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Sound change and morphological analogy (IG-AT2023)

The next Arbeitstagung of the Indo-European Society will take place at the Department of Linguistics at the University of Cologne, September 12th – September 14th, 2023. The topic of the upcoming Arbeitstagung addresses the two primary mechanisms of language change, sound change and morphological analogy, as well as their intricate interplay within the field of formal change.

Although these two mechanisms have long been a well-established, integral part of the historical-comparative method, there exist several theoretical approaches which challenge the concept of sound change and analogy. The topic of the conference wants to offer an opportunity to discuss competing theoretical concepts and to (re-)evaluate the Neo-grammarian persepective on formal change.

Venue and date

September 12th - 14th 2023

lecture room II, main building of the University of Cologne (building number in the location map: 100)

Albertus-Magnus-Platz 1
50923 Cologne
