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General Linguistics
Department of Linguistics
D-50923 Cologne, Germany

Tel: +(49) 221 470 - 89908
Fax: +(49) 221 470 - 5947

Email: bracks[at]em.uni-koeln[dot]de

Ausgewählte Publikationen


  • Bracks, Christoph. 2017. Prosodic Systems in the languages of Eastern Indonesia: The Prosody-Syntax Interface in Totoli.


  • Bracks, Christoph. Forthcoming. Compound Intonation Units in Totoli: Postlexical prosody and the prosody-syntax interface. (Topics in Phonological Diversity). Berlin: Language Science Press. URL:


  • Bracks, Christoph & Maria Bardají i Farré. 2023. "Broadening language documentation with child language data: First-hand experience from Tolitoli". In Hellwig, Birgit, Shanley E. M. Allen, Lucinda Davidson, Rebecca Defina, Barbara F. Kelly and Evan Kidd (Eds). The acquisition sketch project. Language Documentation & Conservation Special Publication (no. 28), 87-108. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. URL:
  • Devylder, Simon, Christoph Bracks, Misuzu Shimotori, and Poppy Siahaan. “Carving the Body at Its Joints: Does the Way We Speak about the Body Shape the Way We Think about It?” Language and Cognition 12 (4). 2020. 577–613. DOI:10.1017/langcog.2020.13.
  • Bracks, Christoph, and Fabian C. Moss. 2022. Totoli’s Art of Lelegesan: Analyzing Sociocultural Context and Musical Content. URL: