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General Linguistics
Department of Linguistics
D-50923 Cologne

Tel: +49-221-470-6328
Fax: +49-221-470-5947

E-Mail: sonja.gipper[at]uni-koeln[dot]de

Curriculum Vitae

since 04/2022 Postdoctoral researcher in the project “Language Challenges” within the Key Profile Area Skills and Structures in Language and Cognition (SSLAC)
04/2020–03/2022 Teaching, General Linguistics, University of Cologne
since 11/2017 Member of the Advisory Board (Beirat zum Vorstand) of the Gesellschaft für Bedrohte Sprachen (Society for Endangered Languages)
04/2016–04/2020 PI in the project "Variation and language attitudes in Yurakaré: Setting out for a cross-linguistic perspective" funded by DFG (German Research Foundation) at the Institute of Linguistics, General Linguistics, University of Cologne.
04/2012–03/2016 Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben (Teaching position) and Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (Scientific staff member) at the Department of Linguistics, General Linguistics, University of Cologne. Teaching, managing the website content of the General Linguistics section, book orders, supervision of BA, MA, and PhD students
04/2011–03/2012 Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben (Teaching position), Institute of Linguistics, General Linguistics, University of Cologne.
11/2009–02/ 2011 Research assistant in the project "The Documentation of Yurakaré (extension)" funded by DobeS (Dokumentation bedrohter Sprachen - Documentation of endangered languages), Volkswagen Foundation, at the Max-Planck-Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
06/2006–05/2009 PhD student in the project "The Documentation of Yurakaré" funded by DobeS (Dokumentation bedrohter Sprachen - Documentation of endangered languages), Volkswagen Foundation, at the Max-Planck-Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

For more information look at the complete Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
