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Study Structure

In the first semesters you will be taught the basics of historical-comparative linguistics in five obligatory basic modules. In the second study phase, the basic knowledge is deepened and expanded in two obligatory advanced modules. In one of the advanced modules you take a written Bachelor examination. The result of the Bachelor's examination, as well as further examination results, are included in the final grade in the advanced modules.

ASuK HVS is studied as a so-called 2-Fach Bachelor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities together with another study programme (study overview), whereby in one of the two study programmes a larger term paper, the bachelor thesis, is written at the end.

The high number of elective modules leads to overlaps in some study combinations. Detailed information on the combinability of certain study programmes with ASuK HVS can be found in the test report. Further information on modalities can be found on the corresponding page of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.
