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General Linguistics
Department of Linguistics
D-50923 Cologne

Tel: +49-221-470-7063
Fax: +49-221-470-5947

Office hours:
by appointment

(please contact via e-mail)

E-Mail: icompes[at]uni-koeln[dot]de

Curriculum Vitae

since 2010 Lecturer at Department of Linguistics, University of Cologne
2001 Dr.phil. (General Linguistics, Minor in German and Romance Languages); Textkonstitution in gesprochener Sprache. Eine Fallstudie zum Verfahren der Verortung am Beispiel samoanischer Narrationen (Text constitution in spoken language. A case study of spatial reference tracking in Samoan narration)
10/1996–12/1999 Research Associate DFG Project ‘Typologie gesprochener Sprache auf der Basis textkonstituierender Verfahren (Diskurstypologie)’ (The typology of spoken language based on text constitutional processes (Discourse Typology)), part of the DFG Focus Programme "Language Typology", University of Cologne
1995 MA (General Linguistics, Minor in German and Romance Languages); Die ona...lea-Konstruktion im Samoanischen. Eine Untersuchung zur Satzverknüpfung in narrativen Texten (The ona…lea construction in Samoan. A survey of sentence linking in narrative texts)