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General Linguistics
Department of Linguistics
D-50923 Cologne

Office: SFB, Luxemburger Str. 299, Office 3.03
Tel.: +49 221 470-89920
Fax: +49-221-470-5947

E-Mail: tellison[at]uni-koeln[dot]de

Selected Publications

  • Ellison, T. Mark, and Aung Si. 2021. A Quantitative Analysis of Age-Related Differences in Hindi–English Code-Switching. International Journal of Bilingualism 13670069211028312.
  • Ellison, T. Mark, and Luisa Miceli. 2017. Language Monitoring in Bilinguals as a Mechanism for Rapid Lexical Divergence. Language 93(2):255–87.
  • Tamariz, Monica, T. Mark Ellison, Dale J. Barr, and Nicolas Fay. 2014. Cultural Selection Drives the Evolution of Human Communication Systems. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281(1788): 20140488.
  • Fay, Nicolas, Mark Ellison, and Simon Garrod. 2014. Iconicity: From Sign to System in Human Communication and Language. Pragmatics & Cognition 22(2): 244–63.
  • Fay, Nicolas, Casey Joy Lister, T. Mark Ellison, and Susan Goldin-Meadow. 2014. Creating a Communication System from Scratch: Gesture Beats Vocalization Hands Down. Language Sciences 5: 354. DOI:
  • Ellison, T. Mark. 2013. Categorisation as Topographic Mapping between Uncorrelated Spaces. In David L.Dowe (ed.), Algorithmic Probability and Friends. Bayesian Prediction and Artificial Intelligence, 131–41. Springer.
  • Fay, Nicolas, and T. Mark Ellison. 2013. The Cultural Evolution of Human CommunicationSystems in Different Sized Populations: Usability Trumps Learnability. PLoS ONE 8(8):e71781.
  • Ellison, T. Mark. 2007. Bayesian Identification of Cognates and Correspondences. In Proceedings of Ninth Meeting of the ACL Special Interest Group in Computational Morphology and Phonology, 15-22. Association for Computational Linguistics.
  • Ellison, T. Mark, and Simon Kirby. 2006. Measuring Language Divergence by Intra-Lexical Comparison. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational Linguistics and the 44th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 273–80. Association for Computational Linguistics.
  • Ellison, T. Mark. 2001. Induction and Inherent Similarity. In Ulrike Hahn & Michael Ramscar (eds.), Similarity and Categorization, 29–50 . Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Ellison, T. Mark. 2000. The Universal Constraint Set: Convention, Not Fact. In J. Dekkers, van der L. Frank Reinoud Hugo, & van der W. Jeroen Maarten (eds.), Optimality Theory: Phonology, Syntax, and Acquisition, 524–53. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Bird, Steven, and T. Mark Ellison. 1994. One-Level Phonology: Autosegmental Representations and Rules as Finite Automata. Computational Linguistics 20(1):55–90.