Alexandra Daues, M.A.
Completed Projects
Linguistic-philological processing and digital edition of hymns and prayers in Hittite language (CTH 371-389)
DFG project under the direction of Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Rieken, University of Marburg
Functions of verbal affixes in Hittite
Investigation within the framework of the DFG project "Verbal character, suppletivism and morphological type of action in Indo-European" under the direction of Prof. Dr. José Luis García Ramón, University of Cologne.
Verbal character, suppletivism and morphological types of action of the Indo-European verb (DFG)
The main aims of this projects are to determine the verbal character and meaning of a number of Indo-European verbal roots and thus the preaspect function (type of action) of the primary suffixes they contain, on the basis of mainly single-language studies. These studies, which are to be published individually, are an indispensable prerequisite for the study of verbal categories and should therefore be included in the preparatory work for the development of the volume "Morphosyntax des idg. Verbums", with which the applicant was commissioned. In a second phase of the project, (a) defectiveness and suppletivism in the other Indo-European languages will be investigated and (b) a typification of the verbal suppletion relationships will be carried out.
Contact: José Luis García Ramón