted with the tasks of teaching, research and administration), Linguistic Department, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
2011-2013 Research associate at the FWF-funded research project ‘Altgermanische Theonyme’, Department of German Studies, University of Vienna
2011  Research associate at the FWF-funded research project ‘Altkeltische Sprachreste in Österreich’, Department of Linguistics, University of Vienna
2011  Research associate at the FWF-funded research project ‘Lexicon Leponticum’, Department of Linguistics, University of Vienna
2010-2014  Historical Linguistics, University of Vienna
2010  Magister Artium in Indo-European linguistics (M.A. equivalent); minor subjects: Prehistoric archaeology, Historical English linguistics and medieval literature, LMU Munich
2005-2010  Master programme in Indo-European linguistics, LMU Munich
2008-2009  Student assistant, Department of Indo-European and Comparative Linguistics, LMU Munich
2008-2009  Annotation fellow at the NRC-funded research project PROIEL: Pragmatic Ressources in Old-Indo-European Languages, University of Oslo

Teaching Experiences

WiSe 2011/12 University of Vienna: Lecture Altkeltische Sprachreste in Österreich [with Dr. Aaron Griffith]
SoSe 2014 Georg August University Göttingen: Seminar Gotisch, seminar Urgermanisch
WiSe 2014/15 Georg August University Göttingen: Seminar Einführung in die allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, seminar Historische Sprachwissenschaft [with Prof. Dr. Michael Job]
SoSe 2015 Georg August University Göttingen: Seminar Festlandkeltisch, seminar Althochdeutsch sprachhistorisch, seminar Sprachwandel und Sprachkontakt
WiSe 2015/16 Philipps University Marburg: Seminar Sprache und Kultur der Germanen und Festlandkelten, Georg August University Göttingen: Seminar Einführung in die allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, seminar Runengermanisch
SoSe 2016 Georg August University Göttingen: Seminar Vergleichende Grammatik der germanischen Sprachen, seminar Gotisch
WiSe 2016/17 Georg August University Göttingen: Seminar Grundlagen der indogermanischen Sprachwissenschaft, seminar Gotisch
SoSe 2017 Georg August University Göttingen: Seminar Festlandkeltisch, seminar Westgermanisch

